<br />
<br />MU~tTGAGE
<br />~-~ t1(i' 253
<br />7'bis saorEga$e made slut tnter~ into this 22nd ~,y of Bovesdter
<br />19 ~ -try and between Lysle E. Lockard and Betty B. Lockazd, husband and vrife,
<br />as joint tenants
<br />(ttereimtflrr referred to as mortgagor} and Commercial National Bank and Ttvst Company
<br />(hereinafter refereed to as
<br />tssartgagse); who rrsairttaias an off-tee and place of business at 424 N. Third stttet in Crand island,
<br />Had Ccas:,:f, Nebraska.
<br />Wti'tta4St~4if, that for the consideration hereinafter slated, receipt of which is hereby acktwwtedaed, the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sett. grant, assign, atxt convey ttnto the tttongagee, its succeswrs and assigns, all of the fai-
<br />loa'i~ dascr't'bed property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />o€ N~Ursska.
<br />Ivt Eighteen (1$), in Block One (1), in Dale Ronah Second Subdivision
<br />is "...2' § of S2cti:,a Fvurteea (14), Township Eleven iii). North,
<br />Ranpie Ten (iOJ, Wear of the 6th P.M., Bail C'otmty, Nebraska
<br />to,~t33er +~:ifh w1! the tettenetttr. and appurtenances i hercio beEoetgea,g, ai! Ybe ants. ?slues and profits t!tereo'„ and a!!
<br />ettseatents, eisitts, royattier,, ttt?nerat, nit attd gas rigtets and prett'it:, water, water rig:tts, and ::ate-. rorl,;3rzd ir!ciudi.^.g
<br />all' hcatiog, ptnmbittg, refrigeration, lighting, et(uipment and al! fixtures of every drscriptiort hr!nnging ta the
<br />tnortgago€ now of hereafter attached thereto or used in cottna-ticm with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the following described properties which are and shall be deemed w 6e fixtures end a part of the realty, and
<br />art a portion of the security for rite indebtedness herein stated. (if none, state "nom") None
<br />To have and tts how the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided:
<br />Tire tnartgagor is lawfuify seized and posxssed of and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the
<br />same is free from aU encttmbratues except as !tereinabove railed; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of a!t persons whomsoever.
<br />T iatstntmeru is gives to secure the payment of a promissory note dated __ Novetttber 22 , 1980 ____
<br />ie tlx luincipa[ sum of S_?.. _420-00 -------.---,--------. signed by __ r.~st p c. Loc;ca~ .--- --------,
<br />in behad' of ------_~.__~ himself
<br />also,.. as stucfstmte ttr notes may from time to time br trtcxtit'ied, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />is the event the title io said tra! estate is transferred, or conuaaed to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />r€frcou ~ icy arty method whatsoever, the entire pritr.~ipat sum sad accrued intereu shat! at once become due and
<br />F9'YaDts ~t the mss'-itm of ttx holder hereof. Fature to cntrcase r}tis opiioa brcause of transfer of title as above stated
<br />ia. tsoe ittit;84e shAi3=not. constitute a waive of the right to exercise the same in the event of arty subsequent transfrr.
<br />}. tttcst~Wtgt3x eoYetw-arts ataf agr~s as fottows:
<br />ft;, "E`gt pt'l ptty the irtfiehtafa455 evidetue<I by said arrnn+scnrv note at tF.e ,in,~, ~,,.a :., ,t.g ,,.
<br />tit f*s&eidod.. -
<br />b. Tt! icy sli taxes, a.'asessmt:flts, water rata;, and other governracntai ar municipal charge;. tlnct. ,~r
<br />ttfa'pc7et'i6snrta= f+~ abicit prctvisitut has rtnt been made hcreinbefore, and wilt pramptty deliver the attitia! rt~eitx-,
<br />tReritfer to rate said tnorigagee.
<br />'. Trt fiat' lush expenses attd fees a.s may tat incurred ;n r!se : !~3te;.-:ian 3r.:: :rd'int era nwr . - -:a,a
<br />it~fitdtntt the Errs of arty ttttorrtcsr etnpioyed by rite tnortga~e for the cottect,on ~,t a.tv ; .itt r ~, 4 : t, eu_ -
<br />~_- -x f=xatsr.,ur+r by rs#oti3af,tt's :tits. ;.E ->ur: !x.~~•.. 7 ~ . - .. _ - --
<br />sfftc~tstt~ vat€. t -..ry~ett, .. v,.... ~. ~......
<br />