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<br /> � _ ��•�.�11�39� �, ,
<br /> ' . ' L�AN1�. 153921 �129 �''°�
<br /> date uf the nwntWy paymarta,whkh 8re�eierted to ln F'sraQraph 2,or chanaa 1he arncxint o�sur.l�pay�rw+�is. Any �
<br /> ' excasa p�oeeacl�avar an amaunt roqutred to pay all outstandin9lndt�btedna�urxiar th�Npia�nd thl�Sacw�ty r�
<br /> , Instnunant shall be pak�to tha entity(eQally entitied tlwrutn. �,�°.-
<br /> a.F�s. tenc�r may cdloct tees and ct�ar�es authorized by tha Sacretary. .
<br /> �.Ground�tor Aca�Uon o1 Dsbf. .
<br /> � (�)Qiotault. Lendor may,except aa Iimf�ted by re�uiatk�rw l�su�i by ti�a 5e+.r�tary�n•.ha aa:a ot paymant deta�ts, ._
<br /> = f0gt1��Q�R1R1f.�Ll18iI8 FIt7j/��II iIl TUII tF iIIG A1NiiS sei.liiw.�il}th«:.c.�C«'!�}�In:�RJSr..^•n!K:
<br /> ` (!)�orrower dota�ults by faUtng to pay In full any�wnth�y�aymant requlrc�b��:h�Sa;.�rfty Instrument prkx
<br />' � to or on the due data of the ne�R monthiy paymant, or �
<br /> iq Borrowor defauits by faHlny,for a periad of thlRy days,to partu�m any oihor ohl�atia�s contafnad En thls
<br /> u�ity Instrument.
<br /> (b)Sata Without Cndit Apptoval. Lender sha11,it pe►mitted by appil�abfa I��w and w�h the prlor approval of the
<br /> �ecretary,requlre Irturtiedlate payment I�tuiJ d al!the sums sacured by thts SASUriiy li�strumenl If:
<br /> (I)A!1 or part of the Property,o�a beneflcla!Inieresi In a trust ownlnp all ae part at�ha Property,is sdd or
<br /> otherwise transierred(other than by devise or desceni)by tha Barr4wor,and
<br /> (II)The Property Is not occupled by the pu�chaser or grentaa a�ht�or her p►iticlpal res6dence,or the __
<br /> � purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property but hls ar ha�cred�i has nat been aPProved in ; .�=
<br /> ! pccordance with the requUements of the Secratary. �
<br /> � (cD No Walver.If ckcumstances occur that would pemna Lendor to tequtre Imm�til�t�pa��m�ni tn full,but Lsnder ;-:i�
<br /> i does not require such payments,Lender doas noi wahro ks ripht�w�h rospect tQ subsaq�iar�l events. ��--
<br />, � (d)R�puitlio�of HUO S�cretary. In many circumstances reflutatians issuod by tha Searotary wlll Ilmft Lender's !_
<br /> . Nghts,in the case of payment detauits,to requlre Immedlaie payment In ful!and foreclosa ff not paid.This Securityy __
<br /> Instrumertt does not authotize acceieratlon orforedosure H not pertnitied by�nQtdatlons of the Secretary. ---
<br />• (a)�ottga��Not Insurod. BoROwer agrees that shoufd this Securitlr lnstrumant and the note secured thereby not E'?"`
<br /> be eiigibte for insurance under the Natlonal Housing Act withln s o D A Y S from the date hereai, `
<br /> t.ender rrsay,at ftsopUon and notwithsta�ding anythtng In Para�raph 9,�equtre immediate paysnent in fuU of al! ._'
<br /> sums secwed by th(s Security Instrument A written statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary datod �._.__
<br /> suDsequent ta s o D A Y S from the date hareof,dedf ntn�tu i��flure this Security Instrument and the �_-
<br /> r�ote secured thereby.shall be deemed conclusNe proot of such indi��R�ilAy.Notwithstandtnp the foregoing,this �,_
<br /> � optbn may not be exercised by Lender when t he una v r a N a b Y l ty o�U i s t u a nse f s s d�iy d u e t o L e�d e�'s f a Hure to�emtt ��.
<br />.'.� a mortgage fnsurance premium to the Secretary. �:–
<br /> 10.ReinstatsmsM. Borrower has a rlght to be relnstated �l.ender has�equired tmmediat�paymEx�t tn full because __
<br /> . of @orrawe�s taYure to pay an amount due unde�the Note or thl�Security InstrumeM.Thts riyht applies ever�after
<br /> foredosure proceedings are tnstituted.To►elnstate the Security InStrumeot,Borrower shall tender In a lump sum ati
<br /> am�x�nts�equired to txing BoROwe�'s account current inafudinfl,to 4he e�ent they are obtigatbns of 8orrower under
<br /> thts Security trs�rument,foreclosure costs and reasonable and cu¢apmary attaneys'fees and expenses prope�iy
<br />,� assoclated wiG'�the foreclos�ue proceeding.Upon relnstatement b)��nrcower,thts Security InstrumeM and the
<br /> obligations that It secures shall�emaln tn eY�ect as�Lerxier had not roqulred knmediate paymeM In fuil.Hawever.
<br /> Lersder is not requked to permit relnstatament ff:(�Lender has accepieci re(nstatemeM after the commer�cement of
<br /> - ferecSosure proceedings wkh4�:wo years immedkRety prec�idls�g thB commencemern oF a current foredosure
<br />_� prnceeding,(i�reinstatement wii!preclude foredosure o�di�are�u grounds ln the future.or(tA)retnstatement wiU
<br /> ° adverseiy ettectthe p�io�ity o�tne iien creaied'oy ihis 3acu�iiy it�;itii�i�ia. _
<br /> -- 1 t.Bdrovwr Not R�leas�d�Forbe�nnce by l.snder No1�Wiiwr. Extensbn of the time of paymoM or
<br /> - ea
<br /> � modiflcation of amatization of the sums secured by this Securiry instnimeM granied by Lender to any successor in
<br />`�` tnte�st of Borrow+er shalt not operate to refease the IiabYhy oE the original Borrower or BoROwer's successor In Interest.
<br /> ` Lecr3er shall not be�equired to commence procaedi�gs apatnst any successor tn IMerest or refuse to ext�d time for
<br />�' payment or otherwise modtty amortizatian of tho sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand
<br /> - made by the eriy'�r�ai Batrower or Bortower's successors tn lrteresi.Any forbearance by Lendet In exeratslnD�Y�9� --
<br />� or remedy shaU not be a wafver of or predudo th0 exercise ct any rtg�t or remedy.
<br /> � 12 Succs�xs and Aati�ns Bound�Joirtt aed Sswral W �Co-Sf�n�rs. The covenante and aprsert�ents of
<br /> :. this Security Instrument shaU btnd and henef�tho successors and ass ns of Lender and Borrauer.sublect to the
<br /> = pr�avlslons of Parapraph 9.b.Borrowar's covenant9 and agreernents shall be jolnt and several.Any Borrowet who -=
<br /> = co-signs this Security(nsirumarrt but does not execute the Note:(a)is castgnin�this Security Instrtunent oNy to --
<br />� mortsa�e,grani and convey that Borrowsr's tnterest U the Propert�ux�der the tem�s of this SecuNty Instrument;(b)Is __
<br /> �~ not petso�at(y obligated to pay the sums secu�ed by this SecurNy E�rumeM;and(c)agrees that Lender and eny aaher
<br /> _._� Borrowor may agree to extor►�,modify.forbear or make any acco�tunodatiorts with reya�to the terms of this Sec�uity _
<br />`�' I nstrument or the(�ute v�►�t'haut that Bwrowers Conse�.
<br /> � 13.Nottce�. My�ot3ce to Borroww provided for in this Sectutty Inswment shall be give�by delivertrig ii or by =-
<br /> := maaHing IE By�irsi t�ass mafl unless appficxble law requires use af arretNer method.The notice shail be direc:ted to the --
<br /> `' Pr Addre�s or any other address Borrower designates by rtc�e to Lender.Any notice to lender shati be gNen � _
<br /> by�dass map to Lender's address stated hereln a any address Lender daSignates by notice to Borrawer.My nat�ce �=�-
<br /> �. provided far tn this Securtt�G�strument sha0 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when pivet�as �
<br /> provided tn this parapraph.
<br /> � 14.Govsmin�L�vr.S�ability. This Security InstNme�sha11 be govertsed by Federal Iaw and the law of t�e �--
<br /> jurisdk:Uon tn which the Prope ts tocated.tn the evern that a�y►pr+avislan or dause of this Security Instrument or the :'
<br />�T � Note coMtkk;tss with appiicable la,such confqct shail not affect otl�pravistons of thls Security Insi►ument or the Note �-
<br /> ;�.� whlch can be given effect without the cor�&�c�ing(xovision.To thts end the pro�isbns of this Security Instrument and the �_'
<br /> _= � E�Ecie are declared to be sev�rable. �"`
<br /> t5.Bomow�r's Copy. Borrower shaU be given a�e cooforrtied copy of thts SeCUrttyy InsirutneM. �r-=
<br /> 16.As��,:�•aa!of Rents. Borrc.wver uncandiYwnatly assigns and transfers to Lendar all the rents and�venues af
<br /> "•• the PropeRy.BoROwer authorizes Lancter or Lerxier's agenis to cariect the rerus and revenues and hereby direots eac�s
<br /> ••:ff tenant of the property to pay the rents to�ender or Lander's agerrES.iiowever,p�ior to Lerx�'s notice to Borrower oP
<br /> � Borrower's breach of any covenaH or agreement In the Securiry tnstrument,Borrower shatl collect and receive ail�ents
<br /> � and reve�ues of the Prope�ty as wstee fo�the benefit of Lender a�d Borrower.This asslynment of rer�ts constdutes an ,E;";;
<br /> absolute assi�nmeM and nai an assignmeru for additiiona!security only. ���r
<br /> , � If Lender qtves notice cf txeach tc Bexrower.(a)afl rerrts receivsd by Berrower sha10 be held by BoROwer as tnutee –
<br /> for benefit�r Lender only.to be appl6ed to the sums secured[�y tfie Securfty Insirument; (b)Lender shaA be ent�led to
<br />- coilect and recehre all of the rer�ts of the Property;and(cj each 4esr�nt of the Property shall pay all ren4s due and unpaid
<br /> t¢1.e�der or Lender's agent on Lender's w�itten demand to the tenant. �:_.
<br /> Borcower has not executed any prior assk,�nment of the rems and has not and will not pertonn any act that would ►=—
<br /> �ravent Lender from exercfsing�s rights under this Paragraph t C.
<br />_ � Lender shall noi be required to enter upon,take contrd af a malntaln the Property befcxe or after giving notice a! �"
<br /> breach to Bonower.Han+ever,Lender�r a judiclally appointed receaver may do so at any time there Is a breach.M� ��_
<br /> appiicatlon of rents shall not cure or watve any default or(nvatidate any other riyht or remedy of Lender.Th1s
<br />� assignment of rents of the Properry shall terminate when the de3�secured by the Securiiy Instrumerrt is pald in full. --
<br /> fiiA NEBRASKA DEED OF TR1i5T 5��
<br /> IS:,/FMDTNE//O6o1/(b95}�L �°JIG6 3 OE 4
<br /> ,_} F�
<br />