~ ~,
<br />$~-(1(i 7 ~ 64 MURTGAGE
<br />December
<br />8'~HI3 MOxTGAGE is [trade this ................ h....... _ .. d ....................... , .... ,
<br />19....,batweeatbeMortgagor,~?~~. L...LEV1iS,.ANF).CLARII.JQ L~W}S,, hgs5an~ and.p.i,fe,,.....
<br />......................lLernau "$ecmwe"}, tend the Mortgage, Home Ptsderd
<br />SSavioge aced Ina Aasoeisti~, s corporation raganired seed ~g under the laws of The Ua~ed $tatsy of
<br />Aarttrica, whose atidresets 2213otrth ioeust Street. Graced Ialaad, Ntsb:aslca (hetrttin "letsder"}.
<br />Wxe Borrower is ittdtbted to Ltmder in the principal sum of.TH 1 rZTY, f t VE, TFiOUSgI~ _(ytE . p
<br />- - ...~.-.r...
<br />. '~~ ~~'. - .- - - - ` ' - . -: -. T3ollars, which ittdelttedness is evideaxd by Borrower's sole--
<br />dated.... December 10,, ,1 y80 ... (herein "Note"), providing for momhEy itts[atlrnents-of prmtapal lead lata'esa,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if [tot snorter paid, dtte red payable on......January„t,,,ZQI©.......
<br />To Secttaa to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Noce, with itt&rret thertstrtt; the-
<br />paymena of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in atxordance herewith to protect the security d this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of ttx covenanu and agteemenu of Borrower herein ~rontairad, and (b} the repaym®t
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {hereht
<br />'•Futuro Advances"), Borrower does here}; mortgage, grartt and convey to Lender the ftiilowfag described property
<br />Uacatedinthe Conniq of ............. ryALL................ ......, State of Nebraska:
<br />412 East South street r; +
<br />which has the addrms of ...... . ........................ ......rand ! s , one
<br />.............
<br />Nbter351ca ~$Q I Istn.q [Ciryi
<br />........................... (herein "Propeny Address") ;
<br />tstM~ r.a 2N cent
<br />Teoarttea with sit the improvetnenu now or hereafter erected on the property, oral ati eaxttxnta, rights,
<br />~, rants, royalties, mtnetal, oil and gas righu and profiu, water, water righu, and water stock, and all
<br />fraatras now or htKr$fter attachtxt to the txaaerty. all of which. inclurline reolacrmenr: ~.~t ~r,ttr~ et,..~~. ~t,atr k
<br />deemed to be and rerostn a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; and alt of the farcgoing, together with sad
<br />property {ta the taasehtdd dame if this Mortgage is on a kasahatd) arc herein re{erred to as the "Property'".
<br />Bairfiwer ccrvenartts tbu Brrower is iatvfniiy raised a{ the es4te hereby xutveyed seat has the right to nuxtgage,
<br />grans sad t~rttrcy the Pntpar#y, ttset the Property is unencuatberW, and that Borrower will wartam and defend
<br />gaaeratly the title to ttw Property is~at aft claims ant! tteraar>~, +ottryect to any dastartrtiotet, casements or rextrittitnts
<br />fisawi ut a *cbsdtde of oatocptiaas to cYrveragc in tiny tip tmtttrartsr pct{tcy i:.suring l,err,~r's urtcrest in the praperty-
<br />-~ i N r ts~;r_.a; t,•-itAl~alglti~B ntgttgttgtft
<br />