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.~•^'~~' <br /><~,* ~~ X80-- t~f~ f31 <br />." `' ~~~ <br />Tea, ,.a a.~a.ea Ito tiir ~J" 'h+ ~rr d a~ ''"- <br />}9 ~(~ bT asd betwes Larry S. F.arleywine aad Lorraine M. Farleywine, hutrbaind aad wife, <br />(imeiodter rdatTed to a- fir) attd the Adaioiwrrtor of the Sadl Bai~eas Aitt~nitteaeiam, s aseoy of tie <br />Gormaase of tie United State of America (hereinafter referred to sa aertgapee), trhn ssitwias ataaies'aati <br />piaasatiai~waatP~pire State Building, 19th aad Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 6f1iQ2. <br />Nn+t~eatat, tine !or the ea~ridaatiaia ieraieo[[er rated. receipt aE r haaei~ Vii: tits <br />tiareperr i/ao hstei9 aao~, a~}, tmmt, aaaigs, atad conq rata tlr teaeeptese,_hia ataeeaaeitea imi-attiettri a~ <br />of tie feHotriteg 3av}bed property iaated atai 6eiep{ im tie Co®rT a~lall <br />Sme d Nebrastca <br />Lgt Thirtg (3O), Blor_k Four {4), in Pleasant View Addition, an addition <br />to the C1ty of brand Island, Nebrask. <br />7'ap:ether witi aad iachtdiaR all buildingr, all fixtures iacltuiisg but not limited to all plumbing, heatiep, lytht- <br />iag, veotlhiting, refrigerating, incinerating, air aundiiioniag apparatus, and eievators (the awrtaagur hereby <br />dcelaring tha! it ix iateaded~. that the items herein eottmeratal altall be deemed to have bees permanently ia- <br />sta~d as part of the realty), aad all improvements now or heroafter existing thereon; the Irereditameats and <br />appurtemrtres andaU other rights thereetote heiwtgiag, or in anyvrise appertaining, and the reversion and re• <br />versions,. remainder aad r+rma@nden., all rights of redemption, anti the rents, issues, aad prnfits of the alwve <br />deserlihad peop4rty (provided, hoxever, that the nw,rtgagur ahaU he entitled to tbe possession of said prvperiy <br />aad to eallert aad retain the reettr, issues, and profgs not}I default hrretmder). To have end to hold the same <br />unto the mortgagee and.the auccessarr in ialetrst of the mortgagee forever is fee simple or such other estate, <br />arc}°, ab 4s stated herein. <br />'l'ie aortaag+r 4ma6tailts that be ~. Inky .wnd and poateeaed of and hu the right to ra11 and convey raid <br />ptnpa~ep; fiat the saran a free from ail cacrumhraaaea ettcept u hereinabore recited: aad that he herrbg blade <br />iitnasU a~ his ttter~aots is iutezert to xarraat and deiead the ti:3e aforesaid thereto and every Dirt thereof aaaiwt <br />tia.ehl~aa ill all pst~yoa w_iemsaever. _ _ _ <br />Thir iarVUmeai it gives to recurs the payment of a proatianry note dated ...t~nsx~ ~~ , 1 ~,~C N: <br />rr~~ Ir 11, 54O.OG. , rigged by Larry S. Earley.rine and Lorriane K. Earley~ine, <br />to l,r of tttgfA$~1Wi.J. <br />'ar r.n. vrf .s--~sr i•.-~sa rctiw...+. ui.+u.. <br />