~~;-_...~t~%279 MQ#'tTGAGE
<br />THIS INDi~114RB, mach this __ 15th stay d_~~-~e_~_.----_--.__., fY~. ty are-betwewr
<br />_ Michael A. yfierau and 3udith A_Mietatz, hustrand and vifez each in his and her owe -rifdtt
<br />and as c oI)_5~2_t)f h n h r __
<br />d Fta 1 1 _,_ may, Nehrada, r maKgyer S- . nod herd Inland Ttwt Camipaap d Grind Island, a taapaaYipo
<br />rag.afrd ass ezistirtg unsay the torte d Nebrrta with its priedpal afflce wd plain d busiuar a Grand Lord. Nnhrrta, r eanfOyrK
<br />W27NF.8.4ETN: Thos wid aoo<teasor s .ter and mcaeaidsatiodtLsarmd_.,..-._---_ _....., ... .._ _ __
<br />Ten Thousand 6ne Hundred Sixty five dollars and 00/1.00 *~-'~~ ; ~ _f
<br />26e receipt d which ie hereby admswled~ed, eto _ by [twos fveeente mratgege cad ^~.~ ~•
<br />}arever, ag the }Otkwring dreribed tact eatate, ertueted 111 the county Of __._.__. Hall T __.'- _.
<br />sad State d Nebraska. ter wit:
<br />hot One Hundred Seventy-Nine (179), in 13uenavista Subdivision an Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Tsland, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with eft hwting, air a»oditioaitrg, Ifghtins. cad pivmbivg equipm®t end frsturea. incfuding screens. awnings. sbrm windows and
<br />doom. and window ahsdr or blinds, used on or in conmctmn with said Property, whether the same ere now located on said property or hereafter
<br />Placed [hereon.
<br />TD tiAV£ ANA't'O HGI.D Tli6 SAM@. togethar with aU and singular the tenements. hereditsmenw and appurtanetava ihexestnto he-
<br />]megiog, or is anYwir apperLSioiog, forever, and warrant the title b tkee same. Said morgagor s---~ hereby cowmen[-__with said
<br />mwrtgagea that -..... Cho..? _.._....J3.'. t'--. . at the delivery hereof. the Lawful owner'- _. of the Fretniaee above conveyed a~' described.
<br />snd~~~E...._aeiaed of a good std itdefeasihb state of inhorikance eherein, free and clear of all encumbrances, and the.. __ Clay .wi7i
<br />warrant and ddcaxftbe titre thatch ftsever against Eta'. cfeiats anal dema~- of a:s persons wh mssoervar.
<br />PEtC7VID$D Aj:,WAYS,amf thin insttumrtis ezecuted and daliveredmaacure Eha paytaant at the sum of _. -. _ ___
<br />- _Ten ltzuus::rnd_fyne-_Hundread Sixty-f.ve dollars int_it__~Ifi.flOt)_**~;~is_7_C~1b7.00 _-- -- --..._l.
<br />with interest [Enaeon, tegethv with retch charges and advances ea may 6e stye cod pnyeble to said mongagee under the terms avd conditions
<br />-d the ptnmieaory note of evm sere herewith errs secured hereby. ezecuted by said rmrtgagar _s_ _. to said mortgagee, PaYeble as expressed
<br />fn said Dote, and W sonata the peforraanre of all the terms a~ conditions contained therein. The teens of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />bsrein by ehis retermce.
<br />It ie fbe intentf¢a end egreemeot o[ the parties hereto that this mortgage shell also secure any future edvenree ends b eats mortgage ~._
<br />§y said mortgagor, and my end all iadebtedoeas in additiaa to the amount above stated whicL said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whenber by no:.e, book acceuat or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effect between
<br />6he parties hereto sad Lhdr hens, persona[ rafMe9enLeLiVeB, 9LLCCe9aer5 8nd 899IgI18, until ell aauwnta secured hereunder, iceluding future
<br />dvancor, are paid in fut.' with interest.
<br />The-mortgagor-~_ tyreby ersi~t.. - to said mortgagee al! rants and income arising at any and all times (torn said Property and
<br />hereby authorise said raortgagea or iLS agent, a[ its option, upon defaufi, to take charge of said property and collect ail reora end income
<br />thaw std etppty the same b the payment d interorF prfoeipal, irtsurance premiums. tszes, esseenm®ta, tepeira or improvements
<br />neorBearY to heap said property in Ee»aatabb ezmdfiioo, or to other chargor or paymmta provided for }eerein or N the note hereby secured. This
<br />reM a6eigatateot shall rmrinue in Iorca untri the unpaid belartce of said note is fully paid. The mkina of possession hereunder shat! in no manner
<br />porno[ os~ steed sets mortgagee in [he exdlectim d said sums by forarJosura ur otherwise.
<br />The teihw of the mortgagee to assert any of its rights hereunder et aqy time ahal! not be rnnetrued an a waiver of ice right to assert, the
<br />same et any later time, and Eo insist upon and enforce strict compliance with all the [acme and provisions of said rote and of thix mortgage.
<br />i! oats mu'tgrgor s shall tour to he paid b said mortgagor the entire amount due it hereunder, end under the ttvrtw end provisoes
<br />of wed ode hrahy eetmad, including inture advercea, and any eatensione or renewals [hereof is aezvxdaacn with Lhe terms and provisions
<br />thmwaf, rsd$ said maftpgar __ shril eampiy wits ail the pmvieiom of said >rd~s and of this mortgage. than [(teas preaeafa shall be rod:
<br />othsrwir W remade is fdlforea and e[fset, and said maat~ae shall ba emitiad to the possession of eV of said ptopaty, and may, et ire option,
<br />datinm tpa wbois d and onto sad a4 ~ reprrearad thereby w be immediately due and payable, sort may }oreclosa t~ mortgage
<br />d Udte ssY other Ygal acUou to pmtaot its rf~t. Appcaieeaoant waived.
<br />Thin mettgge ahafl tie binding upon rld short aaetre to the banaGE d Ehe heirs. eaeeubra, admuliatraLOrs, sUC vaaore and aydgna of the
<br />ngiettfse pwtiee hertdn.
<br />fN WITN~B WH6,lL6,GF, said-Mortgagor _. s..- tai ,,.=-. hereu»to see __. Y!aeit hand s~__tha day cod year fast aln,ve
<br />gratAert. ._ ,~i,~,~ ~y ..,.'
<br />,_ _.
<br />}1 ic:hael ~. °if rr•su
<br />d i~, _ J
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