<br />8C1-t1(r%2~7
<br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO. L 23.884
<br />IIJiOM A11. MEN BX 71iFSE IeRFS£N'IS: That R~ert E. SChI't7er aTiC .Teanne M. SC}1L9er, ei'ad't in his and
<br />her Ovm right and as spouse of each other, traatppr,a.t:arataote,ioouWt~dtlterd
<br />i~i~y Tfin,canrt end No/100--- ~ ---- - -- -
<br />laanai w seid motfpsor by The Fq®tabie and I.aae Asotation d Gtaad Nand, Nebraska, Mtsrga~e, open 300 sYaree d tdadt d
<br />,aid ASSOCIATION, CertH'stsx No. L 23,884 . do Aeaeby gtaed, mmey atsd enrtpge ts~o the asid A~OClATION Ile faitrniE
<br />dettraised teal caiax, attain! m tLB County, Nebndta:
<br />IATr'OR'i'Y Ti'A i,42)r'QB~R VIEW StTB-
<br />together with all tlx tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, induding anadted Moor w,eritega, aU window sttwu,
<br />wirulow shades, blinds, storm windows, awmogs, heating, au conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acceaorid Ihexw, pumps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other Ctxture and equipment rraw or hereafter a[adted to or nxd in connection with said roil estate.
<br />And whereas the aid rmrtpgw has geed and does hereby agree that the mongagw shall and will pay sU taxes and asaeasmenis levied w
<br />asxaed upon aid pretrtiaes sad upon this mortgage and the bond xaued thereby before the sanx droll become deliogtxnt; to famish approved
<br />insurance upon the bttildinp on said premises situated in the sum of E 30, QOO.OO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver w aid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and rot to commit or permit soy waste an or about said prerniaes;
<br />In cox of default in the perfaratance of any of the terns and cwditions of /his mortgage or the bond xoured hereby, the tttortgagee stall,
<br />on dcnaad, be entitled w inmmdis[c pooessioa :rf the rttartgagcd prerttnss and the rrrortppr hereby aogas, trmsisrs and sets over w the
<br />mortgagee ill the rents, revenues and ittcoroe to be derivsd from [tg mortgged premises during mdr time as the morigags indsbtedroa stall resmin
<br />unpaid; and :he mortgages shad love the power to appoint any agent ar agents k may desire for the pucpax of rrpaitirtg said prernses sad renting
<br />the rams and colkctireg the rents, revenue and income, and it may pay out of aid income sB expeoxs of repaui~ said premises and rteaeoary
<br />commissions and expertxs incurred m renting and managing the arse and of collecting rentals therefrom; the ba4nce remaining, i( any, to 6e
<br />apptisd itnvard the dixhargs of aid mortgage irrdehtednra, ibex rights of 9hs mortgagee rmsy be exercixd at any time dtuit~ the existence of suc4
<br />default, irreapectix of any tempoesry waive[ of the same.
<br />Ibex Yressnts, huwsvcr, are upon the Condimn, That iF the aid Mortgagor thil} spay said ban on ur btfare the maturity of aid shoes by
<br />payment: pay monthly to aid ASSOCIATION a( the wet soecifwd b the hand xctued hereby as interest sad p^nupil sat aid !.xis. on er befaro
<br />the 1Wentisth dap of each and every month. ua{il aid ban is'tnny lid: wy aG taxes and aaxssmrtts levied against said prentmes and on this Mortgage
<br />and rite good xcured thereby, Ixfwe dshtptsettcy: furnish approved Insurance upon the bttildm" ga thereon in the sum of S 30, 000.00 paya6k
<br />to aid ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon devand all moaty by it paid fw such taxes, asveavrents and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximum bgal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees w pay; permit rro wane on saM pmnira; keep and mvtply
<br />with aU the ageeroents and conditions of the Bond fw 5 30 0 O.OO this ~Y given by ~ aid Mortgga[ to said ASSOCIAT]ON, and compty
<br />with aft the requirements o(tfec Corotitutian and By-Laws at said ASSO(IATION: then [hex prexnts s1aB become null usd void, othetwix they
<br />shag remaia in full fwce and reay be fwecbxd az the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure Cw [brae months w make any of sad
<br />payttxnts or be three months in areas in trtekirtg sad rtttnthly payments, w w keep and armply with the agreements and conditions of aid Bond;
<br />and Martgagrer agseu to haw a receiver appointed forthwith N such foreck>atue proceedings.
<br />If there is any cluogc iR owasership of the rpl estate mortgaged Itereio, try ale w otherwix, tltea the entire rrot•'^'~~ irtdcbtedrca hereby
<br />axurcd sink, at the option of The Fgtetabk attd Loan Aoaciatiort of Grand lilnad,Nebndu, become isnatediatdy due and payable vYithout
<br />further rttttiu, artd the amotsnt rernairtstg due tinder said bond. and arty other bond fw any additionil advances merle thereunder. sha11, from the
<br />dots of exercix w aid optarrt, mar irter~ at the maximum kpl rate, attd thin mwtpge may thin be fweckued to atidy the amount due oo said
<br />bond. and arty otix: l>ad fw add'HiorW advanms, tet~thn with all arum paid by said The Equitable Building and ism Asweiation of Grand Island,
<br />Ntbraska for ioavastce, axes and areamenn, and aboractmg extension charges, with intereu thereon, from date of payment at the nnzimum
<br />legal rate.
<br />At rovided b the Bond e~tred Isotby, while this mortgsee renntit9 in eHea [he mortgagee may hueaftn advance additional sums to the
<br />rakers of aid Bond, rhea asigrn w zucceasors in interau. wfiri~ sums shag 6e wtitttin the xcurity of thu mortgage the sarm as the funds originally
<br />scarred thsnahy, the total anwunt of principal debt not to esoetd at say time the wigim! amount of this tttwtgage.
<br />Datsd tws 16th day of DBOHtther A. D., 19 80
<br />l~obert E. 6cftmer_
<br />JEatlne M. Schxroer
<br />STATE ~ ~$~~' sa. tAt this 16th day of DECQttIJer 1980 ,before tin,
<br />COONTY Op klAl.l.
<br />the urtdetsigted, a Notary Pubtk is and fw aid Cauaty, persoaafly sate
<br />i2onerc i. :.i:rhmer arm Jeanne M. Schroer, each in his artd hsr crust right aria as spouse of
<br />ex:1t Ot}ICr, who arC Pacp~OY known to
<br />ne to be the ilantiwl parsons whoa cones are atflaed to the abtve i~FUnteot as mprtgagw S and they xsataFEy
<br />adtaawktfpd the said iastrutmnt w 6a the12' vvaluntary as a~ deed.
<br />AtTNl..SS my Imo std Notarol Std the date aforeaid.
<br />taaass ar ~ C ~ ~ 4..8ittti H~FkvY - ", -.:~ § - ~` ~.~-f-.-. r/pt'. _ _ y`y - +~__
<br />f:Y 'S p ~ // ~ rtM/iP
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