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3. The mortgagor wvmanta and apses that it he shall fail to WY said ie~ebtedass or any pact theseef wiers <br />dine, er than tail to prrform any cotenant or apeemeut of this instrument ar the promissory note secured hereby, the <br />entl:e indebtedncae hereby secured shall immediately become dne, payable, sect collectible withoet aetlee, art thr <br />of the mortgagee or aseigas. regardkas d mattiriti, and the mortgagee or his ssiprs may before or alAer ewtry <br />rieH said property withotrt apprsiaemmt ithe mortgagor havia~ waived tad awgned to tie naettgagee elf rigbH d <br />a0tprafsement i <br />r r I at judkiai sale pursuant to the proviaiens d ~ U.S.C. 2001 {a) ; or <br />{ n) at tie optima d the maartgagee, eitha: l+y aaatian or by sotiehatisa d sealed bilk,"foe the bi~sert ~ <br />beet bid oomplyiag with the terms d ask and maaaer d payment apeafied is the pnbkrhed ttMiOE d pk; fare'. <br />giving four weeks' tmtiee of the time, recce, and plate d attt6 ask, by advertieeateat cot leg dpe once <br />during each of acid four weeks in a nrwnpaper pnbliabed or datribnted is the leanly in which said property <br />is eittmted, all other nwia being hereby waived by the mnexgagor {and acid msrtgagee, or a~ p;eroa ate. <br />behalf of acid mortgagee, may bid with the tmpaid iodebtedneas esideaead by acid note). Said salerhall be <br />held at or oo the property to be sold or at the Federal, eotmtY, or eiry cmartiowe for the solely in tabirb the <br />' Property is located. The mortgagee is hereby suthoriaed to execute for and m beb:Y d the moetptgor sect to <br />deliver to the parehser at stub ask a std6eioat eonveyanee d aid property, wbic6 movoyaare aidl contain <br />redtala y to tlae hrppeaiag d the ddash apes whie6 the ettecation d the pwrer d ale herein pasted <br />depeadr; sad the said mortgagor hereby rnaatiiats sad appirima the mortgtgee a icy agent or attorney of tie <br />aorig:gee, tie agent and attorney lees fact d said mortgagar to makes aarJt roeitak and to cascara raid <br />aoavsyaace and hereby caveaant sect agrees that the reeitaL ao made ahaD be elfeetaal to bar all equity oe <br />right of trdemptioe. bomeatead, dnwar, sad all other exemption of the mortgagor, all d which are hereby <br />expresiy waived and osnveyod to the mart~gx; or <br />(tn) take any oilier appropriate actiart panuant to state ar Federal statute either in state or Federal <br />court or otherwise for the diapsition of the property, <br />In the event of a ale a hereinabmve prarided, the orortgagarar env person in ponrearion under the mottgago~r shalt <br />ties become and br tensors holding over and shall forthwith deliver paseeeriaa ten tie pnrehsser at such ale or he <br />anmmarilY diapsusedcd, in sceordsttee with the proriaiott d law applicable to tenants bolding over, Tim power <br />and agency hereby granted are coupled with as interest and are imvoeabk by death or otherwise, and are granted <br />s etrmulative to the remedies for coiketioa d said indebtedtur provided by law. <br />4°; Ikr~q~wtdraet~.:d property in aeeerdamee wits tie P~~6 Paa6raP~ ~) be applied first <br />to pad esPat!~t}t ale. the experts incurred by the mortgagee roc the pttpoae d protecting or main <br />„ auarneya' fete; secondly, to pay the iadebtednees secured hereby: and thirdly, <br />m pay aav surplw or exoees to tie petaoa or persona legally emitkd thereto. <br />5. in tie evaat said prepsrtY is wid at a judicial' fereelesnre ale or ponuant to tic power of sale hereinabove <br />prtmtsd, and the praoeede ere ,rat sul4teieat to pay the rota! ir~ebtedaer aeeared hY this 's.~taL-smear and evict bf <br />aaad promtaaory amps, the mattgayae will be tntitkd 40 ; defteiuoey jadg~t f~ tie uttsaat of tie~'toiafssrt <br />codices to appruiaswaant. <br />b in the evert the mortgagor fsih to pay any Federal, a4ic, or local tax nsaeenmeett, income tax or other tax lien. <br />chards, fee, or other expene charged agaiaat the property, the mongagee is hereby authorized at hie optio,. to pay <br />the ace. Any cams so paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the <br />iuw evidenced by said note, subject to the came teraas and condition. If the mortgagor shall pry and <br />diaaharge the itidebtedttew evidenced by said proaaiasory notq and shall pay such name and shall Jiacharge all lazes <br />and liens aced the coats, fetes, and expemea of makioq, eaforcinq, and executiaq this mortgage, then thin mortgage <br />aioN ba eaecefed and surrendered. <br />7. The toveganL herein wntaintd aha11 bind sad tie beoefiu and advantage shall inure to the respective auc- <br />sarrlrr and sauiEtt d tie paztis hereso. RTltosever used, tie aiagnlar ntmiber shall include ties pbttal, the pinta( the <br />ttl+tptlar. and tie woof any ~mder rball includes all gonden. <br />& :"Ike xsiter d any cotenant herein or d the obiigatim. secured hereby stall at any time thcrsafter be Geld <br />a i. a waiver d rho reran bermt or of ties note aacueud hereby. <br />9. bs sranpllaacs avid aeetian 1011!$) of ibe lints sad Redulstiona of the Small 8tuiaeas Adaaioiatratiaa (i3 <br />C..F 8. Mt.l (d) ). this ioatrgmeat is to 6e eonprved sad enforced is aeeerdaooe wits applicable Federal Lw. <br />40, 1- juditia) dtrrea, audu, or judpaeat ho m provision ax <br />shat) sot in as - xa Idie~g y Portion of thin intruaust invalid or ua- <br />y y impair w pralyde rite eatoresmeat of ibe rmaiatio,6 proriaioo. or portion of <br />~ farirurnent. <br />aa- r.,. car Ia.rar <br />