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~'~--¢t~t~w2i;~ <br />-. 3. The mortgagor covenants sad agrees that if he shall fa31 to pay said i®debtedrws or any part thereof wftea <br />this er shah fail to perform nny covrnant or sgreeetreatt of tarts iastrnmewt or the promissory note aecared hereby, the <br />etltlre `sndebtrdnees hereby secured shallsmmediately beeaas date, payabl., sad roiketibk without , at the <br />of the mortgagee or assigns, regart!ksa of maturity, and the mortgagee or hrs aasytw [nay be{soe or after retry <br />w~=strict property without appraiaemrnt Ithe mortgagor having w:ivsd and awipned b the nwe4g~et alt rights of <br />a~raiaeotent) <br />y i t ~ at judicial axle pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.S.f,. 2001 f a) : or <br />f n) et the option of the mortgagee, ~tbrr by attetion or by soliritatioc of sealed bid.,'fer the highest sad <br />bat bid e~plyiog with rho teams of rk and msrmer of payment apeei6ed tut the ptdtBslted entire d oak, fits[ <br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place o! each sale, by advertisearmt net ler than Dace <br />during cash o! said four weeks in a newspaper oublishal or drstributed is the county in which acid property <br />is attested, all other notice being hereby xaired by the mortgagor (sod acid moatgagee, w say peraso as <br />behalf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the mpaid tndebtedneoa evidenced by said Dote). Said oak ahaH be <br />` hehl at'ar oo the property to be sold or at the Federal, eouetq, or city tnvrthottae for the cotmty m which the <br />property u located. The mortgagce is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the mortgages and to <br />deliver to the purchaser at such axle a sufficient eooveyanee of said property, which eonveyance.ehaB coataia <br />rexitab r to the happening of the default ups which the a:eeett~ of the power of ask 6eteta gzamed <br />depends; and the acid mortgagor hereby constitute and appbtnts the mortgagee or say:gent or attartsey of tbs <br />mortgagee, then ages[ sad attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make each reeitak sad to eseeate rid <br />eaoveyance and hereby eoveaants and agrees that the recitals eo made ahaq be eAeetwl to bar all egaity a+ <br />righC of rtdemption, homestead, dower, and all other exctnpitow of the mortgagor, alt of which ere hereby <br />exprenrip waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />(tat y take any other appropriate aMioa purenant to state or Federal statute either is state o[ Federal <br />court or otherwise for the diapaition of the property. <br />In the event of a sale a hereinabovc provided, the mortgagor or any person in possession ender the mortgagor shall <br />then become sad be tenants holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at such eak or be <br />summarily diaQeeeesaed, in aocordaswc with the provisions of !aw applicable to tenants balding over. The power <br />and agrncy hea~ err z-oeipled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or wbenriae, and are granted <br />err cumulative to ~e remedies for coikctton of said indebtedness provided by law. <br />A The pnoaeds of any ssk of rid property in aceordanee xitb the Preceding paragrapLs shall be applkd fuss <br />is pay the coats tend eapettaa of rid: rk, the a:pewees ineatrred by the mortgatyx for the porpoae of preteetiag or enam~ <br />laiaing acid property, and nsaaonable attorrteya' fees; aoeundly, thr, indebtedness secured hereby: and thirdly, <br />w pray airy surpiw a ezeeee-to the person or persow legally erttitkd thereto. <br />5. la tihe event said property is add at a judicial- foreelwun sa16 or pttranaat to the potrer of oak hereiaabore <br />graatrd, ;.nd s!x prseEeda art ;:ct sts$eient r pay the total ~aarcared by this instrument aml rvideoced by <br />rid promissory note, the mortgagee wilf be entity to w defictenty judgment ter the amauat of t~ dejG.seasy withoat <br />rspmd to apprriaemertt. <br />6. In the event the mortgagor tails to pay any Federal, state, or local tax aaaeesoient, income tax or other tax lien, <br />charge, fee, or other expeiue dtarged agaimt the property, the morgagce is hereby aWhorixd at his option to pay <br />the seats. My sums so paid by the mortgagee dra11 be added to and become a part of the principal amomt of the <br />indebtedtieaa evidenced by said note, anbject w the same terms and condi[iow. If the mortgagor shall pay and <br />discharge the indebtedoesswideneed by said promissory notq and shall pay such sums and shall discharge all tares <br />sad Item a~ the costa, fees, and expemn of making, enforeiag, and a:exuting this mortgage, abet this mortgage <br />ehoB be cattcthsd acrd artrrrta'.ared. <br />7. The covenants herein contained ebaU bind and the beaeftta and advantage shall inure to the repeettve ono- <br />nessora and of the parties hereto. ~heaever used, she singular ntrotber shall iaeltde rite plural, the plttr.i the <br />sltr~ahtri and the ur of soy gender shall ituhtde aB geadeea <br />A ltia waiati:r d any mtKttant bercia or o[ the obligation sernreet Isersby shall at aay tuna ehercafter be hek} <br />to !is a waiver d doe teens hereof oc of tho Dote secured hereby. <br />4, Ia rorpHaare with arxtiioa lt}I.1 { d) of the Bola and Regulatieot of ebe Srs11 Btuiaep Adotetatratiaa [1S <br />C.F.B, 2$].110 }i this atnrat is to IK ewaalrired sad etalerssd io aeeoedanee with appitiesJtk Faeksral law. <br />1K A jRtidreial daeeaw order. err j._*d~ bo61 6t~ ;~ ~~i~.. a ~:~ of iris boatroaetet ia.aiid or ao. <br />+kk ehtetl not ~ say way impair or prrrtttde the eaforcemcat of she remaiwiog provtstow oe portions of <br />this hatwaanat, <br /> <br />