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<br />.. ~> <br />a. nm... o....r a.nb tt..,., urr, Ifrr. <br />Roger A. Finaigsmier, Husband o£ i~' <br />Mortgagee, <br />of nail (;oway, ana state of Nebraska . ~ castiisreriets of thr caeca ej <br />PffY-FOUR TKOUSAtiD ($24,000.00)-------------------------------HQLL~S- <br />`. iw ffwd paid, do kneby SELL and CONVEY +aue Connie A. Fianigemier <br />aJ Cowrey, State of Arizona the f9 desntZrsd prancers s$ri~4et- <br />~~ *- Hall Cormiy, errd Stara of Nebraska <br />i <br />~{ Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), Biock Thirty-nine <br />(34), Russel Wheeler's Addition to the City o~ <br />Grand Island, Aall County, Nebraska. <br />_ =The drtentiar beitrtp to caeve_y hereby an absotris tine in fee sietple, iautrdieg all the rights of hornrstead and daaer. <br />TO HAIfE AND F© HOLD the geaises above dsre+ibrd, urith all the apprrtenances eherrnnto belonging, <br />onto the said +nortgagss(sJ and to his, her or their hoes and assigns forever, provided alxvays, and Huse gsssntr are <br />rpon thr esgess condition that if the said nroregagor(sj, his her or their heMS, execrtors, adntiniatrators or assigns <br />shad pay or Carat to bs pard to the satd nrertgagre(s), hir, her or their heirs, executors, ad+atinistrato-s or assitsrs, the <br />principal Baas of $ 24 , 000.00 payable ar foUoau, to aril: <br />`~ Payable in accordance with a note of even date and with the terms <br />of a Property Settlement Stipulation in Case No. 73-165, Hall <br />;i# County District Court, Grand Island, Nebraska, and in any event <br />'' i payable in full not later than seven (7) years from the date of <br />the Decree of Divorce entered in said case. <br />x +wNr t~#;aa>~ta~ir~ N drt fetter 4irst rffert of the nrartgagors tentitisn gontitsory rate bmrixg rvsn date with thsfr <br />~`ak0~~i_afl tasu acrd asaassenewts tevisd rpon said real estate, and alt other feast, levies aed asresssnewts <br />der ~ <u..t#~t note which thin mortgage is given to serrre, before the rare bscaaur delinyrsnt, and <br />~ the ~ we acid preaussa insrred for ttx artu of * 24, 000.00 doss, if a"y, pa}abls to the mid <br />. nt~r#ytagu, elMn !hose geseets 1o br void, ethertssse to be and reswsaitr :a frtt farts. <br />/T !S FORTNER AGREED (s) That if ttu said mortgagor shalt fail to pay srch tacos or gocesrr r+uk ia- <br />ssa~mtce, Nee said martgager ray prey seek taxis and procrrr arch inara'ance; arat ehs scars so adverted, with interest <br />d per tent, shaA be repaid by tmd mortgagor, and thrs rnortgogs shall stand at setwity for the mere. <br />(a) That a failrrs to poy any of said +uonaY, eifhtr priecipa! or interest, whsn t7u mnu 6etorrea dwe, or a feitewe to <br />ratsply auiti mrx al thr forrgoitsg agrsetpsnts_ ahaq cerise the nrita4 sent of stoney ~_~ se ~,rd fT, bsta~ d~ ~-: <br />satlKkt~fe aJ once at 3ba oprian of fk! +nortyogee. <br />. ~gnrd Chit fit. ~ ~ day of March <br />)n pnsrrrc of <br />. 7~~8"0~~ //gg <br />_~._.~~r_,~,~g ......' <br />t~~rr _ _ _ <br />