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<br /> j TOGGTIiGR WITII alt thc impro�•cmcots now•or htreafttr crertal on thc prc�xny. aiul al!ea.c:mcnt.,u�purtenan��s,and
<br /> � fixlurr� iK►w .�r herwRcr :� 4wt .�f ttw pr��xizy. AU rPIi��111L'll[! iilkl �MWIIIUtIf \f1illl :IIN) tk �.�c��ad by thi� Si..:u►•itv
<br /> liuuunxnt. All aithc ti,rcgoing is ccfcrc��l cu in this Socurity Inatrunx:nt�.c ttu "Praperty."
<br /> � BORItpWER COVENANTS ctut &�rrower is lawfully�eireJ uf�he e�tate hrrehy�ti�nve�ed wxt hu�thc right tu grrnl:►n�l
<br /> cam•ey thc Nrc.�+eny a�xi that �he Pmpeny is unencumberal, rxcept fi►r enrumbru�kes of rYCOni. Borrow�cr w;urants r�xi will
<br /> - Jefuxi gcncrally thc titic t��thr Propert}•:+�ain.t all rl;un�.�ar�i�Icn�uxl.,.ubjccr cu;uiy c�kumhr:uues u6 r.iurJ.
<br /> TH1S SE�URIT1'INSTRU11iENT cosnbinn unifi+rnt ruvenuius for iwti��wl u+e xnd n�u►-�nifi�r+»�ywe��:ua. w i�h limitu!
<br /> vuri:�tiui�.�by jurixtictinn ta�unstitutc u uniform saurity irutrunknt ca��cring rcal praperty.
<br /> UIJlFQR11 C01�'£NANTS. S_�rrou•er:uu!Ler.der co�•en.u:t anci agree ns fallo��s:
<br /> 1. P�ay�iueat uf Hincip�l e�ad Interest; Prcpay�unent �ul l.ate CharQes. B.�rrower slwll promptly pay when duo d�a
<br /> principal of and interest on the dabt e�•idenced by the Note and:uiy prep�yment:uul l�te charges due undcr the Ncxe.
<br /> 2. Ftindc for Taxa:u�d In�unuce. Subject to applicable law ar to u wricten a•aiver by i.endc�,Barcawer shall pay tu
<br /> I.eixicr on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.undl the Note is paid in full,A sum("Funcis") fur: (a)yearly tsu;es
<br /> and�sessments which may attain priority over this Security Lutrununt�a lie�on tiu Prope�ty;(b)ywrly leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Property,if any; (c)yearly hazard or p�nperty insur,uice pmmiums;(d)yearly flood insurance prmmiunis.
<br />- if any; (el yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any; and(tl any sunu payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordanee widi
<br /> the pro�isions of pzragraph 8.in liea of the payment of mortga�e insurance premiums.These items are called "Escrow[tenu."
<br /> Lender may,aL any time, collect 3nd hold Funds in an �nwunt not to exceed the mvcimum amount a lender for a fedec�all��
<br /> relat��monFa�e loan may require for Bomow•er's escrow :,+xoant under the federaf Re:il Estate 5ettteroz.zt Pcv.v,:�:ms Act of
<br />- 1974 as ameadod from time to time.12 U.S.C.Section �6(rI et ssq. ("RFSPA"). '�ss anwher lau tPai�p;:;s ca the Fu�uis
<br />= sets a lesser am.�.:y. If se. Lencler m3y,ae any time, collect:ux9 hotu Fands in�uncwnt nut to ex�c�the teay::anwunt.
<br />= Le.�r ma} es:e::L::��e•��.x�uiu of Funds due on the basis of current�at�:uui r�sa7abla estimat�c of expz.;..:itur�af futwt
<br />_, Es::oa Items or othee�s6�i::ae.tirrciance w•ieh applicable 13w�.
<br />--� The Funcls shall be h�,:,:' ir� an institution a•hace �posits are insured by a ft�eral ageney, instrumeatalit�•, or entity
<br /> .;� �irn�r.:ing Len�er,if Lender is w:h an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.etuler shall apply th:Funds tu pay tl�e
<br />_�j Escr�w Itemc. l.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account, or
<br /> � verifying the Escrow Itcros,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to mal;e cuch
<br /> , a ch�rge. However, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independcnt real estste t:us reporting servlc;e
<br /> used by Lender in comection with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an ugrceir�ent is macia or
<br /> applicable law raquires interest to be paid,l.cnder shall not be requir�to pay Bonou•er any interest a�carnings on the Fu�uis.
<br /> Borra��er and i.ender rr�y agrcc in writing, hawever,tluu intcreu chall be paid un tho Fwuis. Lcndcr shall givc to Borcou�cr,
<br /> without charge, an anrw�l accountiag of the Funds, showing credits cuui debits w the Fuiuts atul the purpose for which cach
<br /> = debit to the Furxls was made. The Fund�are plalged;ts additional security for all sunta socur��d by this Secuciry I�utrununt.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lcnder exccrd the a�nounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Lendcr shall account to Bo���tr
<br /> for the excw Funds in xcordance with the requircments of applicable law. If thc antount of thc Funds heW by L.ender al any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Esc�ow Items when due. I,.ender rt�y so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such c.ase Borrau�;.r
<br /> shall pay to l.ender the a+nount nerescary to m�lce up the deficiency. Borrawer shall make up the deficiency in�w more than
<br /> twdve mo►uhlv oavments.u Lrnder's snle discreticx�.
<br /> --- Upon p�yment in futl of�li �ums seeured by this SecuriYy Instrument, Lender sfwtl promptly refu:�d to Borrowar any
<br /> — Funds held by L.ender. If,under par�graph�l,l.ender sf�ll acquire or sell the Property. L.endcr,prior to the ac�uisition or sal�
<br /> of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sutns s�curod by�
<br /> this Security Uutrument.
<br /> 3.ApNlieation of Payments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payme�►ts received by L.ender under paragrnphs
<br /> t:�,�2 shall be applied:fcrst,to any prepayment chuges u:ue under the Note; secw�d,to nnwunts payable under paralgrapb 2;
<br /> t�ir:t,to interest due:fourth, to principa!due;and last,to�ny late charges due undet the Note.
<br /> �.Ci�ges;Lie�u.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessmenu, charges. fines and impositiotu attributable to 3�e Property
<br /> wfiici� may ut�in prioriry over this Securiry Instrument. and leasehold payments or ground renu, if any. Bomow�er shall pay
<br /> t5�obligations in the m�nazr provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mam�er,Borrower shali pay dum on ticru ditectly
<br /> to tI�e person owed paymeat_ �orrowa shall promptly fiPrmish to Lender all notices of unounts to be paid under this parqgrnph.
<br /> If Borrower iu�;�these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish eo Lender receipis evidencing the payments.
<br /> Botrou•ec sE��:11 promptly discharge any lien which has priority o�•er this Security Insttument unless Bonowet: (a)agrew in
<br /> writing to the�ag�nent of the obligation secured by the lien in a nsuuse�accepiable to Lender;(b)contesis in good faith tho lien
<br /> by, or defends against enfastixment of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent tho
<br /> eaforcement of the lien;or(c��ecures from the hoider of the lien ar►agreement satisfactory to Lender subordir►�ting the lien to
<br /> this Security Iu�r�:meni.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry o��cr
<br /> this Security Ia�sument.[xndu may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take on�ar
<br /> mare of the aciions set fath above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Farp 3028 9/f10
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