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<br />1. Thr ttwrigagor eovtaams sad agrees that if fie shaft fsdl to pay acid ittdefxedneaa or any pan tfiereet triau <br />due, or shall tail to perform oar covenant or agreetnettt of this iawrnmertt ar the promiaswq nett aeearedit~e6J, the <br />ere indebtrdeteas hereby secured ahaN irawtediately become due, pyabfe, and caffeetibk withaat ttatiea, at tie <br />of the mertgagee ~ assigns, re¢ardleas d maturity, attd the motlgsget or his asaigtw say before os"afCer ~' <br />sell said property witbotrt-appnisemmt (the morgagor harbsg waived and assipced to the mortgape elf <br />~ut) ; <br />ni at judicial salt puraoant to the proviaionad48L'.S.G20031a}; or <br />(n) ~ tie option of tie resrtgagee, either by aueaiea or by selieitttioa of seeded bids,'fos t(ttr 3~ieicat pId <br />beN bid otttaplyiag with the terms d wk and ntatsaer of paysmt spetiSed in the ptrblialted naixrY oak. 6e~ <br />Riving four weekw notice of thr time, terms, and plan of such sale, by advertisement nut kef,,,~6na once <br />" during each d said four weeks in a ttewapaper published or distrihtnad is the-co9aty in vrhieh said property <br />k sittuted, all other aalitx being hereby waned by tie sortgagor laud said er aey peace es <br />behalf of acid soetga6ee, say bid wish She paid indebtedness evidenced by said sate). Said eats shall bs <br />Geld m or on the property to be add or at the Federal, conwty, or city coutthoase for the rnunq is which tie <br />property is Iomied_ The mortgagee is hereby authorised to ezecate for and on behalf d the mortgagor and la <br />deliver to the pttrt3taser at each uk a snF6eient conveyance of acid property, which eoergartee shall eontaio <br />rentals r to tie 6appming d the defaaft upon which the exeevtioe of the power of sale heesin pasted <br />depends; aed the said mortgagor hereby eottHitotd and aPPbinta ~ mortgagee of any ageet or attaveey of the <br />gm'- tit sgetr sad atto*MY in tact of acid mortgagor to stake atteb centab~ and to etcewte said <br />eaevgataoe sad hereby coresauL aed_ specs that Ilia resits la a made shall be e(<eeteaf to has aR etprity etc <br />righvof redsmpnaa, besneetead, dower, and all other exemptions at the mortgagor, ail wf which ate hereby <br />expressly waived and conveyed to the mortgagee: or <br />f ttt t to&e say other appropriate action pursuant to state or Ftxletal statute-either in state or Fedeni <br />rnun of otherwise for the dispositiao of the property. <br />In the event of a axle as hertinabvve provided„ the mongagar ar say person is possession under the ntoregagorshall <br />Bert 6ecomc and be tenants holding orer and shall forthwith deliver poasdeiou to the purchaser at each sale or be <br />sasmarily dispoaseased; in aceordance with the prorieione of law applicable to tenants holding over- The power <br />sad agertry herby granted are coupled v.ith an interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwiw and are granted <br />r cumulative to the remedies for coiketion d acid "iudebtedacae provided by law. <br />4. The protmds of ear eels of said property in aeeordattee with tie preceding paragraphs shall be applied fitta <br />to pay the cesu and ezpeases d said oak, the eapetasaait> by the arortgagn for the purpose d preteetfag or maim <br />mirtirtg said propcny,-and rcawnabk attorneys (as:.esottdly, In pry the indeluadnesa saxund hereby; and thirdir. <br />to pay awy surplus or ewes to the person or pereatts legslly entitled thereto. <br />S, In the eveae acid propaety is aeld at a jadxial farectoaure salt or pur-urnt to the power of oak hereisabore <br />greeted, and tier: panrteeda are nut aafTaritat to par tit Iota! indebtednest secured bq this ittNrttsent sad eri$eaeed by <br />acid °ra!me,_-_, tm!', tfx ra~tgagse rill he estitkd to a dhftriraxy judgeteot for the atmwnt d the eitc~eipascy usisfrattt <br />re~trd ra apprsssera:rst. <br />b. In the event the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, state, or local taz assessment, income tax or o16er tax lim, <br />charge, ere, or otlter ezpense charged agaimt the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorized at hif option W pay <br />the satae..,Iny atttm ao paid by the raonrtagae shall be added to and become a part of rite principal amount of the <br />indebtsdwese erideacetl by said torte, subject LO the sums terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay aed <br />diteharp the indebiedttew evidencwd by wid promissory nuke, and shalt pay such cams and shall discharge ail tun <br />end lames and the cn:fi fors, and rxpertsev d tusking, entonittg, aed rzeeatieg thu mortgage, then this tttertgage <br />aMaNie aantekd and ettrreedered. <br />?' The o°von°tMa ieania con(aia~ad a6af1 bid sad tie benefits and adranuges sbatl iwure io the rdpective seta <br />otatesa.aud~ asarges of lit parties hereto. phasersr Wed. the aingakt attmbcr shall iaelude the phual, the pltt»! the <br />~+MMd tie ate at qy Raedw shall ieelade all geedan. <br />lR 4Vo wanes d trey soveaaet herreian er of the obligation saeared 6+ereby shah at .ay tsme theroafler he herd <br />to lw a waiter of the tsrtty hereof or of the note seettrael hereby. <br />~. 13a ragtgliaam wilt ssatiae Iil.t td } d rho Raba and Regalatiasr of the SwaU 8tpiasss Adaniaiatratio. (f3 <br />f 8.ft: •}fd! {` ~ is ~ tat earaastted aed eadoroed it aptsrdaace wits spplkable FedenI few, <br />~ ~ ~"' ~K. w t hold3sa say provision or panioa of tits irtatrntnent iwvalid or uts• <br />" ~ ~ ay tray ietp<sir or prasfwk efts ,rrw,t at :~ <br />- - -- -- -- ...n .~....ai6;,.t, Fr®visions or porti.sss of <br />ad lase aa3 za-tar .- , -, <br />