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g~-- t1~)`"246 <br />YOR'fGACE <br />htOR'fC,ACE LAAN NO. L 2j,~3gp <br /><afONALL MEN ~ 77tESE pRESETII'S: Tlait S_eptsesl t+i. iYatch aril Delores A. Fz'ench, each in his and <br />her own right and as sparse of each other, M«tpigor, ttltsthar oat or more, m eamiietatloa d the sow of <br />kraatd to taYd r[mrtgayor by Thr Egaitabic Bretlitg sad Lan Asstomikoa dGtassd Island, Nebsafa,llweppe, upon 350 sitter ~atodt ~ <br />stid ASSOCIATlOlI, Certificate No. L 23, 880 . do herby gun, ooevry sad [tortga0c taro tlse ssitl A330CIA'L7ga tht fobsrk; <br />detiaabed red cetera, attested in FiaD County, Nebndt:: <br />Lo i [~fIE (91 , aT1xX 'ITrA3 (2) IIa vAI1,ESt VIIIa <br />"UBDTYSIQa, BEING A PAH'L (h '?ill:: EAST HALF <br />OF 'IiiE tiORTHEAST ~71JRRTITi E?4NE;} OF S}XTIUN <br />'t-W'E1't7-TWD (22), IN :Okfi7SHIP :~,t"VEN (11} <br />NUR2ii, RANGE NINE i9), :aFST OF 'Iii 62i? P.M., <br />IN EtAT•i• CroLRaI7, NF~RA.SKA. <br />ta®etlxar wkUt aD [tat terxasnts, Itereditamen[s and appunetmnces thereunto bekogguig., inctudtng attached floor wver®p, all wiedsrw svaeta. <br />wufdow shades, blonds. warm wtndowa, awrtiriga, haling, ur cvnditioaing, and plmnbing vd waterequiprnent std seceasorin thtrcto, p[uops, stoves, <br />rcfriscraiors; and oNter factures and equipmrnt now err hereafter atUChed to w treat in mnnectron with said rcil euau. <br />Amt whereas tht sad mortgagor hu agr«d and does hereby sgr« trot the t[wngagor shag and wild pay all razes and asas~enta kvkd of <br />aaaetacd upon said premiss sad upon this nror[gage and the bond srcwed thercM before tht sazoe shill becortte deiingtamt; to furnish approsed <br />ittauran« upon tht Duildiregs vn sand prem[ss at[ratN m ttr sum of S 35, 000.00 payable to said ASSO(:IA710N sad to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies :`m acid inwruax; and met to [wmrmt or pcrnu[ any waste on w about sad premves; <br />in case of defadt in the pa(oratam-e of any of [he arms and etmdtitons vi [hrs mortgage or the bond secured ntreby, [he «aortgsgee shag. <br />on denumd, be entitled w immature pussesvo[t of the mongagrJ prcmrscs and the mungagw hereby assigns, trarufers and sea over to the <br />mortgag« all the rents, rexnua and u[wme w be Jsnved tram the nortgaged piemraez during each time as the martgage indebtedrtesa shall rennin <br />unpaid; and the rnurigagu slaaD have the power to appnnt my agenr err agents a may deme For the purpvsc of repaving said preniaes std rentivg <br />iht :name and adkttetag the rents, rtvmtm and income, and it msy pay out of sad incvint aB txprosea of repauing ssil premiss and nxet€uy <br />cvxrsassiativm and experts incurred d rentirtg and rtutng[rtg Ilse same and ut u:tklectirag tentaks thtrefrom; the 6ilance rcmtunkgg, if any, to be <br />applied toward tht dizshsrge of said mortgage inMbtednem: these rigih[s of the nwrtgag« msy krc excreted at my titre during tht txiaunce of suclt <br />default, irrespect.tve of any temporary waiver of the serve. <br />Thex Presenu, however, ut upon [ht t~ondttnm, that if the said tdaK[gagvr shalt repay card loan vn ur uetm< tht instancy aF acid shoes by <br />payme+t€; pay munef[iy w said ASS{iC1ATION of the sum specified m tCv Brtnd iscxed hcrthy as ~nttreu and pnnapa! on said lean, un at be€ore <br />tisrr TwettiY[Lh daY uF each and evtry rmxith, uald said kuar. i3 fullp pad; pa4' akl [axle and ass~rntnts lewd against said premiss and vn this Mortgsge <br />errs{.! [!u L+s~7;id xat:xw? thaxtbY, txfars sYki.~uer~+:; t:ssrush appraz,4 mbarancx ryun tt~ buiidingr tht¢wn m tht sum of 3 3 ~ , 000.00 paYabk <br />to said ASStJC1ATION; repay Co said ASSOCIATION upon dlrnamt aD rrasrxv by rt panf for such razes, assessmev[s and irtsUravrs with iritergt ai <br />tlfc svazkmum ksgl me iherevr. from dace of pay'[rtevt all of whuh Nwtgagw hereby agr«s to pay, permit no waatl on said prtmisea;k«p and cornp[y <br />ws[6 all the agreettteuts and w[dtuans aE the Bold for S j 5 r ppt~ _ ~p thix day g[ven by tht said Muugagur to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />wir}a all the rcquiretr[uitn of itie Constitution and By-taws o IATWN; Lhtn these presents shag become null and void, othtrwix they <br />alnkl retrain m fuD fort and may be forecbsd at the option oC the said ASSOCIATION after failure for thr« months w matte any of said <br />payments or be three months in arrears m rrnkitig std monthly payrnenta, yr to kelp and camply with the agreements and conditioner of said Bond; <br />asd Mortgag~x agreen to have a rt«iver appoimad Yvrthwith m s[kh foreciasure protwedivgs. <br />iC there u any change m owmrshtp of the rent estate mortgaged herein, by sale or utherwis, then the rntue retraining indeb[edness hereby <br />scored eluD, at the option of The Eq[utabk Building avd Loan Assoctistion of Grard lalaad, Nebraska, becotnl irnrnediauly dot and payable without <br />fuet}s: nW.kts. and the avnmt rertiimu[g dot undtr said bond, and any other band for any additional advsnax: made thereunder, argil, from the <br />dot of axtacae of said option, bear inurtst at the mausnurn {egak run, and this awrtgagc may thrn be foreclosed to satisfy the artsount due on said <br />6ord,aeul arty other bond fa[ additkseat advuips, «y{etha wits[ aB smra pad by said The Equitable Duildiog std Loan Association of Grand iahnd, <br />Nebntl[a fur ittaurann •aus and asssamtais, and abaracting exirna[m chugs, with interest thereon, Cram due of paytnenr at the maximum <br />ktgai rata. <br />Ax pnavsded N tht Dowd sa:utM hereby, white th[s mortgage reninuis m elTect the mortgsg« may hereafter advanx addiionil sums to the <br />seater aE said Bond, [kstu asugm of sucetsarrs in interest, wkueh sums shall 6e wnbin [rte szcurity of this mur[gpge the same as the funds ortgioa{ly <br />atCWeti thacaby, Cht tvtil amour[ of p[irwipW debt vat to cxmad a[ any tune tkte ongrrul amvum of this mortgage. <br />~, //O.gfsd f~ 15th ,diY of , ~ Deceitt6er .a. o., iv 80 <br />.-.sL[.LF I~IC s~ ~ ' ~ ~.r `'~.7wEt.~ '~ <br />Si~t~a. P~.I~2~ <br />usicares A, is retxcik <br />SCATt t7F NBB'RABrCA. ~ era. 4n tha 15th say oI December 19 80 . befora ero, <br />cnuf~rv+r~ xALI. <br />t!m irndersigrred, a Notary Fabric m and for sad Cottmy, persoaWy pine <br />Stern ter, Freskch and DelorPS A. Frertch, c~ch in his aria tier oaari i• ht arx: as ~pouse cf <br />nacdz .^it}ras r _ r "'~ •3 r.' Pe~naDY Eavwa to <br />ns 1sr ks Eks iAentspi ptsroa b whose naave s drE' atfiaW ba tht abo~ irtitrumetst ax nnvtytgur s amt !' hE~y aeveraDy <br />adastwisdgsd ~ asid vtttrumwit ra ba their vakuatary set and died. <br />N7T1MF$S avY hand and Natussi Sett tk[r date atu=stall. <br />taip t omapiwnre sxytaes ~ _ _ <br />.,_. .,,. <br />n,ytas ~...-~e:liij pe <br />