<br />FHA ~ 321-084309-265
<br />MPI tt 31-06-0451
<br />1~'ILI~ i iT>~V~
<br />p~ ii i~ f f~ V V
<br />Thin farm is used in conttee-
<br />tion with msrKRagts irtwted
<br />under the otir W farir-fattaiiy
<br />provision of the itiatiwtal
<br />Hot>:ir~ R.et.
<br />`PHIS MORTGAGE. ritade and extcutsd ties 16t2t day of Peeetaber AA.
<br />1980 . by ~d 6atwesn Jay B. Johitsott arul Carla K. Johnson, hiffiband and wife
<br />of tbtCotrmy of Hall . attd State of Mebtat:fu, pany o! the first part,ltatiaMtu -
<br />the Mortgapr, and Mortgage Pitts Incorporated - .
<br />a eorporatioa organized anA existittg urtder the laws of the United States of America
<br />patty of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Martgrgw, for and in cottsidention of the sum of 47'tirty Seven 14tatteannd.
<br />Six Hundred and 00/100ths-------------Dollars fS 37,600.00 1. paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, dte receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Grartted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, 13ar-
<br />gaia, Sett, Convey attd Confirm utrto the Mortgagee, its successors nail assigns, forever, the fo0owing-0tscribed
<br />reef estate, situated in rite Coumy of E~11 ~ , and Start
<br />of:Nebraafta, to wit:
<br />Int Seven (~), in. Fractional Hlock Fifteen (1.5), o£ John W.
<br />Latabert's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ha11 Catinty,
<br />Heliraska.
<br />Also Htitown As:
<br />12'16 E. 5th
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />of the Sixth Prirxipal Meridian, containing in aft city property ,scree accurdi ng w Govern-
<br />m~nt snrvcy:
<br />TO HAVF- ANl> TO HO1.U the premises abavz described, with all thz appurtznance± thereunto hetonging and inclndittg
<br />aH hcatitrg, plumb=_ng and }igttiirg fixtures and equiptttent. now or hereafter at€acitesl Ru or u,ed in cutertec tiuu with ,aid real zatate
<br />unto rile Mortgagee, and to its successore and assigns, forever. The Martgagtu represtnts lu. and covenants with. the Ma~rtas-
<br />aae, that the Mirrtg~os has good rig,'rt to szL' and :onvey said Przmises; that they are free from encumbrancz: and that rite
<br />Mt#iga~r wil# warrant atnf defers r!n same against the lawful claims of all person, whcyn.orvrr: and the said Mrxtor here-
<br />by relingaishas all rights of homestead, and art martial rights, either in law or m equity. and all other nmungznt intrres[s of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the above-described premises, the intention being w convey hereby an ahKrlute tide. in fez ;implz, inciud-
<br />fttg a4f ri~tts of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, end these presents are exettued and delivered upon thz following conditions. to wic
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee. or order, the principal sum of Thirty Seven Thousand
<br />Six Hundred acrd 00/100ths------------ Oollars 15 37, 600.00 I.
<br />with interest from dace at the rate o!' Thirteen & orte half per centnm ( 13.50 `.~ j per annum on
<br />tlx unpaid balanct nntil paid. The said principat and interest shat! be payable at the office of Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Englewood, Colorado , or at wch other place as the holder of
<br />the iwte may dtsignau in wriiirig, in monthly instelimenta ut Four hundred Thirty and
<br />90/lt~ths--------~---~'ttats (5 430.90 ~. commending un the fiat Ju} ++f
<br />ritary t9 81 ~ and on the hot da} of each swath [hereafter until the prncipal anJ m-
<br />terast are frilly paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest, i! nut sooner paid, shag he due and
<br />payable on the lust day of Jgny~y 20 all according to the terms of a czrtain promn-
<br />sary trots of even data hartwith execated by the sa~ Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor in railer mart fully to praiser the securit} of the ytortgagz. agree,.
<br />I. `That Fee wilt.pay the indebtedness, as fiereinbefore provided. privilege rs reserved to pay the debt m ~xhate, or m :+n
<br />astountequlj to one ar_mvrt mootiilq payments on thz prinapal that:ue neat due on the note. un thz first Jar of ant m.m[h
<br />prior W maturity: Provided, however. That written notice of an inientrun to rxernse such privilege is given at ka..t thin, ilul
<br />days pritar to prepayment.
<br />_ i, _ _ ur n ~ ;--_ .., ,L= .,,-..,~~y }.ayir,cntS »f piincipa Jnd tritetl-SI pa' :iOiC nndL'i Inc trrm3 ,`i tl:C
<br />ttott secured hereby, Lhe~Motigagw wi2f pay to the Mortgagez, on thz firs! ilay of each month until the saiif note ., fuU~ paid. tix
<br />following sums:
<br />(a} Amount sutftaarutk to provide tht holder hereof wtdt funds n. pay the next nwngitge msurauec p~znuucr a this
<br />urstrvttxat atuf ttre note secured htteby ate insured, or a mantltlY .'huge tin bra <,/urn+irtgKyc :rrsur~n:.~ /; .
<br />sriurn/ 1f tlxy ue hekt by the Sacreurry ¢f Housurg atuf Urbru: Uevt)apment- as ialtuws_
<br />'i l) if and so tong as ss;d note crt even dare and thee rrtsr:u;rkr;t err ursu~,J ,.r .:,,- „ ........ ...........+ •
<br />v}/t(int of the }giaanal iiousirtg Art, art am~xnt suf'ue,cnt t;; a, . ~ e ~- -- -t_~,>r u 1 i~; -:.n+-
<br />~.aa rna zta;rret wr,,,-,r. .,yq, u. u..+r v~,a rvr~a. n „na,.v.,,r ~ 7'3 3~F: t tP~ 'ti p;trKAtilC.i
<br />