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.._ -. pU7.Zn8 <br />3. The nroetgagor ~vtnan4 and agrees th>•t if he shuts fail to pay aefd iadebtediesa or soy part thereof Wiser: <br />dtse, er rball fail to perform any covenant or agreement of thin irtaruraeut w the promissory note scoured hereby, the <br />aeRite indebtedness hereby sewrtd shall immediately btxomt dne, patabk, and colkctibk without osaioe, at the <br />of the mortgagee or assigns, regardlew of maturity, std the motgagee or his aasigm may before or afser entry <br />atdl said property without appraiaement Ithe mortgagor 6avmg waived and assigned to the awrtgagee ail rigbb d <br />appe~aement? <br />1 t i at judicial sale pursuant to the prorisians of 2g U.S.f 2001 i a j : or <br />(n) at the uprise of the mortgagee, either by aaetioe or b7 ss6dtatfon of wkd hidaf'fer the higlseat and <br />bast bid exntplying with the terms of ask sad mamas of payttteet speei6ed in the pibliabed notice of ask, fiats <br />giving four wxke' notice of the time, terror, sad place of each ask, b7 advertisement not ley tbm anoe <br />during each of said four weeks in a aewapaper published or distributed is the t~vmy in whieb said property <br />is dtttated, a!1 other ttotioe being hereby waived b7 the mortgagor (stud said mortgagee, or say petatae an <br />behalf of said tnortgagee, auy bid with the tmpaid indebtedees evidenced by said aorej. Said sak sba!! be <br />held at or ai the property to be sold or si the Federal, eaemty, or city rnoet2toase for the coamty io whfeb the <br />property is looted. The mortgagee is hareby.authoriaed to ezeeatc [or sad on beha~ of the raeetgagor aed to <br />deliver to the purchasex a! such wk a sa6cieet eoaveyanee of said property, which conveyance aball contain <br />teettats ere to the happening of the default apoe which the ezecntioe of the power of oak herein greeted <br />depends: and the said mortgagor hereby comtitotn and appbinH she awrttagee or aey agent or atloreey o[ the <br />mortgagee, the sgena cad attorney in fact of said mortgagor to ttsslce such recita4 and to exeeme acid <br />oeavryruoe and henby covenaets and ageen that rho recital w made shall 'be rHeetual to bar all equity or <br />right of redemption, htanesmad, dower, and alt ocher eaemptioaa of the mortgagor, all of which err hereby <br />exptealy wai~rrd and conveyed W the mortgagee; oa <br />(nt) take any other appropriate aMion pursuant to state err Federal statute either is state or Federal <br />court or arberwiee [or the diapataition of the prnprrty. <br />to the event of a exit as hererinabove prnvided, the mortgagor or any person in poseeesion under the mortgagor ubaB <br />then became sad 6e teoante holding over and shall forthwith deliver poaxasion to the purchaser at such oak or h <br />wmmarily dfspassessed, in accordanx with the provisions o[ law applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />at:d as-agcy :rtreby granted are rnupled with an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwix, and are granted <br />r enmtdative to the remedies for rntleetion of said imlebtedrteea provided by law. <br />4. The proceeds of any sale of said property in aerbrdaaee with the proeeding paragraph shall be :ppliad fast <br />~ pay the oasts >md azptmam of said oak. theespeaaa itteerred by the marrtgagee foe the porftese of proeceriag or maie• <br />raittfog said property, and reawnable attwrneys' kxs: aetxtndly, to pay #hr itulebttdtress serurrd Etereby: and thirdly. <br />W pay any surplus or eactxs to the person or ptreom legally enttikd thercia. <br />5. le rho cress naiad property is sold x a jtdkfal foreeloaure sale or pttfisttant ua the power of oak hsreinalsave <br />grrst¢ed aad tits proceeds are not su6eient to pay the total iadebtedtter secured hY tbi. iaatrument aid evidenced by <br />uitd pt»mieasry note, ai€r awrtgagea will be aaiitled La a defitieacy jadgmksat £or tbt amoaet of alto de$eieney svitfseut <br />m~~ <br />6. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, state, or local tax aasenamenl, mcume tax or other taz lien, <br />charge, fee, or usher expense charged agaitwt the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorized at his option to pay <br />the acme. Any suamf so paid by the mortgrgee shall be added to and becoase a part of the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness evidenced by said note, nthjeet to the saute terms and ronditioae. It the mortgagx slsall pay sad <br />ddaoharge the indebtedrtesa evidences! by said pmmiesory note, and >hall pay such Bums and she/1 discharge, all taxes <br />and liras and the costa. ices, and expestses of making, enforcing, and executing this martgagq then this mortgage <br />sbdi be ertueeled and wrrendered. <br />7. Th covcaaau herein contained shall bind sad the beaeftL and advaougm shall inure to the reapectivt eue- <br />aaar6aaaid asstgtta #tf the parttea hereto. ~heaeru used, the stagular number :sisal sielndt the plural. the plural the <br />ittptdu, and the ua0 of any gaedrr shill taClndb elf g~ders. <br />& '.Yo weaves of any oovana®t heroin or of the obligation escured hereby shall at say rime tfrerta[ter be bald <br />tq ha a waive: of the rarms htxmf or at the note eoenred 6ere~r. <br />4, h +.emplf+uoer with section 10i:1(d - of the Rnla sad Regulatiosta of tbt Seal) Basirsms AdmmiatsNion [ Ig <br />GF>8. 102.1 f d} ). tkp daatrusmt is to bt ceoatruad sad toforesd is aeeosdance with applitabie Federal taw. <br />!16 A judicial deteraq caxfer, or jadgateat ho[ding any provision ur purtioa of thu instruusertt invalid ar ua- <br />eo>farasabla tiratl nos m env w ,~.....t-•r- .iv ._.s_____._~. <br />tltdt.inatrstagat.. j __-~ --~ - ~ rA--tea ~ a.+~+~.ara.a o, i`na remaiaiag prmisiuns err purlieus of <br />sit qr ter-»t ~ • .. e <br />