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r <br />MORTGAGE <br />MOKTCAG£ LtyAN N0. ~~}, 881 <br />KNOW ALL MEN SY THESE PRESENTS: Tiut t4Et['le L. Moose atld DpiOttilr K. M7ore, YR18baTK1 and wife; <br />~ Doyle L. Winfrey and Violet B. Winfrey, lwsband and wife; <br />Mortgagor. whether one or more, is waredeatioe of Na 7YY1 Of <br />'pt~ty-five T2nusatxt and NGL1009.----- ---_-----_------ DOSI.ARS <br />keaed to slid tortgagor by 'The Equuabk Building and L?vt Assnctatam of (;rand (stand. Nztrarka, Mortgagee, upon 250 sh~esdteodt of <br />aid ASSOCiATtCN, Certificate No. L 23x881 . do hereby grans. o~nvey and mortgage unto the said ASS0CtAT1ON the fa8ovie6 <br />desa7t`bed rcd esraie, stwtsd in HaB County, Nsbraska- <br />THE NC~i OA11r HI7NORED EI(~iTY (180) FEED OF THE WESP EI:GHPY~TVE (85) FI~i' ~ BiOQC FIF'l~i <br />'(15) Pit P1.EASANP HCri1E SUI3DIVZSI0N OF PART OF THE E'~SESr ~' SE7CPI0N TWFSR'Y-CXt1E (21), 't'D~dtTS'tIIP <br />FS,EilEN (11) Pi~t'PH, RANGE NINE (9) WFST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL O0[7CxTPSC, N~RASKA <br />together with all She terterrtents, hereditament. end appurtenances thereunto hebngmg, including attached floor coverings, aB w'indow aeTeena, <br />wirtdtrw shades, blinds, storm windows, swrtmgs. hrahng, au cundibunmg, and plumbing and water egttipment artd acceaories thereto, pampa, stow, <br />rcfise ra^ss, a^:d etJtst fzturzs and eyttiprnent now or hereafter ataached to or used in a>nnecttor. with card real estate. <br />And whereas [he card rrtortgagor has agrud and does I;erehy agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asasaments kvkd or <br />assereed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond se vred t}:ereby before the same shall become delinquent: to fwnish approved <br />irtsttrame upon the buildings nn said premises snuated m the sum of 3 7r, (s O payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the polices (or said insurance; and nut to rommii or perfftR Sift' t73sQr are or about saiG premsses~. <br />[n case oC deiaWult ut thr performantx ui any of the terms and cundsucns of thta murgags c: tht bond .dared hereby, the mortgagee sl .li, <br />on dsmarrd, 6e en4itJed to immediate pussessron ut the mortgaged prcnuses and the rrortgttgur hereby assigns, transfers and sets owr to the <br />mangagss all thrt rams, avenues and uteonti to be dinned (rum the mungagsd prsnxtses dunng such trroe as the mortgage mdebtednass shall rsmeia <br />unpaid; at[d the rrwrtgagee shall have the power to appoint any agcm or agents it may desue far the purpose of ropairtrtg aid premises and rooting <br />the sacs artd wJiectieg the. rents, revcmiea and mutnre, and d may pay out of said ina>me aJJ expenses of repairing said premises and neceauy <br />a nmti~io;p and =Y.,nen;,ez inc:arred ue renting and -reneging the saaK and :=f co3tectirg :zntais r!~refram: ire baJar:x :aruainirg. if uty, to bs <br />apRted [trward the drsalrargr of said nangage indebtedness: chess nghts of the nnntgagsc tray be exercised at any liras dwing tJte sxisteace of sett <br />tktauft, irsespectiw o± arsy temporary waiver of the satrte- <br />Theae Presents, iurweve:, are upon the Condittun, Titnt :f the card :Aturtgdgor slwal! :t+pay said lean on or before the tnaturity of said shoes by <br />Jwyrnent: pay monthly to zatd ASStJi,'tATJON of the sum ap<c,tced in tL-c Y,rnd se~waad he,aby az inreresE and principal an said (oats, sin ar befea <br />the Twenlie;h day ~f each xnd every' rtranth, until said ioart is fully paid; nay sli razes and aasessnrents is led agarnst said premises and an tits 4Jortgagc <br />and the Bond secured [hereby, before de(inqusncy; furmst nppr ved :nsuwns upon rite buildings thsreai b [he sum oC $ 25, 000.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to card ASSOCIATION upon demand ati rrasnsy by rt paid for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of paytran[ all ul which Mortgagor hereby agrees [u pay; permit no waste on said premises:keep and comply <br />with all the agreements and amdi[ionx o[ the Bond Cor S pp~~p this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOC'JATtON, and coropiy <br />with aJJ the requueinentr of the Cunaiitution and By-Laws oPs~id ASSOCiAT10N; then these preaems shell become null and wtd, otherwise they <br />shall retitairt in full farce and :nay be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after (allure for throe months to make any of said <br />paytnsnts or be three months in arrears in maJcing said monthly payments, nr to keep and comply with the agreements and cunditians of said Bond; <br />sod Mortgagor agrees to have a roceicer appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedutgs. <br />Jf there v any change m ownership of the real carats tmngaged herein, by sale ar otherwise, tbrn the eoiirs rortaairtusg irtdeb[sdaesc hereby <br />secured shag, ai the option of The EquitaJds BtsiJding and Loco Association of Grand laland, Nebasits, become immediately due and payable without <br />further notice, and the a;.aeunt ttrns+"'n9 doe tinder said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made theremder, sits(!, from the <br />date of exercise of said option, tear interest ai the maximum iegd rail, and chi, rtturtgage troy then bs farscloscd to satisfy the artaotmt dos on -said <br />toad, and any ether hoed for additional advances, together with all sums paid by said The C^quitabk Bttiidivg and Lean Association of Grand [eland, <br />Nebraska fur insurance, taxes and assessments, and abstracting extensors charges, with interest thereon, from date of payrrxnt at the tttaxiatum <br />kpl rate. <br />As provided in the IJond secured hereby, while [his mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee rosy hereafter advance additional stems to [he <br />mslters of said Bond, Eheir assigns ar successors in interest, w}uch sums shall be within [he security of this mortgage the same as the funds originally <br />secatred thettby, the total attwunt of principal debt not to exceed at soy time [he original amount of this tmrtgage. <br />Detad this 16th day of D2CgTIl7Er A. D., 14 80 <br />~~ ~` <br />(~ i/`e~~'-"~-/'.,~ a i}°ro S' K re _. <br />~` "• W_ r y Violet f~x~ <br />-STATP. OF NEBRASKA, ~ ss. On this 16}tt day of ~g~r i9 80 ,before [rte, <br />CpttNTY OF HALL <br />tr°~",."°..d.a.'`.,."..t+°ij o, , ~.vuntY+F'°r°"avuuiyiwTi`c <br />Merle L. Moore attd Dorothy K. Moore, t2usbarycl and wife; and Doyle~~L. 1~~1.u2frey and Vi y t~B~. <br />Winfrey, tuasbatsl atxl wife: wlta are. pe to <br />rm to be the itknticaJ psrsat~ whose narttsg are affixed to the above instrument u martgagog and t17Ey ssxralJy <br />adtrrowkdped the vid instrument to bs thel.r vahmtuy act and deed. ") <br />WITNESS my hand and t~tarid Seal tiu date afwsEaid. I . <br />n / /) s <br />Sly Comrtussae expJras fr~~t/ /,Y i ~~~ - ~ ~ , <br />~ ~vtsry~~k - <br />w~.aee2 ~ j~j +~ICtwaJla-wa.rr,aa4, . <br />t tk 4ratt Egi ~ t4 uN 1 <br />