roRTCAGE `CrV --.._ (} f) ' ~ f~ : f
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23.882
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY'tHESE PRESENTS: That Merle L. Moore and lbrothy K. Moore, tituUarid arad wife;
<br />and Doyle L. Winfrey and Violet S. Winfrey, husbarul anti wife;
<br />Mon6t~r. rberAu am a mac, m mridpatloa d the wad
<br />Tkii rt ~F; va mMiic~.rui anri,~~100 p~
<br />loaned to aid marigndor by The Equitable Btoldatg and Lawn Assocation dGrasd talmd, Nebrdn, , ~ 350 ~a dtaodt d
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifiate No. L 23,882 , do hereby past, messy awd mortgase taco the said ASSflC1A770N tlta
<br />dasatbed real scale, situated ro Hall Cotmty, Nebradta:
<br />TfIE DI(k'2TH (lNE litJNIDRFD F.ICdil'Y (180) F'i$T OP THE WF'uT r~t3IIY-F1VE (85) PEST ~ Sin((SC FSFIIT~i
<br />(15) IN p(>:~ent~m HCMti 5[JBDIVISIt'xV OF PA12T Ofi THE: F~SP~ OF SE7CPION T[IESTPY-~~: {21), 2YXnI~P
<br />r3.~7RJ,7 (I1) 3dORTfi, i2APIC~.i NIIdE (9) 4dEST OP TEFL 6TH P.M., Eiai i. CXXJiVI'Y, 1'{A
<br />together with aB the tenements, hereditatoertts and appurtcrtanoes thereunto belonging, including attached floor covering,. alt windaav sraems.
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnir[gs, heating, au conditioning, artd plumbing and wattr equipment and acceawrin thereto, p[tmps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attactxd to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said rnor[gagor has opted and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay aU taxes and aaasmeats levied or
<br />asressed upon said premiss and upon this mortgage and the bond scored themby before the same stall bemme delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />insturance upon the buildings on said preroisea situated in the sum of S 35 000.0 Payable [o said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to acid
<br />ASSOCIATION [he policies Cor said insurance; and not to commit ur permlE any w eon or about aid premises;
<br />in ass of d¢fw(t in the perforrrtance of any of the terms and conditons of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on dermnd, be entitled to immediate possession oC the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to dx
<br />ntortptgee aU [he rents, revenues and income to be derived (!om the mortgaged premises durvtg such torts as the mortgage indebtedttar shag remain
<br />unpaid; and [he murtgegtx shall have the power to appoint any agent or agents rl may deans for the propose of repahing said premises erd renting
<br />Lhe satre and caBecYirtg thr rents. revenues and inwroe, and rt maY paY nut u( sa[d income aB expenses of rtpair4tg said premiss sail etaeessary
<br />wmmissions and rxpensrs incurred in renting and mm~aging the same amf of collecting renrafs therefrom: the 4aiance remaining, rt' any, to 6e
<br />appBW toward the diachargr of said tnongagr indebtedness: Ihrse rights of the srwrigsgee may be exercised a[ any time durhtg [he existence of such
<br />defaula. irrtapectavt of any tetttporary waiver of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Cortdinon, That d six sub Mertgag<x sYtail repay said loan or. or luforc the maturity of sad shares by
<br />psyttcent; pm.y mantfdy ro ~mtd ASSOC'IA'110N at the sum specified in the Bostd acwrcd Pxreby as in [eras[ and principal on said loan, on sir before
<br />the Twcntkth day of eaa;h and every itwnth, until sad loan is I'uity paid; pay al] tuxes and assesvmenta levied agautat said premiss and on thg Mortgage
<br />std the Bond secured rfterrby, Ixfore detinquertcy; ftunssit approved rnsurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oC S j5, 000.00 payable
<br />[n saki ASSOCIAT7flN: repay io mid ASSOCIATI(Hv upon =terrtartd sit money by a paid for sou[ taxes, asrea><rtents and inatsrantz with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rate [hereon from date of payment aB of winch Mortgagor hereby apses [o pay;permit nu waste on said ptemrsa; keep and comply
<br />with >U the apeemen[s and conditions of the Bond (or S 35 000.00 this ~Y &ven by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and coropiy
<br />with all the reouhements of the ConsGtu[ion and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents stroll become nuB and void, otherwix they
<br />shall remain in fuB force and may be torcdosd at the option oC the said ASSOCIATION alter failure for throe months to make any of said
<br />payments or be throe months in arrears m making said monthly payments, ar to keep and wmply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees [o stave a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proatding.
<br />if there h any change in ownership o! the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then [he en[ve remairng vdebtednas hereby
<br />secured shall, at [he optwn of The I:qui[abk Budding and Loan Aswciation of Craad Island. Nebraska, became immediatety due and payable without
<br />further notice, and the amours[ rcntaining due order said bord, and any other buod for any additional advances made tixrttunder, atuB, frmn the
<br />date of cxercis of said uptian, bray incetest at lire maximum legal rate, aril this nxxlgage may then be torerdose6 to satisfy the amount dm on said
<br />bond, and any other 6ottd (or additional advances, together with aB aunts paid by said The Egwtabk BuOdeng end Lunn Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for inntrana, taxes and aassur[ents, and abstrac[ntg extertsnm charges, with mutest thereon, from date of payment at the rsuxiroum
<br />legal rate.
<br />Aa provdod in 1}u: Boad secured hereby, while this ruurtgage remains in effect thr mortgagee may herealtu advanat additional sums to [he
<br />nrkers of aid Bond, their assigns sir succeswrs in interest, whrch sums shag be wr[inn [he secnrt[y eC thss mortgage [ht same as the funds originally
<br />soloed thereby, the [oral amount of pruu.ipal debt nut to excued at my cone the urygtnal amount ui thra mangage.
<br />- tAted thy 1(tj~y daY of Det~adyer A. D„ I9 $0
<br />Lr` f ,. c.. ~ - - ~itrty t , :ire
<br />e ~' _ _ ____._ ,Violet Fi. 4Pidifr
<br />STATE OP NEBRASKA, ~ $. i}n thra 16 tit day oC Decgttber 19$0 .before me,
<br />the tutdersigoed, a Notary Pub4c in and fw ad t'ouoty, personally ants
<br />l9fx~e L. Moore ate t3omthy K. :foots, taisiyatxi and wise; an[a ibyle L¢~}infrey ar„~o J~ et 13~
<br />..L.a.,.=~, n.r are, wipe; -- are ~-- ~ _ --
<br />ns< to 6e the itl~tial perxmS whose nasneS dZe stRxed to tha above tttArtunent u narttgarg and t}aCl,• arveraBy
<br />ackraowWljed the said Instrument !u M thL'l.r voluntary sit and deed.
<br />WITNESS mY harts and Notu+at Sea! the date afotentd.
<br />MY C °,m+nwazn eapuex ~, _ , ~ ,
<br />! i .. '
<br />- r - - .... _. _.-
<br />~. Vuta+y Pu41ic
<br />eaawt a1 aYltW afloat • aaa al assraaas .
<br />4.
<br />