<br />~-,~ j
<br />=.o. vii, ss, (s-n~
<br />t.~ ,tea
<br />r;~~;...,.. tl~ x'"233
<br />nsucwlrrttt of rte ~~~ LEA ~ ~
<br />Thfa ossftpmeest of Ieats and a~eamest made and entered Lrto by and hstres~t ISt:nneth L. Pfeiffer and
<br />` - Ruth A. Pfeiffer, husband and wife,
<br />(lesase - 6sreLtdtw< wiled "Ba60wt'1:
<br />~ Kuester's Lake, Inc.
<br />ih~e~flrccatled'1.aesor'~:asd Small Business Administration
<br />(hsrafnaEter Balled "Asstgtee'h; t/lteteeerk
<br />T R~sese B~y~ lMS hseetotats !awed hom Caesar aatealrt ~ Penh ~ base dated May 5th, 1959,
<br />;,h . rsoatdsd !n Bock 18 p~ 5 73 , of the teaorde of the Cawtty aS kfraZl
<br />Skate of Nebraska ~, o ~~ ~ ~; ~ ~ tollatns:
<br />Lot Twenty-fine (29), on the West side of th,e Wept portion of
<br />Koester"s Lake c>n a part aT th.e East Half of the Southwest ()uar'ter
<br />{E~SW't) of Section Thirteen (13), Tawnstvip Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />Nine (9j, West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />~ . Aeat{tosse hrm authorimed the makarp of a Foam to Borrower in the aspaurtt of (?st 9an _nt3)
<br />rwe~r ~v-e+eht *-ou.3and :sundred and ~~.0;'10~)__.___
<br />das and pey~'s .;:. art _ - _
<br />Md, Qieea+ae. aadt loon !o far dse bersattt of both Borrower and Leesoz, in that the bode ore to 6e wed br the
<br />brrefft of the kualtteae catdttct-d m the leased eramtses:
<br />tile", 'Meta. fpc and iA ooosfdratlaa of the Psemisss and of dlstntseesert of said lost at arY Pat theeaa(,
<br />8op!wrer. Use amsaat ad Leese, hsceby Aseyr, 7tieastaw and CeswYe unto flssltaf+se the lean atoow drsr=lbsd
<br />'A ^w Ui,"d'e belt the somr tar osd durfnQ the remainder of the teem mentiaersd in tlr leas, sad all nnewds sad
<br />et9errtoas of wed tam.
<br />k. Brreorrer aM teeere fsrtha Coeeaar and A'aas
<br />1. Barrows is not now in defoalt In the parformmsca of !Baas; and Baaower aid Lassa will ~aeM gedtgtgf the
<br />ooveteats and ootrtltl,oaa required of him by said lease for the tam of said loon ad apq~ pR .,
<br />renewal of it,
<br />2. EaaaDt a Otherwlee, hsrus pevitted, 8orrawK sad Leers will not, aloes a h'Y ayitslrrnt• 4rtwren
<br />them, modify a tamrtnate sad !acre wEtlnut wrrau of Asrlgnse.
<br />3. fa ~ ~t of d$ lyY fdasovtst snider the team of sold lease, Lessor ahati ht4y* tlm right ta'irtmlmate
<br />^otd !saes fn araxtdamoe with tb tetme, Paovided, Howewtt, Lessor shall ~ tliw AarJ~rlts ~ drys
<br />written aotlaaof sncft ds~rlt and the right, ~ the option of Asetga,te. daeiuq sum Palod, m tame tns6
<br />dai~tl{; sad dutlaq such tralod. L~eor will take rw actmn to en~cat tts c3oirs arlafpq team nrCk Orford!
<br />„ withw~t Mslanee'a mot.
<br />{. In ~_ er.rt ~ atrY default by i3arrowar In 16e Perfamaoe cf am of thr ohilaatans at ta..,nse za ~
<br />srfd~laq the afaaeatd loan, anY raaswod a a>s~tskat thenaf, a any Mho a mods to aoamsetfan
<br />therewith, fmdudiap his ogtaementa herein, thra, Rssiynee, at ils apRtge..arotr. erttheaR Artloe; trdr9 each
<br />faeaa a, amy be ascassatY, shier sold leased Premlaea ad do a4Y am er titre at the i
<br />a. Fiaxaaes ail txoDartY of 8oaawa thaetmm that h brlr0 err CofieRrlal l~ its storarNntiaasd
<br />loot,
<br />