l~r ~ sAVta~cs 80~uc~ ;%3 %u
<br />OPtN tND - tNDiY1DUAL
<br />Loan No. t4 44
<br />M O R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. trade sent ezecuted this ...4th...... da of Decetsbet ... A. D., 19__$~.., hctweeo
<br />_Richaxst._K.. M~ddagil _alld. Donnise H, tliddagh, .Husbatd and Wife
<br />_.
<br />___ ...
<br />Grand Tsland Hall Nebraska
<br />of ....._ ..................._.......................... County of ................_-.......................... State of .__......_...................._....................... hweiaaf[er referral
<br />to of the Mortgagor, and FIRST SECURITY SAVHYGS of Beptrice, Nebraska, its succuwrs atW assigns. hereinafiw referred m as Mort-
<br />gatxe.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mongagoq for and in consideration of the sum of
<br />~a>:3.°kkxe.._rt~a!ts.ana._9z1*r..$uf~d=ed..*rinety-Four...~...2.5!~OQ...- ts?5,..1.5.4.,..25..._ ............................i ~t;at~,
<br />paid try said Mortgagee, does hereby sell and convey unto FIRST SECURITY SAVFNGS of Beatrice, Nebraska, as Mortgagee, its succes-
<br />sors attrl assigtrs, the following described Rcal Fstate, simat<d in the County of
<br />_...__.........H311......_ ............................................... State of ....NfbxdS1CB.........._._......._.................................. to-wit:
<br />The .Easterly Sixty (60) feet of Lot Four (4), in Block One (1), Stewart
<br />Place Subdivision being apart of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast
<br />Quarter (NW}NE~) of Section Twenty-nine (2S) Township Eleven (I() North,
<br />Lange Nine (9) West of the 6th P.I9. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />TAE MORTGAGOR COVF.NANTf?' AND AGREES that the entire mortgage indebtetlneea shall 6txome due and payable
<br />wlthont entice at the optima of the Mortgagee, if the mortgaged property ie transferred within five (5) years from this date without
<br />the. wrljttsn moeent of the Mtuigegee. $ the ownership of ttte mortgaged proptuty bernmea vested in a person other tben the
<br />Mortgitgar, the Mo:tgagne maY. witleat to the Mortgagor, deal with such successor or successors in interest with reference
<br />tti this mortgage and lase debt hereby eetatred as wiW tha Mortgagor, and maY forebear to sue or tnaY extend time for the payment
<br />d ttte dttM seatred hereby without ?=~ or in any way afiecling the IiahtTity of the orig.nal .sfortgagar hereunder or upon
<br />the debt attcored.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises for the uses herein set forth and W secure performattce of the
<br />ubtuattona aaataiaetl herein, together with all buildings, improvements, fixmrea end appurtenances and aft easements thereunto
<br />bdeq~pg, std it is aetttMlly covenanted end agreed by and between the parties hereto that alt plumbing, gas, olectric and
<br />tngfIA712tica{ fiztttres, appliatuw, agxipmen;, rttachirtery attd apparatus, flour rnverings, storm windows and screens, and such other
<br />goads amt ehftkfde aid {xreona! proFer;y as are aver furnished by a lamtiard in ie##ing ur operating an unEumished huiiding, atmr~
<br />tar to the one now or hereafter nn said premises, which are or shall be attached to said boil<ting in any mantter wiuLaoevar. a r
<br />sad N,afl he desaaed to t+e ttztures and an scree vino to the freehold and a part of the realty av Mtwrrn the par[irs herctu. fhwr
<br />ltair'n. etcnaators. sdminiatntota, successors or ensigns. and all petsotrs claiming by, through nr under them. and .hall ha ,Iwmwl
<br />to 6e a portion of the security for the i»debtedrtees herein mentioned amt to 6e covarerf by this morgage.
<br />PRpVIDED ALWAYS, and these preseaW are executed and detivrrwl utwn tha iolto.rbte rondiG,ms- :+arw~mrnb .ml
<br />nbligaEirma n[ the Mortgagor. W-wit:
<br />1`he Mortgagor egraes !o pay [o the Mortgagee, ~c rrnler. the princirtal wen of
<br />T~pLy-Five, Thousand One Hurd red Ninety-Pour alai 2511U0------ ,t 25,l~4.25 I><,ttar-.
<br />piyeb4r a Oravided in a nrue axaa4ttterf and <Irlivererl cortcurrrnf fy hrrewdh. the final i,a. no•nt ~,t nrtm~.,,»i. ,I „.. .n,r..~. ~~a~.~
<br />.st the SGh riaY of fAece'~lis=6- ?`+ .,3
<br />