<br />
<br />T'it's mortgage mark and entered imo this 3th day of _ Ijeczsber
<br />l9 813 . by and between laic Znvestaaents
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Ctmvnetcfei National Bank aed Tsar Canpany
<br />(hcre®aiux re%rr~ed to ~
<br />mortgagee); vriW maintainer an office ar[d place of buaittess at 424 W. Third street in Grand iststfd,
<br />FtaU County, Nebraska.
<br />Art17'tti, that for the consideration hreeirtafter stated. receipe of which is hereby ackttotvkdgtd, the tnor[gageu
<br />deter ttaeby tttortgage, xli, grant, astdga, and convey unto the mortgagse, its aaecesaors and aaer~ns, aN of the fol•
<br />Iosrtttg darn"bcei property sittuted and being in the County of Hall
<br />3tatrof Nebraska.
<br />Sat thirty-Seven (37) in Castle Estates Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />biebeatr,Ya
<br />together with ail the teneme_rtts atul appurtenan¢rs thtxeto hc}onging, ail. tilt rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />case+nenta, rights, rtayaitica, tmtxerat„ oil aitd gas rights and profm[s, water„ water rights. and water stock, and irt;.ludtng
<br />ail heating, plutrtbing, rcfrigeratie:.~t, :igltti ng, equiprtsent a:td all fixturts of every dc^€criptir-rn ~)onging to the
<br />mortgagor oow ur hereafter attaehc~si thereto err used in connection wirYt the premises fierein described and in addition
<br />[hereto the following desuibed properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security for the indebtedness herein stated. of none, state "none")
<br />To-have and to hod the sattx onto the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seized and possessed of and has the right to sell and convey said property; the[ the
<br />same is free €rom alt etteambrances except as hereinabove ratted; and that Mortgagor covenants to warren[ and
<br />defe~td the title aforesaid thereto and tvery pari thereof against the claims of all persons whornsuever.
<br />7"ltis ittatr[tmettt isgiveut to secure the payment of a promissory hate da[ed _ tx,~a~u,or 9~ t att~_,______
<br />in rho printaPal sum of S __5fi.,.Nlo-f10__. ~._, signed by William R Campbell Sees L Cannon
<br />is bgltalf of G4i[' L vesY,®p~ts ~ ______aob Wheeler
<br />~to> as such ettdc or notes tney ftnat tune to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />!e the eves the-title to said ttpi esute v tratuferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned Cor any
<br />ra~[sta ttt by any rRathod tvltaisoe'=er, the entire principal sutn sad aecntad interest shall err once become due and
<br />pa7abie at the ciection of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />iA erne it[6UttKe shah tksi sonatitute a waiver of tine right [o exercise the sattroe in the even of any subsequent transfer.
<br />I. TAc n~xt#{~r ettvsa~fa and agraa as ftsltows:
<br />a. Ter Prt»PdS very Ehe indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the tittles and in the mane[er
<br />tkesein provided,
<br />b. To wy all tartar, aserssssmettts, water rails, std rviicr governmental or muniapal iharites. fines, or
<br />impositions, for which Wovieitxt has no[ hoer[ rnacie htreinbefore, and will promptly deliver tht oi'ficial rCteipts
<br />therefor to rite said mortgages.
<br />c. 7o pay stub expenses atnt Cces as ntzy be incurred in [hc prtu,xtt~tt atad n[aiatertanze ;~f ta:d C`upettt,
<br />ittcAy €hc foes of assti attorraw erttployed by the ttt€xtgagtc for the ccs)tcctiea ~ f any t,, al; of tilt andetrtc,tne;s
<br />htreby stcurcd, ex fcuectosure by mtiri$a¢ee's .aerie. =,r titwn pruvreJmus, nr on .,t,i .at??ra ir;~~at~,xs ,-,* _•, . wedrr,~
<br />atfeseing xa:d ,,^.rotxst
<br />