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<br /> 'Proc.wtla'�ln t�nr�ectbn wiU�cond�mns�tlm or ottMr takl��ot the R'mperry or paR thanwi,a tor conveyance In Aw of oor�d�rnratbn. -
<br /> l.ar�ar chJ bo�nti�c�a!1ts optlat!o comrnence,aP�ar In end presect�le M 9b o+vn nart►�any�dirr�or prooaodi+tpp,w�d af�J aL-o
<br /> b�enlitled W mal�e any ooir►prort►I�e or sattknwr►1 In ooru�ectbn with cucf►t�lc:ny or Qarnapa.In tha evsnt any portbn ot the Property fa -
<br /> w Ir�lc�n or dafr►n(Hd. LwxMr shW hitva tha opti8n in ita co{o at►d absoluta disarotion,to appty al!wch proG�is, after dsciucWtl1 _
<br /> therotrom a{I ooab snd�xp�naa k�cwrs�by it In conrNCiion w�h wch Proceocf�.upon any uxlebladnw s�curod heraby and in cuch
<br /> ordar ai Lsr►cS�r may ciNartn!ns.or to appty ali wch Prx�ed�,attar such dsductlone.to tM re�ta►atbn al tho Propa�tyr upon wch can-
<br /> ditior�e�a L�Mr m�y d�t�rtnk�a.Ar►y appllr,�tlon of Pro�wds W k�dsbbdr�s�1tall not�xtor►d or postpo+►a th�due date ol anY PaY- _
<br /> mants wx3ar ttw Pfata,ot cuta any detauit tharewxier or tw�aundet.My uns�ptisd futxls sha!!be pald to i ruslor. -
<br /> 8.ParGormanca Dy�cMr.Upon the oocurrcrsca ot ae Event of Defautt hereu�der, or H eny oc11s Wk�n pr leya! proceedEng -
<br /> oorrur►irwad�wt�lCh matxially Rtf�l.or�dQ�c interect In tfw Property,l.ot�dar may in iis own discretbn,but without obli�atian to do sa, _
<br /> and wlttwut rt�oGoa to or ciwnand upon Tnutor ancl wittwut rek�lnp Tnuto�trom eny obllaatlor►,do any act whlch Trustor has�n�wd °
<br /> but fal:ad to do atxf may alco do any ather sd it akams n�s�tary W proted ttw security hereot.Yructa shall. irtursd�atalY u� _
<br /> domznd ttwrofor by Ler�dar,pay to Lender a!1 Cocts and expenses k�CUrred and sums axpenciod by Lander in c�neCtbn with the exer• _
<br /> cI�by Lond�w ot tha forepotnp dphts,toqether with tnterest thereon at iha detauit rata provided in the Note,wh1Th stwA bQ acided w °
<br /> the indobtodnecs secured herelay.Ler�der shall noi lnaur stny li�biliry becausa of anythlnfl it may tio or omit to de hereunder. _
<br /> 9. Hatardau�Gat�ri�l�.Trustor shall keep the Pnoperty In comp�au�ce with aU appllcable laws,oMi��ances anc! teqcrtutio� =
<br /> retating ta industrial hypione or environrr►ental protaciion(cdtecdvety reterred to hereln as"Envirwunenta!Lawr'1. TrusOar sts�!W�ep
<br /> the PropeAy iroa irom aft substances daamad to be hazardous or toxic under any Envira�mental l.aws(co�cticeiy reteRed Do hwan =
<br /> w"liat�rdoua M�ta�'�.Tnastor he+�eby warrants aool represotstc to Lender that thare are no hlazardous I�Ra:erials on or a�or thc�
<br /> Properry.Tn�tor hereby aprees to k�daaxWy�erxl Nofei Rarmtess Lencier�its dlre�ors,offioers,employees ane!ay�enis,arxi any succ�-
<br /> soro W Lendera intetest�irom and ay�ainsi anr arid all ctaims.damapes�losses and IiablGfws ad�Mp in oonnection with the preson�e. _
<br /> usa, dispora!or trans�wt o!any I;a:ar�aus I�tatials on,under,}rom a about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND -
<br /> RECpQiy�1�11JCE OF THIS DEED(3i=TRUST.
<br /> 10.Asal�ntnaeWo nt R�nb.T!ustor hereby asslyns to Luader.and grants le�der e secu�iry interest in,all preseni.futaue and -
<br /> after arisiny renls,issues and proi'�ts ot the PropeAy;W'ovlded thal Trustor shall,unW the oocurrenoe ot an EveM ot Oetautt.Axeundw. _
<br /> have the riyht to oolleCt and retatn such rents�issu�s and proti.a 2�s Utey become due and PaYaUle.Upon the oCCURe��ce c�f an Eveni oQ -
<br /> Detauq,Lender may,either in pe�son or by agent,with or wiU�aut bdnylny any actio�or proceed6ng,o�by a receiver sp{�antsd by a
<br /> oouK and without re�ard to the adequacy of its securiry,enter uptiv►and take possessbn of the Pso�erty,or any part tlwraof,in its own
<br /> name o�1n the name ot the Trustae,t�nd do eny acts whlch it deems necessary or deskable to preserve the vafue,madcefability or
<br /> ronta�bYity d tlw Property.or any parl thereof or intorest thereln�w to increaso the irxome therotrom or protect the secwiiy hxt�of and,
<br /> v�ith or without takinp pos�esslon ot the Property�s+w tor or otl�erwise ootleci the renis.issuea and prof'�is thereof.u�dvdirp Mose Past
<br /> due and w�paid.bY notifYin�te�ants to make payments to Le+xiec Lender rr�y appy re�ts.lssues and p��t�,loss oosts and exper�s-
<br /> es ot operstion and�otlectlan ir�cludinc�auaney's tees, to any i►xlebCedness secured hereby,all in such order as L..ende�may deter-
<br /> mfne.The enia�kg upon and takinD Possession d the PropeAy,the coqecUor►ot such rente, issues and profds� and the�pp�ation
<br /> theroot as abresaid sftiall not cure or walve any dofault or notice of defaWt hereurxler or Invaltdate any aci done in respo�ca to such
<br /> detaull or pursuant to such notice ot detauft a�,notwithstanding the continvanca in possassbn ot the Properh►or the collectlort.
<br /> rece+,�l and appqcaUon of ronts.Issues or profits.T�.�iee and Lender shall bs entiUed to exercise eveN dght ProvkJed tor in eny M tf�e
<br /> Laon In3trumenta or by law�or�oocurre�of any Evant ot De�u►t,irxG+dinD withoW Itmitation the►ighi tc w�s th�power of eale.
<br /> Funher�LendaPa NDhts and remedies w�der this Parayraph shalt be cumulative with�and(n no way a limilalion on,Lsnder's ri�t�ts and
<br /> romedios unde�any assiy�unent of`leases and rents recordad apalnst the PropeRy.Lender.TnAStee and the receivar afWl be tiabb 60
<br /> accow�l aNy for tttioce rertts ar.tually recei�red.
<br /> 11.Ev�t�ta of DMauR.The idbwinp shall oor►stitute an Event ot Dei�Wt under this Deed ot Tn�
<br /> e �e w «�ww��w.w�wwa1���N�wM w L.s,.�.;,....t...�r,.;,.;w�e L�:.^.����L"!!��r_v_�pw1�wn�h��whw�eii w•
<br /> �:q.:..::^.. �.+�w s r �-r— , . -
<br /> (b)A br+each of or defauti under eny p��ovision oontair�ed in ti�e Nnte.tnis Deed oi TrusL any oi fttie La�n�tist,�'r�.a aay -
<br /> otl�r lian or etxxirnbrancs upon the Proparty;
<br /> {c)A writ of a�wcufion or att�lvnenf or eny similar pmcess sha11 be entered apainst;nutor which sNa!!D�cattQ�Mon on
<br /> Ute Propetty or any portion thereof or interest therei�;
<br /> (�Thare shail ba filad by or sysinst Tnistor or Borrower an actlon wider any prasent o�fud�re toderal.ctate or othw slaMe,
<br /> yw or nyuiation retattncj to bankruptcy.�nsonre�x.y«ome�re��et io�debcors:o�mere sna�ee a�ao�c�a am►wso�•.reoe�ti+er a
<br /> Ilqt�idator d Tntstor ot Botrower or ot aU a ar►y part of the PropeAy.or tfie rents.kwes ot pnoFits C�at�of.or Tn�e�os or Botrower
<br /> shall meke anY 9e�eral�ssi9nment for the bonet'd ot creditas:
<br /> (e>iTie sa�e� trans�er�ie�se.assiynrnent, conveyance or runr�eocwn,branca a au or any pecc a ar,ny hterest ln tfie
<br /> Property.either vduntariy or invduntarily.wittwut the express written oonsent of Ler�der,provided lirat Trussor shail bQ pomtic
<br /> ted to�xecute a lossa d the Property that doas not contaln an opUon to ptuch�se and the temt of+�IUCtt dos�not axc�d on�
<br /> Yea►:
<br /> (�Ab�ndonr�ent of�ffe Ptoperty;or
<br /> (p)If Tr�ctor is not an lndirtidual�the issuance.sa1e.transter.assignrtient.oonveyarfce or enctunbt9nCe of more tl'�en('d a
<br /> carporadon)a total of peroent of its Issued and outstar�diny ctock.or(it a PartnershiP)a td.at of p�-
<br /> ce�►i of pa�Nerat�ip Interests,or(if e Urti�IiabililY compaeY)a tWal of petcent o6 Itas Wnitad UabilaY�Pa-
<br /> ny intsr�ts or vo�q ri�htc diuin9 fhe period Ws Deed oi Trust tematits a lien on fhe property.
<br /> 12.RMn�di�s:A�abratk.n Upon DNsuit In the event of any Event of Detault lsnder rtsay.widwut raUca except as requtred
<br /> by la�ti,dedare alt Indebfsdness secured hereby to be due arxl payable and the same sfiaU thereupon becotncs due and payable w�h-
<br /> oue any presentrr�e�t.aernar�d.protese or notice of any k�na.mereaner Lenaer may:
<br /> (a)Domand that Ynutee exen�se tha POWER OF SALE y�u►ted herein,and Trustee st�aU tt�roafter ca4us Tn�tor's inter-
<br /> oat In the Property�o be sold and the prooeeds to be distributad.a!I in the marx�er provkied in the Nelx�a�ka Trust Dads Act:
<br /> (b)Exe�any end eJl riphts provfded tor in any of the Loan Insiruments or by law upon occuRw�ca of any Evsnt o!
<br /> . Detaul�and
<br /> (c)Coeuner�ce an a�ctlon t9 foreclose tttiis Deed of T�us3 as a mortpaQe,appolnt a receivar,or s�pecificaUy enbrce any of the
<br /> co�renants her+eof.
<br /> No ran�w�y IwtWrt oor►loned u�pon or resurved So Trustae or I.e��ar�;inisnded to bo exdusiva ot any otisor remacly hereir�.in�se Loan
<br /> tnstruments or by faw ptovided or pertnitted.but axl�shall be cumulative,shall be in addiUon W every otfs�remedy given hereiu�der.
<br /> in tlte Loan Irtstrucne��ts or now or harealtar exisQ�g zt{aw or in equiry or by statute,and may be exe�cisac�cnnaurerolY.independer�tt�
<br /> «�tSrv.T�n�.The Trustee may resfpn ai eny tirtw without cause,and Lender may at any Wne and vvitl�out cauae appok�t a suo-
<br /> cessc�r or suba�tute Trustee.Tnutee shall not be ItaWe to anY Par►Y,i�ud�n9 wiU�out Hmitatlon Lendar.Botrower.TnisUor a anY P�
<br /> chaser of the Property.!or any bss w damage unless due to reckless or willt�misconduct�and shatl nat be tequtred b take any act3on
<br /> in comection witl�t1'�entoroarrwnt ot thls Deed d Tnut unless ir�demniNea.sre wridng,for all c�ts.canpensation or expenses whk�t
<br /> may bo assoctated tE�erewith.In addition.Trustee may become a purchaser et any sale of tho PrcPertl►(��u�5ic1�!or under fhe power a6
<br /> sate granted herein};postpone the sale of aA or asy porUon of the Property.as providod by law:or seY tta� PropeRy a�a wtwl�,or in
<br /> sepauate pa�ets a tots at Trustea's discretion.
<br /> 14.Fs�s and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells the�roperty by exerclse of power of sab,Trustee sha�l be entided to apply
<br /> a�y saie aoceeds firs:co payr�er►t a a�i coscs ana eXae+,ses a�eooe�as:�►g powe►a care,includtng all Tnistoe's fees,and Lenders and
<br /> Tn�s�tee's atfomeys taes, actualty irx:urred to extent pemwtoed by app(icabte taw.In the event Barower ar�rustor exetttises any�lyht
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Defauft,Lender s�vi0 be eniiitl�ed to recovec irom Trustor aU t�sts and e�q�enses�fy kx:urred as -
<br />:= a rcisult of Trustors c38tauit,induding without limitat3on eif Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the extent pertnit�ad by appGcabie law.
<br /> 15.Futtu�Advanas.Upon request oi Borower.Lender may.at its opUon,make additionel anQ fuGue advBnCec ar�d read-
<br /> vattices W Bortower.Suct�advances end re�alvanoes.with interesi tt►oreon.shatl be secured by this Deed of 7rusL At no Wne sf�11 ttw °
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