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~~- <br />- :~a <br />._j)(f''?~~g ''- -err <br />~.i 77 <br />1~~~- <br />~~: <br />This tMef~ss aria stsd eotsed imt tide ~ ~ ~ d ~6Cam~ r •/ <br />19 ~(jt;byat~bslweeag~dy J. Hellwege ate Carol H. Reilwege; husbattd.atad w~.fe,- <br />(hecmufk~ t>d'aared to r ctort~or) and the AdtainiNrator of the Stull Maas am aSeseTtil'fit <br />GoYmtaeimt of tit Ututed States of Ameria (hmeioafter tefersed to u mdse), vhf mi~ains as eiee std <br />phwadhutaerst Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. <br />Rt!lles~, fist far the omaidmatiaa iaaeialter orated, teoeiipt - oQ rriioi a bbl , ~: <br />~ 7 tnett~e, tmlt.-Aram. sstipy sad. easraS atdo the nlsat6yse, his waesaswt ai~asi~eri-tg <br />of-ehe tollotemd daatlhed ptreperq siatatei arthttiiyf-inths~Cmtttt~of Hall <br />Stcta ai Nebraska <br />I.ot..Two.(2), Block One (1), in Capital. Heights Second Subdiwisian, <br />lacing a part of the Southeast gttartez of the Southwest tjuartez <br />(SE~Slifly} of Section Two (2}, Township Eleven (kl) North, Range <br />Ten (20) (lest of the 6th P.M., Ha11 Cotmty, Nebraska. <br />Togetltar with sad indadlaag all haiidfng., ail fwtnm including irut not limited to ail plnmbiag, heating, light- <br />ing, Yentiltiing, refrtigerating, ittrirteratirtg, air ronditioninq apparatus, sad elevators (the trtortgagor hereby <br />deeiar;ng thaE it is intended that the items herein enumerated .hall he rleente,f to have been pera.a~~lly in- <br />stailetl aa.pan of the wally}. and ail impwvemeute m,w or hereafter eAislin$ thereoa; the hereditaments and <br />spjurtetwptceaa+nd.aUother rights [herennw beioagittg, or in anytrise appertaiaiag, and the reversion and re- <br />verbiotrs, rentwinder apd remaiaden, all rights of redemption, and the rent:, issues, and profits of the above <br />de~rriied property (provided, however, that the moetgngor sbail he entitled io the possessiao of utid property <br />atld to ra~li~t alu! r~tai€t thQ t~is, is~ae .and pry until default ;t~een~,rr j. To havr aaz9 to hold thr +.arne <br />unto the etwrlp,sg~ ant; the -usxe:.surs in interest of the nwr9¢agee foreaer in fee simple .;< much other estate, <br />if arty, ~ la Malmo httxla. <br />Ths ~ aaYmtgb test he L iatrfaliy +aiasd and poateated of sad has the risht to sell sad eottveq_ said <br />pi'aptti#F fhar tie aatte b free fmat all eatnewlfratseea camp[ v heretnabove rrx:eud: std thrt he hereby btada <br />hfalssll ttwl kds sueoe~ssn ut igtereat to warrant attd defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof aaaiaat <br />t3te.tiailtt~ of r~ petsops trLtrosasYSr. <br />`#'3tia i~rutteai is given to xcvre the payrttmt of a pramiAeory mote dated 1~ec c..(a tr 11; ! 9 Rli - . <br />~ tie~~ utA oft 14,90O.G0 . •igeal by Randy :I. Nrz21>rege anti Caro3 "1, ,leiiveRe, hu~u~nE <br />~~" tttr~:aelvet=. <br />+.! €,gr 13x +e-a63 rs..+a±.+ Yl3+t.n e,s ~k,etm <br />