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ra~rrcAre °_ f <br />MORT0ACE tA/1N NO. Ie ~2eRAS <br />1QiON ALL IdFdi [N TNES£PRf3EN'IS: That James A. Schultz acrd MdY}c A. Sektultz, each lri his a[td <br />her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortgtex, wMhQ ooc or rstdee, iv meodyeive d the arm d <br />Forty-facie 27-,oiLaanA anA No/100------°----- --- --- - - - - <br />W~_~ 0013~-RS <br />laaeed to and trnrtpettr by The Egedabk Badld®g and Lune Assveiftioe d Grind lahed, NeMaata, Na~'e, upon 440 sham dyvdt d <br />yid A~OL7A77ON, Certificate No. L23,885 . do 1[ereby gsaa, cavsey and tvwtpg veto the yid ASSOCIATf09~t the febwieg <br />dyated rsd eaytc, aituattd b Hall County, Nebraska: <br />IJJ2' 74dFSTi'Y NINE (29) IN CA.S')`I.r., ESTAPES <br />SUBDIVISIQV, LN HALL ~0(TI'Y, NESRASICA. <br />together with all the Eenerrcntx, hereditarren[s and appurtenancts [hareumo bebnging, including attached floor mve[irtgs,. all window sraeeva, <br />window stwdes, blirtds, storm windows, awnurgs, hntiag, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipmem and acceswria thereto, pumps, sconce, <br />rsfriotratore, acrd other futures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or tried in connection with said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agrced aad does hereby agrce that the mortgagor shall and will pay all [axes acrd axeessmeets levied or <br />assessed upon said prertdxs and upon this mortgage and the bond recured [hereby before the same stall become delhtgrtent; to fttroish approved <br />inwrana upon the btriidings on said premises situated b the sum of Y 44 r 000.00 payable to raid ASSOCIATION acrd to deliver ro said <br />ASSOKIATION [hc policies (tin said inavana; and no! [o commit or permit any waste on or about said premises; <br />[n case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditons of [his mortgage or the bond sectued hereby, [he mortgagee shill, <br />on demand, be entitled N irtunediatt posa>mon of the mortgaged premises and [ht mortgago; hereby assigrts, tcansftra and sets over to Lhe <br />mortgagee all the rents, revenues and income tube derivtd from tfic rtwrlgagcd premises durirtg such [hrn as the murigsge indtbttdness shall remain <br />unpaid; and the smartgagce shalt have thz power to appohn any agent os agents it nay desire fur the parpose of repaving said premises and renting <br />the same and collecting the rents, revevuis and inwme, and it may pay out of said inwme ail expenxes of repai[ing said premises acrd necesary <br />urorturti~ions and expeuxs inctured in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the 6atana ronraining, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said mungage indeb[ednem,; thtse rights of the murtgagce may 6e exercised at any :hm d-urirtg the exi~ena of such <br />default, krrespecliva o(any temporary waiver of the :sore. <br />These prtstnts, however, are upon the t'ondi[itrn, That if [he said Mcxtgago: Jtati repay card loan ue ur before the rml:wIIy of said shares by <br />payrsent; pay monthly to said ASSO(:IATlON of the sum specifiW m the Ibnd secured hereby as intarext and prrnaipai on said loan, on or before <br />Tweriat:: day err reef! and zve3.y month, tmtiE said loan is Tully peid; pay all Saxts and assey;mtnts ranted agaietst -said protniwa azrd cm [itis Sior[gaBe <br />and the 7tomi .starred thereby, lxfore delirlgtrertty; furnistr approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in cite sum of 3d 4 , 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION: spay to card ASSOCIATION upon demand all nwrrey by it p~~d for such taxes, assessnertls and insurance with interest at <br />the tmatimtw Itgal rate thereon from dau of psyrtent all of which Mortgagor hereby agreex to pay; permit nu waste en said premix:; keep and comply <br />with all the agrcernents acrd conditions of the Bond for 344 000.00 [his day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, aad comply <br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and By-Laws o'? Bar ASSOCIATION; then [here prexents shall become nuB and void, otherwise they <br />shall remain b full force and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION -:free failure for [iuce rtron[hs to realer any of yid <br />payments or be three months in azreazc in retaking said mwithfy payrmnts, or to keep and rxrmply with rte ageemems and conditions of said Bored; <br />and Mortgagor agrces to have a receiver appubted forthwith b such (orecbswe proceedings. <br />1( there is any change b ownership of the tea! estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then rite entire remaining indebtedvea hereby <br />secured shag, at the option of The Equfubk Building and t.rm Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, berxrme immediately dtx and payabb without <br />(artier notitx, °>~ tbt arlrt~rt renwining due under said bond, and any other bond for any sdditiorrl advazras recede thereunder, shall, from the <br />rote of exercise of said opton, bear interest at the rmximum legal eta, and this mortgage may thee. Se foreclosed to atisfy the amrwnt dtx on said <br />bord, aad «tsy inkier btsnd for additiorral advances, together with all sums paid 6y said The Equitable Bedding and Loan Association of Grand island, <br />Rbbraska £ar inewatue, taxes and aaeywrenta, and atruracting extension charges, with interest thereon, from data of payment at the maximtsm <br />kgat cafe. <br />As pn;nvidad iv tke Baud secured hereby, while ttus mortgage rerrtains m effect the morigagce rttay hereafter advaniz additbnal Burns [o the <br />inciters of said Bortd, their assigns or sac tssors in interest, which suing shalt he witlnn tht stcurity ai this mortgage [he .same as tfx funds originally <br />aeeurui thtraby, the terW atrtuamt oi' principal debt not to exexxd at any [irtce the original amount o(thfs mortgage. <br />~ 18th ~~f p~,eT A. 0.,1980 <br />MAiy A.~bdlB.tltz ~+e~id" <br />3't'AT£ OY NBBRASKA, <br />COUNTY 6F t(AIL ~ ~ this 18th day oc Decelitfier 19 80 .before me, <br />Janes A, ;;thu2tz atxl Mary A. Schultz, each in {us~"anraN riq_n~ a18dnr~ra~s s_v~a~~`r~~ac°~ia <br />Of~r r who die Peraort+l/Y known to <br />tsse to be tht tdeetral paresv s whoa: nan[e s are sflued m the above instrument u mortgagor a acrd they xverally <br />acknuwferlSed the acid rauwttmt to bt their votuntarY set sn6 deed. <br />WiTN><$S my head seal Nutarrat Stat the dart Aforeyd. <br />at> f.R/rgrr eapues . _ . 1 ~ .. _ . <br />,~ <br />rarsns u ~ tiotuy i'ublic <br />