DEER 4F TRUST ~ ~~ t){~ :"259
<br />"Ellis DEED OF TRUST is made this... Ist ~~gg~~yy ~ I>ecember .., .
<br />29 a~ ., amanj fhe ?er~sor,.. DUA1zE A. J~tSA1d ~A~ ~ ~~ [i: ~,I~fiStHt, Huslsand and WYfe ... . .
<br />.......................................... (herein "Berrosrer"), . J18iti .8.. BROJ~EL;., . ALt~tsaY- • .
<br />>3t k4y ....................... . .............................. (hercm "i'rusta"). asd tht )r,
<br />Commercial Savings Company of Grand Island,. NE,.68801 ~ -
<br />ettisting ueoder the lasvs o[.... Nebraska .............................. arhose aAdt'sssis.~LZI~R : i(febb ~
<br />Boad, Grand Island NE 68801 _........_.(..+.).
<br />...................r...................................
<br />Boaaowaa, in consideration of the indeWedrteu herein recited and the ertat hereat erettted, irteretsblT'~~
<br />and catveys to Tnatst, in trust, with paver of sale, the fttUowing described preperty located itt t!!e t';~uatg d
<br />.........................................Stated NeWaska:
<br />Lot Eight (8), Kentish Hills:- Subdivision, located in the South Half
<br />of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (St$iGf>~'iAs) of
<br />Section Twenty Five (25), Township~8leven (11) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />Nest of the 6th )+M. , Hall Caturty, Nebraslw
<br />whit:as has tht: a,•'drtss at. .3821 Rochdale Circle Grand Island,
<br />Isle«U te,ert
<br />NE 68801 „(herein"PropertyAddress'");
<br />..... taUU u,p rip Ca«J
<br />TOGETHER with all ttn ~mprovcmcnts now or hereafter crcctes) oa the prop.rty, and all eaxments, rights.
<br />•appurtenattees, rears (subject however to the rights and authorities given herein [o Ltnder to coUctt and apply such
<br />rents), royal(its, mintral, tm) and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and all fixtures now or
<br />hereafttr attached to the property, s11 of which, including replacements and additions theceto, shall be dectned to be
<br />and remain a part of the property covered by this Decd of Trust; and olt of the foregoing, togaher with said property
<br />(or the -tttsehok! tstate if this Deed of True is on a leaseho{d) arc herein referred to as the "Property":
<br />To SecusE to Lertder (a) the repayment of the indebtedness cvidcnctd by Harrowtr's nott dated........... .
<br />121iJ80 ~~ ..Notz ~), in the princcpal sum of.Eight_ Thousand One and 56/100
<br />...... , i8 r QU.. 56) . . . . ....... . . . . . . ...... Dollars, with tnterest thereon, providing for rrtottthty instattmenu
<br />of prinei{ut! and itHert:st, with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and ptyadk on.... , ...... .
<br />n_...,,L,.,, e ti op r ~r ..n ,,,w.,. _,..,,~ ,.:.,l, :n,..r.,~e rM~n.,., h.t„„nfcd
<br />........rcvo~u.u...a, . ~o~ .. ................ R pays a.. n, ...~ .~., »,»._... ---- -
<br />ia accordance hucwUh to protect the xcurity of this Deed of Trust; and the performance of the covenants aeu7
<br />agrettmnts of Honower htrein contained: and (b} the repayment of any future advances, with interest trtt:rcon. made
<br />ro 9orro>,ycr by Lertder pursuant to -urragraph 21 hereof t lrere,n "Future Advances"l.
<br />8crrower eavenants that Borrower M lawtuUy seised of the estate hereby canvtyed and Ras the right W grant anti!
<br />convey the Ptopzrty, :hut ibc Property ,s uneneumixrcd. and that &urewer watt warrant and defend y~rcral)y the
<br />title to the Property against a)l clain» air,:' drmands, sulryect to any dctkaratwr;s. caxtnents or restrtctrons listed in a
<br />ntult at esccptians to iaverage :n any tint insurance pLlecq :stsuri i E ~.-->- - !nti<r~~t :n the Prrty.
<br />:>iHFF 3/80
<br />