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MBRTGA-GE ~~-=sJ(i ~~g <br />TffIB IIff'fTNE, erode thh 17 ``-h __ day of Ileceffiber _._.--- • t980 ... by sad betweee <br />Orin E. Beeder aa3 Bernice 3. Weeder, husband and wife, each is his std her ova right <br />art as Spo~Qe of the other _ <br />d l7a 1 7 CoaotY, NeLsaakr, as rmrtgagm s .and Grad Island Tract Comfuny of Grwd talaad, a osapaeatioa <br />organised and sabring under the hen of Nelrraeka with its prmeipal o(fax sad phoe of beeioeee et fined Islmd, Nebrasb, as tatstgagre: <br />WITNES6a H: Ttta<aaid moetgagot_ S .yar aadm~,msidorytioe of Ntswm4{r...-~ .. <br />Seventeen Thousand Twenty tun dollars and 25{100 *****~~'~y`'~"~,~"°~$~a~¢2 9'µ <br />the receipt of which is hereby aekoewledgad, do --. by [bees Preeenta rrmrtgege and .., . ._._. std +~, <br />forever, all the fogowfog deecn"bed red state. aitwted ie ttre t:ounty of fIa Il. - °- -~_.__ . -.- _. _.„.;.- -,__ <br />and State W Nebraska, to-wit: - <br />Lot Four (4), In Block Twenty Four (24), In Scarff's <br />Addition to West Lawn in the City of Grand Island, Aall <br />County, SQebrasica. <br />Togs-Cher with avl hating, sir cotditioning, hghtiolt. and plumbing equipment and ffzturs, including acreeos, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, snd window shads or blinds, used oa or in connection with said property, whether [he same are now rotated on said property or hereafter <br />placed thereon. <br />Ta HAVE AND Tt:i HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the ceneatenta, hereditarrcent» and appurteaaacs Cheruunt 6e- <br />lattgeag, or in anywi»e appertaia€og, forever, and warrant the ti[la to tf:s lama. Said morgagor __y.. fiersby covenant.-_.-with said <br />nxtrtgagee that t hs ;y _. -. iar.G , at the daiivery hereof, the lawful nwoer..5 of the premises above conveyed and described, <br />sad..,...._. a~. =.._-seized at a goal and itufetessihle esuce of inharitaace tberoin, €rew. oral clear rsf all ~ :unhraae s, and thst _~ hs ~_ wS} <br />warrarrL and dehttrd the Lftkr thereto farevar against tbe elaitna and demands of ell persons whomsoever. <br />pF[DV f DI;L' 3-f,WAX$~, arscf thsa fnatn-meat to exacllted and ds{tYexad I.o aewta tna paya~nt of [Ece bwn OI ____._.___. <br />Sep+enteen_;~q~nd_TkEUt,Atwo dollars and 25~I^0 K****£** ti.^22.27 <br />-- ..__-_.____.._t___- .......... .... Dollars lS._ ___ ___--_-_-f. <br />with interest tfrarooa, together with such charges and advance a may be due end payable W said mortgage order the [arms sad tronditions <br />the proreiseory note at even date herewith and secured hereby, executed by said mortpegor _ s __ to said mortgage. payable es expressed <br />~tia said t»te, std W ensure the pertormanoe of aV the terms and atmditiooa wntaiaed therein. The [acme of said note ere hereby incorporated <br />4er~ by thin refssms. <br />It b the inteatioa and t of the Parties hereto that this mortgage shalt oleo secure any future advances made Co said mortgagor_5 <br />?hY said matgtrgse, std arty std ell indebtedose in additao W the amount above stated whicL said mortgagors, or say of them, may owe to <br />ri ~ rnortgagpa, however °~~;., whether by mte, book account or otherwie. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between <br />"the partbe hereto sad their heirs, peraoaal representatives, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including future <br />advance. era paid w fuG with interest. <br />'tare mortgagor.,.,.,,. hereby ensign -- to said mortgagee all rant and iruome ariaiog at nay and all times from said Property and <br />hereby authnrize said nrrrrtgags or its agent, at it option, upon default, to take charge of said property aml collect a6 rents and income <br />thedtom trod apply the stoa W the payment ai inters[. principal, inauraoce premiums. ta:e, araeemmte, re or <br />rtasary to keep aafd pmpraty is ts-,aa:.~ !a eoatliti~. ar to other char PaYa imProvemaut <br />gs ar payments provided far herein or in the note hereby anrored. 'Phis <br />teat aasignrrtent shag continue ip force until t.}se unpaid balance of sad note i fully paid. Tha takutg of poasssion hereunde shall in no manner <br />ptavemt or retard said agrt8age fa the colbction of said some by foreclosure or otberwiee. <br />The failwe o[ the mortgagee W seas[[, arty of its tights hereunder at any time spelt not ba construed as a waiver of ire right to saner[, the <br />eaten ttt any titer time, and ro faabt upon and enforce atria. campiiance with alI the terms sad provietona of said rmre and of this anrtgsge. <br />If sale[ as^„~agtu -- 6hag cattaa w 6e peed to said mortgagee the afire amami due it herewrder, and order tiro terms and provisions <br />of said ante ht aeeatad, ioeludre& future advaawe, and aay aztemions or remwala thereof io accordance with the terms and provisions <br />theretuf, oust if said ma(tgagor_5-ahalf cniep~y with all the provisiom of sofa note and of this tna.gage. than theee_presents shall be vord: <br />0tilrtarfe0 fo tmu®in fag b[q aodel6et, epd said rttorigageeshail6s entitled u, We posnssioa of all of aafd propettY. and may. ac its option. <br />datMre the srholr d said ea4r astd aE ittdshte~rsr repneaeotad thaxtrY W ba "m.,,da...ay due std payable, sad may foreclose this mortgage <br />ur take nay other fagot aetioa W pa[[[nel. its right. Appraieemiant. waived. <br />T'hb a>nt shag 6e bisd'mg BPOrt sad shag stutre to the beaefn of the hreta. exacumre, adminbtratora. successors ertd ssigna of the <br />IN W1THE/r~ WHERF.OP, raid Mortgagor_B ha ---~`?hereunu, set - _.- - Chen -_ ttand_S._ t day and y~mr first shave <br />wettt®. <br />n <br />~ ~ <br />__ ~ -1-"--- ___ - _..__. __-_. <br />n See$er <br />------ - ---------- <br />Bernice 3: 9~eder '~.---.,'p~~ <br />1 <br />