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~~~, ~ ~1(~~~~ j~} <br />4. Cotldemnatioa. The proceeds of any award ar clmm far damages, d+rect or cotuegl:enna!, in connection with any <br />condentnatiar. or other taking of :he Property, or pan therm[, ar for conveYancc in lira of tomitmnation, are hereby auignai <br />attd shat( be pair! to feeder. <br />In the event o{ a total taking of the Property, the prtxecds shall be :.pplicd to the wms xcured by this Deed of rust. <br />with the ezrxss, if any, paid to Borrower. In the evert! of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borr~ of the ptocu~ <br />olMrwix agree in writing, them shall be apptiW to the wms seeursd by this Deed of Tnust such propori <br />as is equal to that proponwn which the amount of the sums xcurcd by this Dad of Trust immediately prior w the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property imrtxd'rauty prior to the date of taking, with she balance of the Proceeds <br />paid [o Borrower. r tsHers w make <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by [..ender to Borrower that the condemoo <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Harrower tails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date atsch t <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at -Leaders option, either to nstnration or rtpa <br />Property or to iiR sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless tender and Borrower othtrwix ague in writing, any such applicatwn of proceeds to prrneipal shall na~ lest ~ <br />or postprne the due date of the monthly inuallnums referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hermf a change Fm <br />such installments. <br />i0. Bortower Not Refused. Extension of the urtu (or payment or modification of amonizuion of rife stuns secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor m interest oT Borrower shall not operate to release. in any rnaruur, <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrowers successors in in:erat. Lender shall trot 6e requires to comttfeace <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or aherwix modify nrtwnizslion of the wms <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand malt by the onginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />f 1. Ftirbearanee by Ixnder NtN a Waiver. Any fotbearancc by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hercurrder, or <br />olhtiwix afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the czerctx of any such right w rernedy- <br />The procurw:xnt of insurance or the paymem of razes or other liens or charges by Leader shall cwt be a warver of Lender's <br />right to acceluate the marncity of the mdeh;edness secured by this Decd of Trtrst. <br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided-in this DccJ of -crust are distinct and nunuluive to ~Y ~~dygo~ <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trtut or a!lorded by taw ar equity, and may !x exercised conmrrerfWy, tx <br />successively. <br />f3. Sureeswes and Autgns Bound; joint and Several Irttbillty; Captions. The covenants and agreements heron <br />mnta'rned shall bind, and the oghts hereunJcr shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of lxetder and Borrower. <br />subject to the pravisiana or paragraph 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only and arc not to ix used w <br />inicrprct or define the provisions hereof. <br />14. Nolkt. Except for any nGticc~ rcgwred tinter applicable law to 6c given tit another manner, tat any nadce to <br />Borrower provided for in this Detd of Trust shall be given by mailing such notftoe by certified mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Properly Address nr at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and <br />(b) any nohce to Letfdtt shall be given by certified mail, return rccaipt requested, to Lendei s address stand herein or to <br />speedoof Trvstl shall be dttmed o have been giventtot Bortowerworr Lendervwhnhgi en in the nmannefrda gnats! :ttrttn. <br />I5. I;niforra Deed of Trmt; Governing Law; Scverabilfty. This form of JeeJ of aunt combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdictior. to constitute a uniform security irrswrrfrnt <br />In he even !that oyypro ision~ord louse of thaisl Deed ofrTrttstt ortthtaNote con8icte withnappl'teable law Pw~rCOnflicot shad!! <br />not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect wuhout the conflicting provrsion, <br />and to this end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to M severable. <br />I6. Borrower's CoPY• Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of the No[e and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />of execution or after re,.osdstion hermf. - <br />i7. Traosflr of tree Prt:~ny; Asa+imptloa. If all or any part of the Property or an interest thercrn !s sold or tronzierre <br />by Borrowtr without Lenders pane written conxnt, excluding (a} the creation of a lien or encumbrance suberdinatc to <br />this Deed of Ttvst, fib} the creation of a purchase money security interest for hausehotd appliances, Lc1 a transfer by devrse. <br />descent ar by ofrtation of law upon the death of a ioint tenant or <br />ywMaturaer Lender may, at Lender`s option, dectar^. a}t the sur:3 Berated by this Deed o[ Truss to be <br />imme+_!iatety dits and payable. Lenaer shah have wa:^~ed such option to auelerate it, pane to the sale ar transfer, Lender <br />atsd_thr: tt!:rson to wham the Properly is to irl Sold of iransfured reach agrrrmem ':n writing that the credit of such ptrsan <br />is satistac'.^.ry !^- !finder and that the interest payable on the Burns secured "ny this Deed of Trust shall ~t at such rate as <br />Lender shalt rcqutst. ft Leruler has waived [tie cptiaa ;o accrtera!c provided rn this paragraph !?, ant if Borrowei s successor <br />in inrcrlsr has ?xe:uted a writtt.^. assump!iun agreement accepted ~n writing by Lender, Lrr!dcr shall release Harrower from <br />all obligations under this Uesd of Trust and the Notc. - <br />If Lender exernxs such option w accelerate. Lender shall marl Borrower nonce of aceeleratron m accordance with <br />paragraph 14 hereof. S v the Butts Seel pet duel !t rBorrowc!rsfadsswhpay;such sums pane toathet cxp!tauoo of such pcnod, <br />which Borrower may pa, - <br />Lender may, wahout further nutter ar demand _in Borrower. mvolt any rtmedres permitted h} paragraph t B hereof. <br />Nora-U r+teoart Coven~nrs. Borrower and Linder lunher ravenam and agree as Inllaws. <br />Ig. Acceleraliun; Remediss. Except as provided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach oI any covenant or <br />tfgreemen! of Borrower io Ibis Deed of Trost, including the covenants to pay when due any sums secured 6t' this Drtd <br />of Trust, lxader prior to xcsleeation shall maB rrmice to Borrower as pros tiled in paragraph 34 hereof specfiyitfg: tl) the <br />breach; f21 !ire xctioo reyuired to cure such breach; 13) a date, tint laYx than J0 days tram the date the nut+ce n mailed to <br />Borrower, 6)' which such breach r~rust ti cured; and (41 that failure to cure such breach on or before the date specified <br />fir. the antic°- may result in acceleration of the sums secured br this Deed of Trust and sale of the Pruprrly- The nolitt <br />shall further inform Borrower of tree right to reinstate oiler accrirra8an and the right !o briny, a court aclimr to assts <br />the rust!-exlstratt of a default or any other dtftnsr n( Harrower Iu accrkratton and note. If the breach is not cure4 <br />on or flfrfort the date specified in the trotter, !.ender al !.cadet's apuun may decWrr all of thr sums xaureJ CY Ibis Ueed <br />of 'fruxf Io 6e iron+cdiafety due and payable wiihuW turtles demand and rewy mwkr Ihn power of salt and mr) WMr remedies <br />permitted by applicable law. Lender shalt be tntilled to collect a?! reawna6lr casts nail expenses incurred is pursuing the <br />remedies pew tiled is this paragrapt+ lit, including, but not limited to, reawna6lt attonrey4 Eees. <br />If the pawn d Bak is insoked, Trustee shag record a notice of default in each count' in which the Property or some <br />part themof is (orated and shalt maB copies of suck trotter in the manner prexribed by applicable la't toDlt~I wwTruuee shall <br />other persons prtscribed by appUcable taw. Alter the taps[ of such time ac ma) be required by app ~a~ without demand on <br />give pufdir naiitt at sail to tM persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, <br />noldrnt~iiee o{ Bak inn sorts rtmor rparazisuarsd tr, sorb a ~r as Tnesite muyrdeterrrtinr~Tr>ttenmay rpostpone ss esof aB <br />or say parcel of the Prupeny by public anrwyaernteM at Ibe time seed place of any previous!) uheduled Bak. E.eader or <br />Lereder's des~aee may pwchset the Properly a1 any sale. <br />lJpon receyu aE paYtucnt of the price bid. Truster .hail delta er of the purchaser Trastrc's deed coaveyb+g the Property <br />xold. Thr recitals in the 17ustec's decd shat! Ile prima tack erideucr of the Ira~th of for stateaatals made (herein. Trustee <br />afstdl apply !let prucreda of the sate in Fhe Eotlowip} oO ~r. n) of the gross cote price, reu+o~ble ultorrt¢Ybifres and costs of <br />nut hmiled to, 7"ruslee's foss of cwt mart than 1/ ~ ~ t r.~! th.~ c:ct+c. if any, ra rise prrsou or persons legatiy rnrilled <br />title ertdcate; fb) m all soots secures oy run ,)ecar of T: u,!; :..~ --. --- -- - - - - <br />tllercte, <br />14. Burrower s Right to Reinaale. Nutsa rthaanJmg l_endcr', aoaic; orlon of the +unr, ueured by !fin UccJ rd rtrU. <br />13crs mw^,r shall hacc the nghi in have ny prucetJm}rs tacgun by I enter to enforce !his UrcJ rff TN!`st :hscam mucJ al <br />.• any time prior ru 7hc C.rrlrct to cxcur of lit the fifth Ja) htl arc tit. ,tile n( iht i'nsi>,~m l:ur.nuanr !•~ nc~ r of ,alt :,uu •' _rri J <br />err 4hrs f}std of T~rus; ar (ni entry of a ludgnxnt enforcing rho IhcJ of '1-nut iC ta) Bartow er (>} } h i~ ndrr a!. snr it .N hi wh Nrrcd: <br />t>e t)vrr Jut !toilet th,x fheJ of Trust. the Nate xnd r~oics x:a.:~nng lirr~:~c Ada~arree,- :f ton's! h~s tyCC.i ~~!~ trust: <br />_- rbr Bau mace care, off hrcacM•s •:i arty other ruscnant4 ar :rgnaru.a+ ~-f Ksrr;,wcr . .`. <br />0.7 B.•rroker pays a'.i ~ t>0. r r a } .l. a - ! ~ ` ! ' <br />c-t lr, il,- r, ~daJ f- ~ ~-f <br />k3 r ~n ! - Ile r , fir- t -..i ~ ~ ! a a r ~ r ! s ~•. ", , <br />...- -.! t t - - d e~rak rt ,!. ~ ,a .. ! t n ., t a <br />-., ." s : .. d ,.~ ! .,.,. o. ,C r) .d o! - ~,..r ~ ..,run „~. ,., .. .- - <br />