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<br /> <br /> <br />This form is used in carrnu- <br />Liort with ~ irYgsred <br />trr[der ttte arle- to ffltiT-fi~tp <br />previsions Uf tilt ttiZ~09!!~ <br />`~• <br />7'HiS MOR'fTrAGE, r+mde andtntan9erltbtis I2tI1 ' ' dfy ~ Dierarr~Ber ,+tit1. <br />i9 8fl .by'mtdba[aeen 4tilliaae )?ta~t?idt dbflYi:~sr a g~gau <br />dtbeConMyof Ball ,>atdState~Ndrraalca+,pueYdtlte~sep>Kt:~at"ei` <br />tht: Mortgegw, and _ - .. , <br />Superior Moztgager Soc. <br />a c~poration uriµmzed and existlng rmdcr the laxtrs of the Ottitte8- States of Amts.'.ta. - <br />pzrty dthe secord part. hereiaafter called rite Mortgagee, <br />WITNESSETH:'that the said Mortgrtpor, for and iq cog3idetatSott of the snm of F~xr 7tid Tt~tr <br />Btstdret3 aatd DO/100t13s ^ofi4arsib 3q+200.00 },k6ythe Murt- <br />gpRee. die receipt of which is hereby ackrawhMged, ties-Granted attd Sold atti by these presents tt CrSnia. Ru- <br />San, Sdi, Cogacy a>sd CoMxm unto fire Mortgagee. its successors sod assigns, -farerer. Nr., <br />rest eststt, shamed in the Ctwmy of Hall ,and S- <br />ot Ncbraeha. to wit: - - - -. - <br />Lot P~.fteea t151r 131ooIC 1Sro (2}, in 3atl~aA's Subdiviaiffir Ball-.t?o[mrtg,,.t~e <br />of the Sixtls Principul Meridian, contaitting in ail city property acres according ur Govern- <br />mertf survey: <br />Tit N HVE :t,haD TtJ i1ULU tht premises above descrik+zd. wvtth aLl the rvppunenances thereunto belortgutg and ittcludirtg <br />ag htatink&',, plumdritrg and tigMtir:g fixtures and eyuiprntnt rwaev »t hereutter attak-~irxd t:? ::; armed it+ cur¢nev?f::r+ a-ic h ,;=vd real cs€::€e <br />tight the Murtgagte, and to its sltecessttrx and assigns, tortyer. The ~icartgagur reprrsruts to. and cusenants a ith, the Mortge- <br />t: chat tht Martgtrgur im-s guoci rigor to sett :and Canvey sail ~re.nises: thnE. rimy are tree :rum,tt;rante, and that the <br />ASortgagur will warr2nt and defend the tame against the lawtut claims at u9! t+erxunn whumu+eser, ar:d ,t+e n~id ttartiragor herr- <br />byretisstptishes all rigtt#s of hutttestcad. and alt martial rights, either in law .,r in equity°..,nd :dk other contingent interests of the <br />Mortgagor in and to the atwve-described prtmises. the intention tieing to convek herehy an absolute title, in lee simple. indud- <br />itgtat[1 rights tit homestead, tired other rights and itnerests as aforesaid. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are exeFUted and delivered upon the following nmditiuns, to wit: <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to ttte Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Thirty Four Thousand Taro Hundred <br />and 60/104tha Ibllarsl5 3gr200.00 t~ <br />with interest from date at the rate of Thirteen and one half per remum ( 13.50 °~) per annum an <br />the umpaid baiansa: ltttiil paid. 71te said prittcipa! and interest shall be payable at the ufttce of Superior Nlortgaga, Zne. <br />in Grand Ialard tiebraska . or at ouch other place as the holder :+i <br />the note may designate in writing, in mont{dy installment, of Three Hundred Ninety One and 7 3/100ths <br />Ikrllarslb 391.73 ~. ~,unnnendine on .he fire Je~ot <br />PebYUary , 19g1 ,'sad en the first day of each month tnereafler until the prncipal and m- <br />teres[ are rutty paid, except that the tins! payment tit principal and interest, it not sooner paid, shalt t+e due and <br />payable on the fait day of Januax'y r 2011 :all accordirg to the terms ul a certain promis- <br />sory trots crtevendais herewkhexecuted by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Morgagor in order more fully m prates[ the secunry of this Mortgage. agrees: <br />t. 'I'hat,ht wit! pay rice itrdebtedness, as hereintxtarc pruvitk~d. l'rivdege is reserved to pay the drht in whale, nr +n an <br />amouot eettu4l-fir stet to ttixe rgon;htY payments on 4he princip;rt that are nest due +±n ±he r..>tc..~n I lx fvs+ day +~S ;,ny neu:+th <br />pttor w maturity: Prgri~, buwever, That w'riuen notice of tin tgtention w exercise suc#+ pr+v[kge an green at leant thirty i?tit <br />t4tys prior !a PrePaYraent, <br />. That, asg_g;tt~r with, ;std in addition tu. iht mogthty oavrnents .,f acu~+n~,! ,. uter.~,~ , n~ ~ n.t.,r .he < <h.~ <br />- _ , . _•__-_ __ ~____,- se s__-__- ~,.:_-_ !_,. -.._ .tin,. .~.( _._ <br />twte secured herehy, rite Ma(gagor wilt pay to itce Muriguge€. tin tht first day of rash month unnl the ,.+itd putt +. i till} paid. the <br />fallowing sums: - <br />t,a) -4rnuunt suff~sitnt to provtdt the huldtr hertu{ wit4r futrds W pay the next ;ia+rfgage maa+an~c p+er-sum t! r3±u <br />insittusKnt tt¢d flu' Wort secured hereby are insured, ar a munthh charge lir+ heir nj rr morrgrrge :nsirmur prr- <br />rgrrerrtl itthey at tceid by the Secretary tit Housing and Urtsan lyevetupn>fnt, as t<+tiows <br />1!) if and so ~ at said oche of seen date arsd this irstrunrem see u:sured „+ aaa ~emsu,_~.i :+,:ut: ti,r 3~:,,. <br />vugwrs of the TWttronal }fuusirtg A:;, an arnouta; xufficunt to accu+nutute rn the hands :,! the i. 'de..h+. <br />~~.a :;; x.7ti~t . r~rn rr da ~.w ~,na urs>»v + e nwstru '_~!~?+I' ~: t t}~ ~; t:RH.itik.l <br />Ale,: Li~~`rf3br :5 rv~ <br />