~' .~,.
<br />MUI~T~A.GE
<br />8(}-~ t3ti r302
<br />This tmxtgage made and entered into this 9th day of
<br />19~, by and bettreen CiwrC Iaveataterrts
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Cottemerdai Naeortal Sank and Trust Compqtry
<br />mottga®ee); who mttitttaiat an office and place of bosittess at 424 W. Third ~ referred to aE
<br />strew in Crraad faladtd,
<br />Hall Cbttnty, N~raska.
<br />W[rtstb+'S~ftt, that ftrr the coasideratitnt herenafter stated. receipt of which is hereby ackttovvhxlgod, the mortgagor
<br />doec hereby ttsortgage, sell, grata. assign, and convey tatto the mortgagee, its sticoasors wad aaaigos, aU of thr fol-
<br />ktwing tteaeribaf property situated wad being in the County oP Hali
<br />state of l~rtgska.
<br />Lot Thirty-Six (36) in Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall Cotrnty, Nebraska
<br />togrriher with all the te€tements a[al appurtenances thereto beionging, all the retus, issues and profits themf, and al)
<br />etnents, rights, royaltigs, mineral, ttit and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, p3urabnttg, rrieigera€ion, lighting, equipment and a)€ futures of every descrtption beionging to the
<br />rttargagor nsrw or €ttscefter attached thereto or used in cortnectJtxt with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the fotkrwing described properties which are attd shall be dcemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for the indebtedness herein stated. ([f none, state "none"}
<br />To have and to hold the same-unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided;
<br />The matgggor is lawfully seized and possessed of and has the right to seA and convey said property; that the
<br />satme is frce from all encumbrar~es except as hereinabove recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />Mond the tide aforesaid thereto and every part thereof againse the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Thisittstrurttent-is given to secure the payment of a promissory mote dated December 9, 1980 _
<br />in the principal sum of S- 56.DOO.00 ,signed b7' William R. Camgbell, James L. _Cannon,
<br />m behalf of ~ (~' Inveat:~rtts Bob Wheeler
<br />ako, as ouch note tx tsotes may frt>ta titse to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />4- tgMe eyetu the tide to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />rsltst}tl or ~' ate' ?s~tJtod whatsgevra, the entire pritt€ifrat stun wad accrued interest she€€ at once become due and
<br />p~ at the ekctiots of tree holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of vansfer of title as above sated
<br />~-.+~6 ittstturtx shalt ttot,cott}tltute awaiver of the right to exetciae the sacae in the event of any subsequent vansfer.
<br />e >~ ~ wad agred as follows:
<br />a, F~ p:°n!~t~!. p~ the isms crktettaed by said prortuasory ntxe at the [itrtes wad in the rnanner
<br />ih~(a e>Ga~FAeei
<br />b: To Pay all tastes, assessments, water rates, and oW;r governmtntal or municipal charges, figs, or
<br />tatpttarUOasn For which pronsioa has trot !teen rtsadc heteittbefore, aril will promptly deliver the official recerpta
<br />thsrnfor w dx said mongagee.
<br />e- To try #~h eatpertus aced ter as may be fires-u;resi in the protection and maintenarue of .:rid r rti.
<br />' the fns of way aitorrury Toyed by the Cor them v .,pe
<br />n'uutyagCC election af' any or ail Uf tare tndebtedne~,..
<br />hereby secured; ctr ftucclosttre t±y mt?rtga's sale, or c€FUrf pr~ings, c,r in ueo anther i:ti~atson :.~ F,r,.;eeti~n~
<br />isffe~ ing sid pr:~xrty.
<br />