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'%~~ U~lrt'rf.~.'~J <br />L.eackr't wTinrn agreemrne or appticalsit law. Borrower shatl pay the amotant of aA arrortgage uniarance premiums in rite <br />marttxr provided ~veder paragraph 2 htrtof. <br />Airy amaunft disbursed b}' Lender punusnt to this paragraph 7. with interest thereat. shat! become additional <br />indebtMttess o£ Barrawx<r centred by this Marigttge. Unless 13errower and Calder agree to other terms d payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable open narice from i.etader to Borrower regaituing payment thercef. and shat! bear intere~ ftatt the <br />date at disMtrsemerit at the raft payable from time to time on otrtstamlbrg pritrripa! raider the Ntxe tutlese payment of <br />irnerest at stack rate would l±e cunt±ary to applicable law, in which evenf sttch amounfa strap bqr interest at the highea cart <br />psrrriiasibte under applicable law. Nothing tontahrod iu ibis paragraph 7 stroll requite I.cnder to incur airy experne or tape <br />any action hereunder. <br />g. iaapertfed 1_essder may matte or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />trot Lender shah givt Bortower native prior to any such irnprctian specifying reasorratrk catiar there{or Tetated to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. ConiewrsHoar. 77te prncetds of any award or dairt. for damages. direct or comequential, in caattection with any <br />condemnation or aher taking of the Property, or part thereof, a for ctmvtyarice in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby asaigtred <br />and :hail txe paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be app!itd to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />wfth the excess. if any, paid io Borrower. In ?he tvrnt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower aril Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums xcutcd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proeeede <br />_. as is tqua! to that prppartion which the amount of the sums ceeured try this Mortgage imtnedutely prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Propem immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balan.^e of the precxda <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lander to Borrower that [he condemnor affm to make <br />an award ar stttlt a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.ettder within 30 days after the date such noifee is <br />retailed, Lender is atnharized to collect and apply the procxeds at Larder's option. either to rpttrratiai or repair of the <br />Property or to eke sums secured Ltv this Martgage- <br />Unless Lender acrd Borrower athetwise 2gree in writi.^.g. any sac.`. appt i ratio-s, ~ proceeds eo principal shit not extend <br />ar postpone the due date rat the monthly installments referred to in !rarag~.raphs I and :hereof or change the avnount of <br />st.!ch rnstal'tlmtnts. <br />10. Borroxv `dot Rt9eaeed. Extension of the time for payment ar madiHcation of amartizatiors of the sums secured <br />by thi:i Mortgage granted by Lender ro any s•~ceessw in interest of Rarrovver shall not operate to release. in any manner, <br />ilia piability of the arigina€ Borrower and Borrower's succrriwars in interest. ! ender shatl oat he required to cotnmenrx <br />pracctdings agairrst such successor or refuse to extend time far payment or otheru•ix modify amortization of the sums <br />savored by this Mortgage by rtxson of any demand made by the ~rrigmal Barnrwer and Aormwtr's sttcceasors in interest. <br />II. Ptsrlttaranre tr}' I,raaler \ot a Waimr. Any forhsxraare tiv I,entirr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />athtrwist affardad by applicable [aw, shatl not be a waiver ::rf or prnctnde the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />The prceurertient of inxurance or the payment of taxes ar rather terns ar charges by Ltndtr shatl na M a waiver of (sndei's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by chi, Mortgage. <br />L2. Remedies Ct>mufatfse. Ali remedies p.-ovided m this Mortgage are diction and cumulative to any other Tight or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law ar eyuuy, and may be exerased concurrently, independently or successively. <br />13. Secetssors aad Ada Btarard: Deist sad Savant fAaiiBty; Caltioas, The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shalt hind, and the rights hereunder shall twee to, the respective successors and assigns of Linder an6 Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph t7 herwf. Ait covenants and agreerntnts of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mongagc are for .onvemerxro only and art oat to he used to <br />interpret nr define the provisions herecsf. <br />I4. Ntalitr. Except far any naii4Y reyuirtd under appiicabit Eaw u~ he given :n another manner, (a) any natece to <br />P,t>; i.wer , tovvdtsL fat ir: ?iris Mortgage shaft t>e given ha mailing sitt.h nonce by crni8ed coal! addressed to Borrower at <br />the Pntprny Address or at such either address as Borrower may desrgnatr by notice to Gender as provnfed herein, and <br />1b;) arty erotica to tender chat! fk given by certified marl, carom reretp! rrqutsled. !u !.endcr's address stated herein ar to <br />°ast:h uthtr adure3s us Lender may dtstpnatt by notice t:~ Bor rr>wtr ai prow-~c}ed herein. 4nY n~tirc provided for in this <br />Mortgage shalt bt doer=,~ to ha~.t trace. given to €Lorrvwer or !.ender when ?ti vzn in the man.ter de4agnated herein. <br />'f;E,. L!aiforat Mortgaes; (iavrr!siag 'Lax: Srvrr - <br />s6pky. 7'4r is form .=f mangage ~e=mbirres uniform covenants f.~r nauanai <br />tisx, a.nJ roan-untV'orm eeve t. Is with hn+.a..1 vari ~ ~ .:: „~, c n rn is -tart a i. iterm s~ -tv r.^.strumtat cover?ttg <br />rate; !•€tptrty i;ria ~~tangag shalt rte governed by the Saw tF the jurisd:.tian i^ which the Property i> !v;=~ated. /n the <br />tve;,t ~: zny prs-.v-talon c;r cia~st of :his Mortgage or the 'lute ctxrAvts with applicable law. such conflict shalt nut affect <br />o•.her Ltrov!sions of this Mongagt or the Note which can be gwrn effec[ without the conflicting pro: talon, and to this <br />cud the provisions of flit Mortgage and the 4ou; are declared to he severable. <br />'.6. ISorrowrr's Copy. Borrower shall Fx furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the tune <br />of extcrtiion or after recordation hereof. <br />(?. 'fYaaaftr of ttre Proaerty; gyangsp~. (f all or any pan of rtes Propeny or an interest therein is said oT tramferred <br />by Borrowtt without Leader's prior written eansent, exetudiaig (a) the creation of a Iten or encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mortgage, (b) the citation of a purchase money security rntereat for household appliances, (c) a transfer by devise, <br />dsscent or by operation e{ law upon the death of a faint tenant or id) the gran[ of any ieasetwld interest of three years or less <br />sot containing an apiivn u: pu;chaac. Ltrs;~r may, at Lender's option, declare alt the scans secured by this bfongage to be <br />imrtitdiately due and payable. Lender shall have waivad stack option to aurterate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender <br />aria the {a:rsari to whom the Prapeny is to be sold or transferred reach agraament in venting that the credit of such person <br />~ s_tisiastary tv Lert.•'rr and that the inictrsr payable nn the sums soured by this Afongage shatl be a[ such rate as L.erder <br />steal} rtyutst. Lt Lttuftr has waivW the option to accelerate provided !n this paragraph t7, and if Borrower's su«.'•.,. ace in <br />tnterost has executed a written assumption agreement acctptrd in writing by lender, Lender ;hall release Barrowrr from ail <br />olrJigations uitdaa~ this Mortgage and rise Nae. <br />If L.andar ecet;:ietc surf; optiaer to at:cx;ttrate, i_ender steal! eTtaii Borrower novice of acceteraiion in accordance •.vith <br />paragraph 14 Ettrtof. Sus-h notice shall provide a period of raw less than 3G days tram the date the rrotict is mailed within <br />which Borrower may pay the sumo declared due. if Boirowar fails to pay such cacao prior to the expiration of such period, <br />Lesador rosy, without furitxr notice ar de+aaaid on Borrower. ~nvake any remedies permitted hg paragraph !g hereof. <br />y`^~-L: ~,t€-~at ~,=veaan-.s. r}ar: av.-tr acid Lender fvi[trer io-vanan[ amt agrts as follows. <br />Ig^ `~` Banaadtass. bsse{±a ~ ftrgvMad to Pasaisaph !? beraaan, spew tiierrwirrs h of say carraaat or <br />a6a+e~:at of Borrower bl f3ia Mortgage tac(adtiq the covtaaWS W pay wfru dire say saatsa sec!xed try tits MertgaBr. <br />fandar.prior fs aacataratitaif atpg nail taotin sa Bwraswu as provided 4 psaagraph 14 irvrat spsrNytagt {IL the trteach; <br />(k3 tDat as#ie,s reWa~d at rata sack breach; f3} a date, oat teas liras 3® dogs fsom the date sha aoNre 6 !autkY to tisrrowstr. <br />h!' efdrh saseY heaae6 riaat M ettnadh a!sd (4) the fYiae w vas stae6 6ssa~ ea a hKare the EMe speeifitd is tM oWke <br />asap' rant it arsdeeaaien o! eke sons aetared try dric M~ryap, terr¢leaats trS' jo4ietd pronraihtg attA sale M !ht Property. <br />'E~s a!afirx atrwlt fairer fngrrrm ilarroxsr of Eft sight to rebatata Ater ascrlasriur, aa1 tat .leer m .....,. ;,., .ar r.»u-t.._.._L <br />pa+aae~ tae atwwxiMears of s ttefpk or ta}' other dsfews of Berre:wer eo accdesafiew sad foreclasofs.- if the IrrracA <br />i act easel tar ~ (ts€ors rtes Bete spetifksd ~ rtes awfice. t.suftiar d loader's epioa ary d_orpre ~ of fps raa7aa accweJ try <br />Mrkr ro Lx ~Y Mae grad payaw withaW fwEher darfaaad taetf tam taraetaae try ism procsediag. [,aaaee <br />ai1aR M ert{CFsd to cuNacf to each prec ag eagrrasa of fortrcbesrarr. <br />traddaaas, sisarae.ts card rids reportr, L~• tars cwt Wehed to. roase of docaasrotary <br />t7, rrat'a 1Cig$t ~ Retawrie. 'siagwniruattdmq fetsder's ac:crkratictn s.t the *•.sttss srx:to-ttd by this Mortgage. <br />8oarattr'rs sitaf3 ham tAa rfg(x to have ata} pr+acrsditigs tsrgoe My 4.ertstta !n rntur,.e :h:s lAorttenge Jix.:tu±ttn~ta# at L.nt s+ex <br />