<br />UNtratt.s Coverxn~s. Borrower and Linder covenant and agree as follows: `
<br />i. Paytmnt of Prirsefpat atsd lalt:rttq. Borrower strril promptly pay whrn due the principal of and interest nn .cif
<br />trtdtbtedness erdenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provtdeC in she Note, and the principal of anJ interne '
<br />an angg Future AJvantts secured by lhts DteJ of Tns!
<br />2. Funds for Tstxea and hrsorvnee. Subject to appticabte tsw or to a written waiver by [.ender, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Ler.Jer on th<: day monthly installments of pnnc+pal and inrcrnt arc payable unJtr the Note, until the Nvte is paid m fag.
<br />a win (herein "Funds'1 equal to one-twelfth of the ycaAy saes and assnsmertts which may aaain priority over this
<br />Det6 of Trust, and ground rents on the Property. it any, plus ant-twttfth of yearly premium installments for hanrd insurance.
<br />plus one-twetfeh oC yearly premium installments for mattgage insurance, tf any, all as reasonably estimated imually and from
<br />time to amt by Lender on the buffs of assessments and hJls and «awnabte estimates thereof.
<br />' The Funds shall be held in an irstittaion the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a FeJeral or
<br />state agency floc?uding Lender if Isrtder is such an insuhuionl. t_enJer shall appjy the Funds to pay said taxes, azussmtnts.
<br />insuranct premiums and ground rents. Lender may not thargc (or so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing sail account
<br />or vtnfying and compiling said usessments and bilk, unlass tender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lrndtr to make such a c.*,arge. Borrows, and Lender may agree +n writing at the time ofi execution of thn
<br />Decd of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or appbcsbte law
<br />«quires such interest to b< paid, Lender shah not be rcyurred ro pay Borrower any imerect or earnings on the Funds. 1_tnder
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting u( the Funds showing credis and Jehin to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security [or the sums secured
<br />by this DeeJ of Trust.
<br />1! the amount of the Funds held by I~ntkr, together with the future monthly installments of Furids payabk poor to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance ortmiums and ground rents, shat: exceed the amount requred to pay Bard faxes.
<br />assessments, insurance premtnms and ground rents as they !a:' Jut, such excess shat! be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />promptly repatC to Borrower or credited to Borrower orr monthly installments of Funds. IC the amount n( the Funds
<br />hc1J ny Lender shall not Ix su?cicnt to pay taxes, nsu+=maxs, insurance premiums and ground tools ac they fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to tender any amount necessary to make up fie definency wnhm 30 days from the Jatt notice is mudeJ
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. '
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums sen,reC by /hrs DccJ of Trust, Lcndcr shall promptly refund to 8orrowtr any Funds
<br />held by [.ender. !f under paragraph !8 heaof tht Propcny :> snld or the Property rs othcrwrse aCyuireai by t"cndtr, Lrndtr
<br />shall apply, no later than immediatNy pear to fhe sale nt the Property or its acy uivtivn by f..enc:cr, any Fund~z htlJ by
<br />1_ender at fie time of application as a credo against [he ,time wcu«d fiy Ihts Uerd of Trust.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Cnltss appbcable is w prun Jos mhetw ae, all payments recetveJ by Lender uodcr the
<br />Nate anJ paragraphs !and 2 hereof shall ht applied hy~l ender first :n paynstm elf amounts payable to ]..ender by Borrawcr
<br />under paragraph. 2 hereof, then to interest payatilc on the Nutt, then to the pr,rtctpal of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />principal on aoy Ftnure Advances.
<br />0. Charffes; f.iens. Borrower shall pay all axes, assessmtnw anJ other charges, finrs nnJ tmposuinns auri Rrutable to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or graund rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, i! not pail in such manner. by Burrower making payment. when due, directly
<br />to ohs payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnixfi to Lender all notices of amoetms due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment Jtrectly. Borrower shall promptly furnish m Lender «ce:pts ev,dencmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dischsrge any lien which has pnonty over lhts Uted of Trus!: prondcd, that Borrower shat( nut Ac
<br />required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of t*.c obligation secured by
<br />such ben in a manner acceptable to Lender, ur shall to goof lanh comes[ sash hen by, er Jefend enfurcemtm 0! such lien m.
<br />regal proceedings which operate to prevrnt the enforcement of the I;en or forfru:re of t:^.e Property or any part thereof.
<br />5. Hazard Insurtmee. 8orrowtr shall keep the improvements now extst:ng or hcrtafter erected nn the Property insureC
<br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the term 'YxtendeJ covuage", anJ such other hnzarJs as Lender may require
<br />and m such amounts and for such periods as Lender may requ:re~. prowled, that Lender shall not rtywre that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount o! coverage requucC m pay the sums secured by th,> Uetd u( Tnist.
<br />The iesaranee carrier prov:Cing the insurance chaff; ne chosen 6y borrower s:•b•eo t,~ approv.,! by t.endtc pnmdeJ.
<br />shat such apprava: 3hal! cwt bt unrtasenab!y withheld A'-! prtm:ums on nsur;rncc palm:tz sha'I S< paid :n the manner
<br />provided undo paragraph 2 hereof or, tf not paid :n such manner, by Borrower n,nkmg payment. when Jut, Jtrectly .o the
<br />1i13aranCt l'arrler.
<br />All insuranct pobeies anal renewals Ehe rep! shall be nr loan acceptable to L.tnder anC ,hid! include a standard mongagc
<br />clause tit favor of anJ ir. form aCCe¢tablt tv Lcndcr. Lender sha'I have :ht ::ght :o huff,.! the pv!icirs anJ renrwuls thereof.
<br />and BUr rower shall promptly furnish !o I_endtr all renewal nc. ccs anJ ::~. rtcc,ps ~+f n.,~d prern:,;m>. !.^. !ht event of less.
<br />Borrower shad gtvc prompt nouca to the :nsuraact earner ,, n.': LcnJr, _e~ader Wrap rna.c pwul tit oss ,'. not a',aCc ¢ram ptiy
<br />by Borrower.
<br />i;nitss Lertdtr and 8orrowtr othttrwist agrtt in wrn:rg, insuranct pectttds >7sa!I ~e app'rtd to resraralivn or «vsir of
<br />the Property damn^ed, provided such res!orattvn ur rcpau ,> tconum,ta!iv feavblt .:rid the s?corny of this DeeJ ul Tnst ,_
<br />not thereby impaired. if such restoration or repair is nut cnmornkahy fcu,bk .,r :f the ,t+uray a( the, Dctd of -!rust would
<br />be impaired, the insurance prtxreds shall !;t applied to ihr runty stcu«d by this Dced of Trust. w,th the raccsz, a any, pa,.i
<br />to Borrower. 2f the Property is abandoned by 8orrowtr, ur if Burrower Luls :o respond t.. Lcndcr wnhm 30 days tram the
<br />date notice is mailcJ by Lender ra Borrawer :hat the uuurance earner efTers us souls a claim for ~rnuranet benefits. !.ender
<br />is authorized m collect and apply the insurance proceeJ+ at Lender's option r.ther :o rrs:oral:at or repair of the Pmprny
<br />or to the sums secured by this DetJ oC 'Prust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower othtrwtse agree m wnang. any such application of proceeds to pruu:pa! shat! not extend
<br />or postpone the due dale of the monthly :nstaAments rcler «J !o m paragraphs anJ ? hereu; n change the amount of
<br />such installments. if under paragraph `b berm( the Property a acytnrcd by Lender, al; r!ght, nt"a and nmrest of 6orruwer
<br />in and tv any insurance policies anC in and tv the proctors :hereof «sWmtg from damage w the Property poor to the sale
<br />r acquisilimt shsll ?ass to tender to the extent of the sums secured by thu Dted of Crmt tmmtdiatel;. poor !o such sale or
<br />acquiwnon.
<br />6. Prestrvatfon and Mvfntenantt of Property; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned L'nit Devtlopmems. 8orrowtr
<br />+hall keep Ih< Propcny m good repart anJ shall not aomm^ waste nr Ixnun :mpau Worn a .mttunr:d rim 'ht 'r ropeny
<br />and shall comply with ttte provismns of any itase i( thu Deed of l-rust is tin a leasehold 1(ths DceJ of Trust a on a :m:~ :n .,
<br />condominium or a planned unit Cevelopmen:, Borrower ahal! ptdonn all of Borrowers on!igations unfit, the deC:ereuon
<br />or covenans crta[ing or governing the condom~nmm or planned unit development, the by-laws anJ regwut:mn :a the
<br />condominium or planned unit dlve!oprnent, and comunmm dacetments. tf a avtJomimum or p;annrd ~.,na dcvel„nmcn!
<br />rider is executed by Borrower and recorded together w,th th,= Decd tit "Crust, the covenants anJ agreemtn!s of such odor
<br />shat! be incorppnttd into and shalt amend and supplement the covenants anJ agreements of this DeeJ of 'c'rust as if the nJer
<br />were a part hcrtof.
<br />7. Ptgttt8on of [.ender'a Setudty. If Borrower fats tv perform the covenams and agreements contained in th,s
<br />Decd of Trust, ur if any acncn or proceed:rig is CvmntcnctJ which matCr,a l:y alive is LenJc! s .ntcrcst ~n the Pn,prri y.
<br />~nc!uding, Out not limited to, aminrnt domain, insolvent}, eoJr enforcement, or arrangemenn nr proceWmgs invulv:ng .:
<br />bankrupt or decedent, then Lender a[ Lender's option, upon no::r_ to Borrower, may make sxh appearances. J„hunc s :ch
<br />sums and take scab action as is necessary to pratea Lender's interest, iadudmg, but not iimued t:. dsbunrn,cnt nt
<br />rwsonabfe attorney's fees anC entry upon the Property tv make repairs. If Lcndcr rcquireJ nwrtgn gt ~nxrcan<c .: .,
<br />condition Of making the Voan secured by this t3eed of Trust, 8orrowtr shall pap the premiums reyuurd to mau,t ::n ,uch
<br />"nsurance in tfleCt until such dine as the requircmtnt tar such insurance termmatts m accordance wath 8arrowrrl -, :d
<br />Lendee's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower sh:d; pay the amoum o. •. mortgage :nsurante pramnnns ~~, the
<br />manner provided under paragraph : htreaf.
<br />`__ ____._._ e..d_____. ,... r _...e__ _.. s..<.,. .. ,t,.~ ..~.~n.....1. I ....,A ....P.e.e ,hr.r:=n =hill M..,n,e _+JJ:1!,=n a'.
<br />rt y Amvums craw scu oy c..cn c, yuraua.,: , - - ~ - - - --~ ~~ ----- --- --
<br />itxlebtedness of Barrowerrstturcd by the Used of Trust t!nlcss 8orrowtr and !-ender .+grce to uthr ;a ms u! paymrni =u<h
<br />amounts shat! he Payabit upon nonce from Lrndtr us borrower re4vesung , aynrent :ht: ca~f, s, d shad: !ma: .nttrest :,,,m ~;
<br />date of dizborsement at the rate payable Frain time w time o guts:anJmg ?nnc,p.(. under ",t ~io~ .... paynum o! ,:.
<br />al wch rate wuuid be contrary ;u appl.eabtt law, at:. art, errs: ~h a .. ',ea: ,.. a~ghe.. a
<br />ptrmiutbfe under applicable 'aw, Nothing contained ~n this paragraph ? sh;i .,~~rcgm rc~~iender to near a„y ca prase er take
<br />any asuon hcraurtdxr.
<br />i. fna~trlion. !-ender may inak4 ur cause to fst mark rrasortabit t,+t s!rs ~.:pan ;;rid ~nspta+.,>ns of !hc Praptrt v. nr,+. d~ J
<br />:hat i.tnder shat! give i#orr6mtr notice prior w army ,u_r. nsl:ct an spt ..-. s •'tas,,. ~ ... ~, - ,+>. .-.:'td :,, . c.,..,.
<br />...,e: est r,, t?t,r Prc^.ertv.
<br />