4¢I-A-Y[CNAM#C6 Li[N ',+4'~s ~~ f r ~ rj ~} ~ xuNmare aM Fdtoa b Y!dt WsM6is. fle 68K7
<br />Glen r/maird by: -----_..-\---DeC~ibE Z-' I~'c--------_--
<br />Graced Zsland DrSrwall_ &-BUildi~_Suppl~g,~rt: David _5r -xath2een Bartz _ _~ '
<br />1722 South Holland Drive 1211 South Lincroln, Grand Island,lslEn
<br />rg 80_ Dr. Cr. a -.
<br />1643 /1 25 ~ieces__4x12x~_ TE_Sheetrock_______~__ _ 137_;'2_Q ~_______ '
<br />1717 /11~" _Sc_r_ews _ ~!
<br />__ _ z iDs
<br />I717 /1~ 4 pieces~4~x'~" TE Sheetrock ~ 14 ; 21 ~ ,
<br />1717 $/1 _2 Bvckets__GOld Bond_All Puy __se_______ _____1_6__~40_~--__-_-~
<br />1717 9/1 2 500 foot Rolls Perf-a-Ta _________ _ ;~ 5 ~ 70 ;---- ~ ~ '
<br />1717 ~/1 ~6 pieces 9 - 103 Carney Bead 4 ;32 i I ,
<br />--°----------~------~-----------------°-----------------------------------------------Tax---"~------ 1
<br />1728 ~/ldi I pound 2," Drywall Screws i 2
<br />Tax
<br />183 58
<br />Service Charge '~ 4 ~58
<br />Slats a/ Nebraska {
<br />......._........ 1
<br />rs.
<br />#~,all....., ....._,..._ Caanty
<br />A~awt= Richard H. Hoover being first I
<br />duly rworn, on his oath .rayr that the foregoing itemized account of tuork. labor, skill._Biiilding ... .. ... .... . ... ..
<br />n,atrriais, cnd irwpramnFentr is troy and ronert: that same were done and perfonwed and /urnished b} tke underngned ~
<br />far the said.......-----'-----.-_._...-..._...._...._.....--.._....----- - - ~
<br />....:herbal ...... -- ..-..-...... rantract.__-- ...
<br />fortke° building-_materials ,f residential home
<br />.-...-....... a _._
<br />as the folGmting lot, plate or parrri of land, rri»:'........:L2i1_,South Lincoln,
<br />..... ,
<br />South 56.8 feet of North 160 feet of West _ _ _.- _..,... .--.- '
<br />. ... ... ...... .... _.. . .........- _..... ~Z._of Block 2, Pleasanton
<br />Hate Subdxvisian. Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />That at the tiarxr said rantrart t=«.r madt and labor and naateriads faa^nished and dtlirersd thersuvitltr........._'..------.
<br />l~aktir,~ B. & Rath teen Ba r-tZ _-_----.......teat the oumrr of said premuer'
<br />1`~,Ht Cox Conxtruction was the contractor on said building and acting
<br />for the owner.
<br />Se tettiber 11, 1980 ~
<br />That tht date o/ the first itss /tiraishtd and deliversd uns....-..-..p...... _....- ....................... _....-..----........ and iht i
<br />date of the last itetn was-------.--_September_,18, 1980
<br />Rffiiptt fwdht- smtrs that said lobar urt.r perfonasd on, and materials ware furnished for, delivered at, and +usd in '
<br />mid btdlding ar prrntises on aced betwstn the dater specified.
<br />Thot t/te priers charged therefor are fair and rsasoaable, and that there is now diFe an raid acraunt the cunt of
<br />Ona.,lluStcired.-ei,~hky-eir~+ht_dallars.--and sixteen-.cents... _. Dollars, that said°
<br />...
<br />' -.-._._-"`_.....___......._--_.______...-._._.....- .._...-..-....._ .. _rlai»ir a lien on the said preiniset for the jul! aanount of !
<br />raid arroaat, to~a+it: The ruin o 188 16
<br />f g_..-........C_,_........,..__. -__.._ _.. _tcgether with interest thereoa at the legal rate,
<br />fraiix thr..._I'r~?_......day of.--Sg~tet[tbeZ' ------------°°-----...-_......._.....-.., rg_$~.-_, and fwther affiani .rays not. j
<br />~....
<br />...........__... J . ............ .... - -
<br />y prttsarr and s[vorn
<br />g1~6L Subrcnbed in +n ~ . be/orr me thu --;, '
<br />_..__ ..
<br />40~~~ ~~ day f--......- .f;~Cd.c-'1~L~k::~.., r9...~.... .
<br />-:.'.413:<,z~.f,:--'~---.:.~~i i..'.~...1,.,~f(~---...-.__ ',
<br />{ ~ ~~ ~ ~ +) Natory t ftDlir.
<br />~~~ ~ ........ - ._.--_. ........ ~ Entered uo nuraericai iroiex arced filed far naord '
<br />s~. in the R
<br />~tJ ........ _,._. - ___ . ........ .... at{tpier of Deedx Ot3iee a# ssul l'auntY the '
<br />...:-._..._.._....dq aL._.___.____...___.____...,....,18....-....-,at. .. ..._. __.-..... _-a`c4ock anl... minutes h7., -
<br />aad reriot!tsd is f3uat._......._ __.,_......_......d._... .... _ _._ax gp~re_..- -. -. -
<br />. - tisii. of De°1R
<br />9Y. fit^ax..
<br />_,- L- - - ,
<br />