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80--~1ti%3~1 <br />tt~sTC~ce <br />Ibis MDrtPBe is enteral into between Dnrutd T._ Ra.)nrs arrei Ns-~:•y~- ~s,t gt~},a,~ - <br />- _ and 'Wife _ <br />tltertrht "*.tfart;~`} and- <br />F1ve Points Bank ~'n"'„~ -- <br />-- - Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the placipd sum of 8 24 ()tHS .O(t , evideaeM by-Moryagoa'a-nOte~ .. - <br />- dated ! 2/ 1(ll.SD {turein °Note^) providing for payments o[ ptineipol and intated., vfth iYe -- <br />. - indebtedness, if clot sooner paid, dne sad payable on. str, t ~ t ua2_, ~ - <br />To secure the t~ thg Note; vrit>r.inteeest as provided therein, the payment of alt otfjer amns, vritltiabeseat,._ - <br />advanced itq Mortgageept the apt`ariEpbttlds Mortgage, and the perfortaance of the txtrenanta seed agritemea4-ot - - <br />_ _ the Mortgagor contained beaeirq: ~3ii§aagagpr"~~dees'tsrtebq mortgage sad convey to bfortgatKe tbe fei6ow~irtE-daesDed- ~ -- --- <br />,. property loeated in bail Cewnty, Netxasaa: <br />dot Seven (7) in Block Two (2) in Jenkinson Subdivision, Ba11.County, <br />Nebraska <br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights, privileges sad <br />appurtenances located 4hereon or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents essues and profits, reversions and remaiadets <br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the <br />-improvements so as to constitute s fixture; all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is hereby rledared <br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and alt or the foregoing being referred to herein as the <br />„~~rty„ <br />frbrt$agtM further aotrveosnts and agrees, wiitr Mortgagee, as follows: <br />1. Paytswnt To pay the indebtetness and ;he interest thrreun as provided in the,; Mortgage and the Note. <br />2 Tithe. Martgagerr is the owner of the Property, has the right anti authtrrity to mortgage the Property, and <br />wat~ants that lets ilea created hereby is a Frst and pdor kiwi on the Pr<sprrty, excspt as may otherwise by set forth herein. <br />The Property u subject to a Mortgage wherein --__ _. - _-.--- __-- _ "-- _.. ____ <br />is the .ltortgegee, eecprded at Book ___.___. ,Page _ -___ _.__ of the Mortgage Records of __ _. _ County, <br />Nebnnta, which Mru2gage is a teen prror 4o the lien created hereby. <br />f]lhher pzror liens or encumbrances:-.--_-_-__-_---...-_-_-. .. __ __.._____--_-- <br />3. Taxes, :isaessruents. To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all other charges against the Property <br />artdl, upon written demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the Note secured hereby, such amount as <br />rgay be saffietent to enable the MoRpgee to psy such taxes, assessments or other charges as that become due. <br />4. tnsttraaee. To tteep the improvements now or hereafter located on the real estate described herein insured <br />7gprirtsl damage by fire and sash other hazards as Mortgages may require, in amounts antl with compamrs acceptable to the <br />- -:Mortgagee, and.with Toss .payable tcs the Mortgagee, In ease of loss under each pdicies the Mortgagee is auihaaiaed 40 <br />`.adjttsk, edlect and oomproraise, to its discretion, a6 ctattns thereunder at its sole option. authorized to either apply the <br />. - - . ptidcxeda rte the restoration. of -the tRoperty or upon the indeMednera secured hereby, but payments hereunrter shah eon- <br />. tiaktq uafti;the surnic se~tred itetehy are {wid in fait. <br />- - - - - 5. u Escsow For fiaxea sad laau[ance. Notwittsstanding anything contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the <br />-, cvrattsry, Mortgagor shad pay to the Mortgagee at the time of paying the monthly ins[atlments of principal and interest, <br />nets-twv~eftth of !be pearly taxes, assessments, hazard insaraitr pram'tums, and ground rents of anyj which may attain a <br />:Pn~tY over tilts Mortdaage, a6 as reasrxrably estimated lrom time to time by the Mortgagor. The amounts so paid shalt be <br />held Ivy the Mtx4gagee trtWout intsvest and apptiad to Lhe payment of the items in respect to which such amounts were <br />f - - - - - tad- The suntu pad to 6eretmder ate pledged as addittonai security for the indebtedness secured by this <br />- . Moetgagorsi>attpag to Mtntgtt@ee.the amount of any deficiency between the actual taxes. ~~v~~n4s, irtaetranee <br />_ preosutma and ground tents sad the depoNta hereunder witbitt 10 days after demand k5 made upon Mortgagor requesting <br />-peymaattteatro[. - <br />ti, fteprvte, Maintaawee and Uaw To ptempNy repair, rentasr or rebuild any hui7ettngs or irnprovemmu now m <br />hareafts[ oo the Peopetty, to kepgr the thupeny ire good eorutitlon seed repair. without wash-. seed free from rm haute's or <br />other tuna not xkpuettstY ~-b ells t+en"heteot= trot to matte, sat[ar x perm+t any nuisartce to rxtst, nor to demon- <br />- §m ar impair the. vtdua ut tier Property by arty act or oteissitas 4a art; and w comply- wish ah rogtti,•ements of taw with <br />wt(rart to fete Pruperrty. <br />