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:-a-_ <br />62~"E-7FECOND REAL E8TATE MORTfiA.6E-WFtn Ta: Ciw~e Tn. =?arlm.a r _ t engptr Hea.., L;nwie. E.W. <br />jj(~.,. ;J ~i'r' chi `~!~ $N4W ALi. A~:IY BY TFIIrSE PBFSErIT5: <br />THtfT'/or WE, HOWARD W. LEGG and LORENa I. LEGG, HusGand and ;iifs <br />of Hall County and State of Nebraska , in consideration of the susw aj <br />*SEVEN THOU5aND NINE HUNDRED '72NE'TY-NINE .;ND 70/i00THS---------__DOLLARS <br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CON.i~EY sago RUDOLF F, PL:aTE and RICHARD L. GEIST <br />of Hall Count}S and State of Nebraska ,the o11 (mortgagre) <br />situated in Hall j owutg described presRisu <br />County, and .State of Nebras3et~*-rv..a_,Fz:+,,r <br />Lot Two (?_), Block Seventeen tt7), in College <br />addition to West Lawn, Hail County, Nebraska. <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fez .rimpia indudiny all the rights of homestead and dourer. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above desnibed, teeth all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto <br />the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, Tier or their heirs and assiyn.r, torez'er, prnzsded afzoays, and Gkese pies- <br />ants are upoxi the €xpr€ss carrdition that if the ,raid mortggyar or tnartgagors, his, Peer ar their heirs, executors, adnfeiR- <br />istrators or assigns shall pay ar eaiwe to be paid to the said anortgagc'e or rnortgag€es and to his, her ar their heirs, ex- <br />ecutors, admitfirtratars or iusigns, the sum of Seven Thousand Nine Hundred 'ninety-*7in? astd <br />l0e'tOOtTts---------------t;~,,yy9.Ifl _---"--___ <br />- ~) -----f)allars. hayabla ns follows, to-2cst: <br />Total. bal-once iglus accrucnd rote+rest due un <br />December a7, 1'~$t as ~:er 2routissory not=~. <br />with-interest thereon at ? 2 per cent per annum, payable nnmwfly, an'ordzny to the tenor and e/fect of <br />the promissory note zoith interest coupons attached of said Siort,gayors, bearing date ctith tdtese pres- <br />eats, and shall pay all tares and any interest on, nr aaturing instalments of principal, due on any prior mortgage and. <br />assessruents levied upon said rent estate lad n11 other doses, denies and assassnients levied upon tleis mortgage or the. <br />note wAieh this` »tortgaye is yiren to secure, before Cite same becomes delinquznt and keep the bnildinys on said'.. <br />premises insured for the sum $ ,lass, it any, payable to serh /first ntortgayees or this mortgagee, ur both, <br />then These presents be void, otheruase to i~a and re»utin in fail force. <br />fT IS FURTHER AGREED ~ r,~ That if the paid rn ortgagor shall roil !a pcy sucF. tares and such interest on, I <br />or maturing insfailnients of y:rintipui, duo uu any prier onurlgage and pronue such t»surmtce, then this mortgagee fnay <br />pay such taxes and such interest on, ur maturing installments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and procure <br />such insurance; and the suet so adzxt»ced oath interest a! nine per text shall be paid by said nwrtgayor, and this mort- <br />gage sheC! strand as security for the soma. tz/ That a Jailare to pay any raj said money, either principal or interest one <br />thjs or any prior mortgage, when the sane becomes duo or a tailstrn to rornply oath any uJ the foregoing agreements, i <br />shat! cause the whole st:m aJ tttoney herein secured to become duz and ,-allutablr° at o»ce ut the option uJ the mart-~ <br />gagee. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said rnortgagae, pandtng foreclosure of this mortgage and after decree and y <br />pending stay tkareon or appeal fherejront ¢nd pandiny salt of premises mortgaged, Wrap pay such tares and maturing li€ <br />interest m mWuring installments of principai, en prior mertya~es, procure such i»surnnre end such sums shall ba <br />added Fo the arneant dtar on decree and »pan roxfirsnation of sale ht. the wart ordea•d tal~en out nJ proceeds of sale; ~ <br />ar~ if redea,~vl .turfy > _, appeal u. .,,. act: am.,.,.,, snar+ ce <o,r<cfcd r%te sa ua• as timnyit it ;:;ire a port of siu'h <br />decree. <br />Stgned this i'7 tb day of December rv St3 <br />!n Frt'SeIL'i , ; <br />;~ t, ~~ <br />t:~ rend` T,•,r:t: <br />