~ .ta~ra
<br />,Fr, ~, -~
<br />~_sr
<br />84-=bti'~291 ~r7'r~~~
<br />.~..,~ ani'..>~;~. this 2-`j +~ ~ Q~
<br />14~, ,jy;nd.between -Tony L. Grotzky attd Keren K. Grotzky, htrsbaad and wiie,
<br />(be~dter referred to r taoat6eyir) and the Ad>sioturator of the Saadl Brines AdadniMraei~n, an aannesof~ita
<br />Governatent of the United-States o[ America {bix,eina(ter referred to r ), wha ark ai'ttrani
<br />~lnssliaiawaat P.mgire State Building, 19th and Farttam Streets, Qiaha, Hebtaska: X102.
<br />Reirweest's. thu ~ rite sates, hereiediez arid... trailtt of. ttdtiek: is-basi)r ~ tie
<br />iraetes,or~dw haeey tttna~, etsH, tt~, tiraS4nkae~eoaaeT•t~ thsntietyere.-~a~etaakiier iawk>a~
<br />of the feBortias deteti$ed prvpetty i~oaied a~'begyf'a tbo ~ulnetT of Ha7.I
<br />State of Nebraska - - - - -
<br />Lot:-Two (2) in Block Twenty-four (24) of Baker's 4dditioY to
<br />the Gity of. Gratxi Island, Hall. 6atiaty,, xebras&a.
<br />'FoRe-tAer wilhand inrltrdlnq.alt bniWhyts, atl 6acl~erer iselndiaR but ..ot limited to all plnathiag, lKating, liaM-
<br />ityt, ueutiirdint{, netritgeratintt, ineitreratieyt, air eonditioaintt aplraratw, and ~terators (the mortgagor heceby
<br />dertarinH that it is intenaied that the items herein enutaecated .ball be deemed to F,ave been permanenfiy im
<br />.tdled~aw pact of the really), and aU inrptocements Wore or hereaiter existing thereun; the herediwtnentn and
<br />appurtetuneer aadaH other rit;bis thernunLa belmtgiag, nr in anyrviae appertaituaR, and the reversion attd re-
<br />_rer-wiun.y remaina}Fr and remainders, alt rights of redemption, and thr rent-, issues, and profits of the above
<br />dcsrt36t$ proprtly (provided, however, ihaf the mortgagor shall he entitlyd'to the possession of aid property
<br />and to eollert and retain the rents, issues, and profits until default hereunder). Te have and to hold [fie same
<br />nnko-the.moslg~~ee eed the stteersxnra fn intercri-. of the mortgages forever in tee simple or siteh oilier estate,
<br />if rny, m is atated~-he-rain.
<br />'l~s ~ eiittisawv tErt he L 3ardnHy, seised and- poateread of sad -has the ri6ltt tp eeil sad owtre~ said
<br />psopatt: tbit the kaare a free fraa~ `a1) esxa~llia+xaa ezsepi as herciaabbre recited: sod tlwt he 6ersbp hinds
<br />n;~-ate >,~ iatrreu:to rrareank~aad •kfand iLo title sioreriid thereto and svery part thereof a~,ainat
<br />tis _ e('~~'!
<br />9'hie iaatrutaeof is ~ilrrn to ~recure the payment of a promiarory note dated f~' ~. ~ c~ . ~~,~~
<br />u~~ pal suer of >! 17, 78@.{)Q ' , eiRised`fty 4'ony Z. Grotzky and Xaren M. Grotaky, husband ,
<br />tbtsnselves.
<br />