MORTGAGE _~ t~'w` I~ ~ ~ ,4 _, J ~ }
<br />MoRrrwcE IAAN No. r. 23$79
<br />ta3O1V ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Stanley A. Mallory and Jerre L. Mal lorry, eaC23 i.i3 his slid
<br />her awn right and as spouse of each other, Mortga~[rr,wi~roaamu,.,;ot,o~aarmddaa~,at
<br />T4>et3ty-five Zg3otlsand and No/100--------
<br />basted to said rnortgagtsr by The Fquitabk Building and Luaw Auociatioa of fnrsd Isfaod, Nebtadca, Mortgagee, aPa2S0 tfiasa d i~ d
<br />raid ASSOCIATION, Certit'scate No. L 23879 , do hereby gent, convey and tnortgttge uMO the std ASSOCIATION the falowlag
<br />deatrtbed seal eAate, sittsalM in Hill County, Nebraska:
<br />FS.L OF LOT FOU'd (4) APID THE Fa~mFar.Y SIaI'EFSI FEhT (16' )
<br />NEBRASI(F>.
<br />togeY:er w-th a13 the tertemensa, henditarttents and appurrenanszs lltereunW bebngmg, useludirtg attached floor wserittgs, aU window screens,
<br />window shades, binds, s[Jrm wtndows, awnings, heatirsg, air mndrtiuning, and piumbin6 and water equipment and accesnriea thereto, pumps, siovea,
<br />refrigerators, acrd other fixture and equipment m>w ur hereafter attached to or used m currnectiun with seed real estate.
<br />Arsd whercss the said rmrtgagor has ageed and does hereby agee that the ruurtgagor sisal] and wiB pay a13 taxes and aaaesvants levied or
<br />encased upon card prsmises seed upon this rrwrtgagr and the bond ucurrd thereby before the same stiaB became delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />inwrnnrx upon the buildings on seed premms stwted iri the scar. of S 25, 000.00 payable !u card ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance, and nw to wmmrt or permrt any waste un ur about seed premsxs:
<br />In eau u( default m the perlurmance of any of the terms and cundrtrons ul tMs mortgage ur the bond secured hereby, [he nwr[gpgte shall,
<br />un demand, tx entrtkd w unncedrate pusxsvon of [he rnor[gaged prrmsses and the mortgagor hereby assrgns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee ail the rents, revenues urd income m hs derived from the nrarrgaged premrsrs during such. [srtre as the mortgage mdebtedrress shall remun
<br />unpasd; and the rm rtgagre shall haste the esower to appoint arty agent ur agsa[s .t :rsay dsxre tut the purpose ui repairing seed pretmsss and rentuig
<br />the &saie and collectirtg the rents, revenues and income, and rt may pay out u( ~,;ard ;n vine ill ezpenxs uC iepairictg raid premises and neceraey
<br />cornmisnrsns axed expenses incurred rn renting anJ ;tuttaging the same and ui .ulkctrng rentals therefrom; the ba3ance remaining, il any, Fo be
<br />applied towud th[ discharge ut said nwrtgage mdeMedness, ihrsr rtglrta ul the nwrtgEUtce may be exeruud at any tors dmisrg the sxh4su ~ of soh
<br />default, rrrovpective of any ternparary wetter of the same.
<br />Tiwu Prrx~nts, however, are upon rh= t ~ drtk n That t t - R u rte.- d '.,an =-r. ,r ?,zto:e the ma ur r - i seed snare; by
<br />paymeni; pay rncrnthiy to seed ASSOCtATN)N t t€t uT ~ -;tr d ; ri< rd - u e r by as ,nterest and pnnnpai un saud roan, on ur before
<br />tM^, Twe ttrcth day f each a_n 1 every r,~„[h, _.... t .,,ti ,,,a..., },,,}'r r..~..,,,_ t.ay .,. ,a-w~ arur asaessmrnts irvte~d a ~ std
<br />tga-r+st pr^_rmses a.^.d on !dorigags
<br />and the Bond s-ecuted thereby, hcfore dshnyuencv. furnr~t apprusrd ensurat>~s 6p~r: [fu_ bvddtngs t,.cresr: m the snm u! S 25, 000.00 payaisk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said 45Sf7C1AT10N upon dervnd ail rrwney by it peed tut such taxis, asuasments and msurantx with interest at
<br />the rrraximum Iegal rate thereon from date ut peyrneni all u[ whuch Mortgagor hereby agrce> to pay. pernut nu wasu on card prermses; kcep and wmply
<br />with ill the ageements artd wndrtrons of the Bond for 5 25 000.00 true day green by [he card Mortgagor to seed ASSOCIATION, aM comply
<br />with il) ihs requirements of the Conantution and By-Laws oi'said ASSIX:IATION: then [here presents shall became null and void, otherwise [hey
<br />shag rerruin in fuB torce and tray be fuwduud ar the option u( the said ASSOCIATION after failure ter three months to make any of said
<br />payments or M three months ur arrears m making card rtronUNy payments, or to keep end wmply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond:
<br />and Mortgagor agees to have a rccervzr appointed fw[hwrth in wch foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if Usero is any cltangc m ownership ui ts'x roil estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, [hen [he entire rcnuuiing ittdebtsd~as hereby
<br />secured shag, at the option of The Equitabk Budding and Loarr Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, becortce irnsnediately due and ~yabk without
<br />further notirx, and the atnotmt rcniainmg due under seed Mend, and sny other bond for any additional advances made thereunder shall, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest at the nuxhnwu icgil rate, and thu mortgage stay [hen be (orecloxd to sttisfy the atsraint due on sa:d
<br />borid,and any uthec bond for additusnal advuicec, together wr[h ill sums pod by seed The Equitable Building and loan Aasociatism of Gtaed fs~ssd,
<br />Nebraska for ioswancx, taxes and asusuntnta, and abstru-tmg ezterurun charges, wrath interest thereon, from dak of payment at the rteaximsun
<br />kpl rate.
<br />As provakd in the fiend secured hereby, while the mortgage renwrrrs m rfiect the murigagee may hereafter advance addittorsai came io ilre
<br />masters of said Bond, their assigns ur stsccesaurs m interest, which sums sha3 be wi[Mn the security of this mortgag the sow u the toads origina$y
<br />seeursd [lssreby, tie rota] aawunt of prinr;spil debt not to exxad at any ume the ur;grnal arnuunt of this mortgagt.
<br />his 4th daY rrt Det~e3nber A. D., Iv80
<br />st.;~le~ A. 1 ~
<br />r ;
<br />K -
<br />J¢~fre L. Mallory
<br />etxrn-Tr of HAU ~ $ O° ibis 9th day ni Uec:erd~er l9 80 . baftare ma,
<br />the urAsrsignsd, a Notary Yrsblic m and for said County, pc [sotwlly earns
<br />Stanley A. Mallory and Jerre L. ~llr,ry, each in his anc her owe? right :u3d as snotjse of
<br />?ach pt}lE'-r, w~scr .art. perionaUy Icmvn to
<br />faa W fx t3sn idcntrcal pexmra; whose rutnx F. art: affixed to rite aiwve msiymeoj as mortgagor :~ and 1~-<lc~y uxratly
<br />ar4uwwisdgad the sod instrumdst to err f~a:lr >oluntar} act sad deed. -.
<br />wITNESb my !rant} uu3 Notural Sent if# .3su aloresaut
<br />kly cn~nr~aram raps., ,
<br />wr.sue ¢r '~
<br />1 mss' -
<br />
<br />