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<br />~~..:, i3(f?20tT <br />tg. Than the Mortgakvr wig keep the btr upae slid Premises in Good repaa. and neither commit nor permit wash <br />upon said Fond, ttor suer the sai6 premixs to be tamed for any ttttawfui pwpose. <br />1 t. That ~ the premixs, ar aey Put thereof, be condemned order the power of tmimm domain, ar aegnre+A far a pn6lic <br />ux. the damages awarded. thr proceeds for the taking of, or the conaideratiort for such aaPesiFioo, b th eateaT of dte #og <br />arn«rm of irrdebtedttes trpoa this smrtgage and the ~e which rt a given to stxtae retnaihing ttttpaid, are hereby assigned Try the <br />Mortgagor to the Mortgaget, and shall be paid forthwith to sdd Mortgagee to tx applied by dte latter on arcoutu of the treat <br />tnahtriaxaistsHmemsot such indebtedness. <br />72. The Mottg~r further specs that shanld this atxtgagc and the rote secwed hereby trot be el~bte for irr <br />steatttx tm~r the National ifatasing Act within siactp d3psr from the due hereof fwrittat stateatehr o/ atg ofcer <br />of the DepsttnteM of Housitg atd Ur~bett 1)evetooraent or attdtorimd agtai of the Sesatt~y of tioOSieR and Urban <br />ikvebpment dated subsegeutti to the aixtY daC fhtte from ttr date of tftis ta~tgaRe. decgt+itffiso instuesaid <br />nofe and this tnartgagt, being dterted conchuive proof of such inetigtltititY)- rite Mortgage or holder of tin[ note <br />ttmy, at its option, deciut nit snms secmred Ircreby immediately due and payable. <br />13. Thzt if the Mortgagor [ads to make any paymems of money when the same became due, ar (nits to conform to and <br />comply with any of the cadtdous or speements contattted i» thin trtortgag;. or the rtax-which a sectQea, then the e,ttae ptihci- <br />pei sum and ucrued imerest shop at otter Fxcome due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortga0e tttay <br />thtrettptm be foreclosed immediately for the whole of said motteY. ituuest, moaihFy payments, eo;ts,pouttd roots. cartes ahd <br />thR ix>63 of extettdir~ the abstract tt( tide ttom the date of this boa to Ehe time of coatmeacir~saelt forectostne suit, and a ter <br />sdehltde attorney's let. art of which shah be included-in dte detxee d forecbsute; and the confiner embodied itt thin-sage <br />rod-the time secured-hereby, shall in a0 respects be governed, conatrtted acrd adjttdgai by the laws of Netxaska, when: the <br />seam is made. - <br />The cavettattts herein contained shalt tried, and the benefits acct advantages shat! insure io. the respective heirs, exetmfon, <br />admhristrators, snccessors and assigns of the patties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shag ittelude the phttad, [be <br />plural the sittgttiu, end the ttx of any getttkc shah be aPpticabk to nit genders. <br />The foregang t~nditiona, aH and sit>gtttar, being Performed according to rhea natural and legal import. dtis tmnveytutrt <br />shr~ bo void and said premises reteased at-ihe exPenst of the Mortgagor: orhecwix to be and remain in fnli force acrd eHeM. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgngaris)'he s herennroset his hamdtst the day and year first <br />above written. <br />In presence of: <br />"".'"~~--Ja7i~1r„m7- i ,J,. .SEAL) <br />William Patrick Je s <br />[SEAL) <br />!SEAL) <br />jSEAt.I <br />ISEALI <br />STATEOF?vF.t3RASKA, <br />]>. <br />E~[iiJN"IY Uf' t3a11 <br />t?trthis 12t:It day of LY®ceztther . A.. Lt, 1'9 $Ct, hzEore me. <br />idcttet2'1+ Ptr~.ic in one for,d ~onmY. ptts,uttdty c::me <br />Iiillinta Patrick 3eftries, a single pers~t <br />arc, set-f-*a <br />perwnally to me known <br />to be the identical person whose tutme is aR'txzd to the above and fore- <br />going irtsttttmtnt as Mortgagor, and ~ ktas acknowledged the said instrumem ono the <br />txeeution tttereaf to be his soluntary xt and deed. cur the purposes therein espressed. <br />[n test~ttoay wheaeef. t have here~oto set my hand and affixed by mg ,. ,cal at Grand Island, Nebraska <br />cm the day and date East atwve written. ' , <br />~i r,t~,rr ruhn~ <br />S1i'A"('EOFi~J~~RASIGA sa <br />f~tedtpPratardEFt~-- daYOf <br />of <br /> 19 <br />M_. amt entered to Numerical index. and <br />,rf Mongaaes, an <br />ttegister of [keds <br />gin.+na:+ca~a ~: rM; <br />