I 52-A--r1EAL ERT h7E MORTC AGE-i Wnh Tax Clause: ~ Rsvisea 196'2; n< t3ussm ^wrrs/ w,ssrry y«, t:,....,r., i+~r
<br />j ISN0ti5' AF,I_ ltE1 RY T}rESE YRF.S}'\TS~ "that Merchants Development, a partnership,
<br />? °( Hal 1 C-aunty and state r>r Nebraska in bn,iaeration nt et,e xnm oI '',
<br />'; TW'eNTY-TWO THOUSAND SEYEH HUNDRED 7NENTY AND NO/100---------------------------- notcaxs ',
<br />n head paid. do herehy SEhI, and CQNVF,Y un«r ' -
<br />j Jane C. Cronin
<br />nt Hall c.,nnty state .•( Nebraska thefot7cevingdeacrirxdpremise~6itua0ed ';
<br />in Hdl l C~runty. and state or Nebraska , to-wik
<br />i
<br />-~ The Westerly One-Third (W 1/3) of Lot One (1) in Block Sixty-four (54),
<br />Original Town, now City of brand Island, Nebraska.
<br />i
<br />!f
<br />~~~
<br />~r•. 6
<br />I
<br />t
<br />The intention bring ro convey .` reb•; ,.n alrs,niuv htlr rr tec •, mple. inrku<iin~# al! the rights arr honrestsad and dower.
<br />dr1 H.1Mt A4Ji Ct,l }IUI. II -hv 1 -I 3 et 1 th II rh. tiinri atcrw ttxe na t 1 nping, uat<r ¢he said
<br />' murtt,nry;nui.~sl are n, niv, her r,r Lher L r n-1 v fnr error i¢h si ~dways, d th,,t-tu .3enks arer uptrn L'hs exPreas
<br />r :r trr rr~
<br />mndiuun that rE the sad mortpagartsl. his her ..r they his rs. .~xerutrrra, admms:rztar_s n ussigas shat) pay c r cause [o be
<br />Pard to the ,au3 mnrtgageel=). hu, her nr them heirs, cxucuton, admmutrawrs..r assrgns, the princtpul sum of s22,72D.00
<br />fknYable as fulluw~, to wit ,
<br />Installments of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($11,520.00) on January 2,
<br />j 1981, and Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($11,200.00) on January 2, 1982, together
<br />war; ~rrrrr~; ~•,, ~ ..~ ,,,~ .: ,-,r ,,1 -r-..-; „ ., ..r,;rr,
<br />arxl =~ir.nll [ray tli .:. ,nd ..., n ntn U.eir•r! ul nd r ~n -air. ~.ua ,.r ih. r tsar I . ,, r ,. _ne. n rea vpou ihas ~.
<br />nm._yag..., ,..e -. t. .. i. P. t.rur rr.~ ,,,, - ,2 ..~ ..,~ .- ,~a,u _rt.,.r.- .h rlr_~ .,. _ ~, _e:>-r, a . -va-r ~e: i i_.c :witdint;e an
<br />sard - - t - - t -= 3D OOD.00 ~._.,,.... .,3r,:, .,. .r ~.r „t~;a~ce.:h••n tha-..e pre~enrx -
<br />to be rnd, r.merwt>~~ « t, .nd rr ,a,r .n fnu e,rar•
<br />' 1T IS F[°R I H(R 1( HF Eli ni 11 'Chet tt the -std mrrtg ~- h I t ~ ~ •.r >, uru w h m ce. hG
<br />Bard mortgage ay pa. t ~ and prucurr h ns r. ~.ari it ~ f t •., tt n•.t athighesta~~4~f
<br />cent, shall tm t,. rd ht ..- i n orfr,ahor ~rnd thrv t„~rge ,t aJJ ,land rr ., unn t hr xrn~- _ 1 hat .t Fa~bare nr
<br />' pa any
<br />'- o[ nerd money- either Rrincrpsl n interest, when the ss a hsroms, rius. a failu r.• o. ,.yn piv wuh n of thr- Lrrr•going
<br />aBr~menis. shat! came the wnoir Sum o, money heremne~wurrd la h,-,-„ni,~r~. u. ",ud ,,.w c~.bh~ ar , nr.. mvthe uyrton of the
<br />rrwrtgagve.
<br />Signed thrs ~th ay ui C7Gt~'L~.ST" t„ ~
<br />' to presence <,r MERCHAN~~YELO NT, _TiARTr}E!? HIP
<br />~y ~ ~ L GC ~ 2. t_ ~~
<br />- CieneraY Partner
<br />E srwTla ot. NEBRASKA cnnnty ~,r Hall i -- ,
<br />__ r $efare me, a notary public qussltfied for ,aid coanty. r,er.r,rrauy name R. E. Stephens, Jr. , a general
<br />~ partner fn Merchants Development, a partnership,
<br />known to me to be the identieai person o. , ersons who signed tnr- r :rgoi n,trumrtn and ,.,w;..dgrv the ,ecution
<br />r volnMarv t :end deed and the voluntary act of such npartnership.
<br />t at seal ~~~~dG~:/.~ ~J ~ `~, ,4 80. ~f
<br />~ .. Y•'.. ~ ,y UV E,~ t~iLGCj~~lG.7s.E ~ .~(,L.~4A~7Stary i'ohlic.
<br />- - ~~~-S3F. - - - - l:nterr•d ~•n nun.. r.,., tae... :md titr.d &,r re..+mu
<br />_ _ t.'.aralY, - - - ~ ,n th.~ ;teq re tr•r •~i rt kze.i.. ir,$,r ,.. said ' aunty the
<br />- ..-. - day or t a et a x~i, an_• rm..„e s ".r-,
<br />and rec:>rded rn $w,k. .,r it :~ x
<br />- Ry ia„y,av-
<br />