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NOR7GACE WAN NO. ~R7R <br />E)dDR' ABL h~l18Y IflfSE leRE4EN73: That ~,eorge P. (}tttttart attic 3aAnaae M. Ott~tatt, each ist his arts <br />his viutt right and as sparse of each ott=er, <br />Thirty-three 1°rr~tisazsd and AIO/ 100 + wlet6er a¢e or (mere, is aaeithatrf¢e d tlss sas d <br />toned to d0 + iH The P.~abde gte7di¢6 a¢d taa¢ Aaaoe"tatba d Grid Bala¢d, Nabradra, N«tyyee. ttp¢tt .330 shoes d at¢dr d <br />mid .VS(ICBATWN, CMitude No. (. 23,878 . do hershy gra¢t, oomey sad mortgg uafo the aadd AS~CtATBW1 the tolbvled <br />dtrerttird taal emsae, aataaNd in f1aN Cotr»ty, Nebnaks: <br />IAT EIC~aTEF<3 (1$) IN {API2AL FiEIC~TiS FZFTH <br />SL1Bt)IVISION, ftFSDiG A PART OF' lY3E SO[Fl'FE~~ST <br />Qt1AR's`Fc (F,W'a) Ot Sr'Y'TZQv T4u~ fz), ICX+31sHIP <br />=~r~*,~ illi NORTH, PANGE'PFa3 f10) fib' OF THE: <br />bi'H P.Ai., BALL (7~CIIs71`l, Imo' `.4G'1. <br />tugetLsx with s4V itre lecer¢e¢ts. 4xCrtdiiarrtents amt appurtertamzs thereunto beiongutg, xncludi¢g attached tlswr waeruigs, all window screens, <br />wirdaw shades, btmda, storm widows, awnings, heatmg, air wndmm~itxg. and plumbing sad water eyuipaaent and accemtfea tMm[o, ptttttpt, stoves, <br />rsfrigeraton, and otiaer €ntucea and egwprroni rrow ur hereafter attached m or cud m umnectton with sad rea estate. <br />Aml wiierws the sad mortgagor has agreed a¢d daea hereby agree that [he tnurtgagm shall and will pay all taxes and assawnean hwkd m <br />ssasaani upon said prsmrus and upon Chu triortgapc and xhe bold severed thereby before [hc ante shall become detingtuat; to fiv¢xsh appmved <br />warvxxe xsprro the buatdaxgt un tad premmea srtmmd-in the sum of S 33, 000.00 PsYabk t¢ said ASSOCIATION std to deliver to aid <br />A.SSOS'IATION thr poiiciea fas ad ins¢ran¢: and not to ramcrut m permit say waste oex ut atqut ad premises: <br />to case of defaWt m the perfmtnancr ai any ui the tams sad umaitaxtt: of this mortgage or the bond ueurcd hereby, the xmxngsgee hull, <br />un demmci. 6t rntuka to :¢trnsdiats puaesi¢a of the mortgaged ptemas ud tlu ewttgagor httebp asegas, trartsftrs and zes over to tlxe <br />mwzgapae erg the rrnrs, revtnwea srd mouxtre m ht derived Crom the wort'aged pramttes durarg such time as the ttwngage indebiedrus shall rereai¢ <br />°~`: ae32 <lu :s-~tyyp€e tluP the pers+ar ;v appuaot any agenx arc axtnra tt msy dv-ure inr eB:e pucpoae of repa¢neg aid ptemiaes and rete[i¢g <br />the actu and rralleotr¢g ttu rants, rtsam,M std mao¢se, sad ¢ msy pay out of ant uxcome alt eaptnaea of repatriog sad premises and tteceaaey <br />~cuatnmastuns and ex incurred m renting a¢d ~ tha tame aml sx€ coliettasg rtntais themfrom: xhe bslaace ret¢ainag, if any, to be <br />appliad rind t.te s~ts of sad mnregge mdabtodaass: throe rrgBab at xhe ¢nsrtgags= nny be exercised at any ttt¢e du¢iag ttu azsttnae oC sxreit <br />uksanlt. urnapas.^tiva of arw ttnvptnatp waixs of f~6a~ ;:eme- <br />T`sst ~Prtir:ttxs, 'mrwevtr, erne u~ax Vii':3rxditri=n, That tf t~ sand rx4snigagu shat; trpay said lu;<n ou nr istfure alua rnatunty of sad aftarea by <br />€aty¢aaoi_ pat',y inunehBY to urd ASSOCBA'TBCSN crf zht sum a~secifitd in tht tlond ucuresi htttby as interest and pri¢utpa on ad lout, o¢ or before <br />tin T=r~-,:sG~aa; dar . r.,r-+: ~tv o• y zumein, uretJ sar4i roan is €uiy paid: pay a2d :axey. sad as~ssa;~nt.:tv~d aga;r~? saw' pzexniaba uw an toss Morrgi~ <br />serf t~ &s:td ataused x-~€z0y.-w",~;:;~,xg4~n,%y: furrasy apprnas~i ,fsutatx,-,c u~ , the owidsxgs eheceoa m she sum or S 33, GOG.00 F~Yattk <br />sa aid A&St3CtATtON: rrpay oa ssd AiSOCtATtON upua deretwd sit rtawty by a pad for such (antes, assessments and i¢suranee with interest at <br />the ttiaaanum tega3 ran theram from date uC paynent a8 oC which Mortgagor hereby agrces w paY, permit mx waste on aid premisa;kerp and comply <br />with all tha agseetrtaWS std aradittons of (tier Bad fm 5 3" r p0 clay given by [ix sad Mmtgptw w sad ASSOC1AT10N, and wmply <br />witk at! the negviretatrttt+af Hu Crxtuitutio¢ aid By-Laws of acid ASStlC~iAkTtON; then then prge¢ts stutl becorm null and void, orherwix thty <br />shag rerriilA a ftd7 isxx and may he Imtcbacd at the optaan of the sad ASSOCIATION ai ter failure fm three months to make any of said <br />paYraettts m be (tree [emetths m arrears ax making ad t¢ostt)tly payme¢ts, m [a ktep srtd comfy wish the agrceme¢ts and conditions of aid Bond; <br />aid Mtxtgagor agaea to hate s reoaivv ap}wmted t'orthwiih in such fineclosurs pruexeditt~. <br />tf them a rmY rhaogs a owmnitip of the rsa scats rmrtgagDd herein, by ask or othmvise, tltea the entire rtiaainiag axdebterlttea hereby <br />aeeyted ate, at the option of The Ftptitable 8tti{dtreg and l oaa Aa+xtaa[io¢ of i;rard tslutd, Netrraalt:. becoma imexdiauty due std payabb without <br />€ttrthsr tsota;e, sad the atrtwmt rvmWainB d>< utdet ae~ boad, and any other bo¢d for eery addita¢at advsmxs made ihemurdet, atail, frost: tha <br />dots of easaiaa of sad option. ban atteseu at tic rrtaximum }agd tats, sad that mortgage may tiun be toreclased to attafy [tu amottr¢ due on anal <br />bond, ad any other bond fm additionet adwrtsea, togeUxr with aB{ torte pad by salt Tht Egxaisabk gt¢ldjetg sad loan Aatociation o€ C,raad tsLnd, <br />Dte4cuka Cm inauraraz, taxes snit ana, std aburwlmg extersaan charges, with intsrost therwn, (rout data of payment at the maximum <br />lugaB tats, <br />Aa (Bad as the (food suauad hstsby. whtle this trtmtgage remaraa m effect the mot;gages may F>=rsafter sdva¢cs ~ditamal suass to the <br />makers sad l4o¢d, [hair asaigats m ntccemrs is iatereu. whieh amna alai! be within the security of this mortgage the sane as the Euada nregiaatly <br />7eawatl LhereMy, [he 3txal artmunt aC prtncipat deb[ act to extted st any time tlu orxgma antotuu of ttts rnurtgage. <br />. ~ StIS ~; ~~d-~a~y-~d DEC~bI?I A. D., 19 $0 <br />'~s€~<_e+.--rdp.F r~~ =,,.~~L? -fey-t-ea~1~._- <br />~ .- . 31=Lt`i~f -- <br />sa _ <br />s~§ttt14*. M. OttataFl <br />3TA'B'E £#~ N~XA, <br />C#:#f!d'{'1~ ~ fditiB.l. ~ Oa its $th dsy o£ De[.`H¢kxer l9 $0 , ba&as rite. <br />tlsa tudetagasd a Notary Pstb{ic m sad for teal County, puavrully cants <br />Ca~rc,~ _ . Ott attd ,7oAtttre M. Ottz¢atti, each in his arxx her am ±iah€ a_r,_r; am cmas~.. nr <br />d!3G:h fIC3fE:r, - - - --- ---- --- -.- -~; who are, rperama4lY known to <br />tsd sa* 6s i1+a ida¢fnaai petsong whtue aar¢ag arp atfnod to (tat above uutr6msat n rnortpgsxr s aml they reverally <br />adtwwlpdbsd tle :old inuxutaeot to be t=h!?3.Y wrhmtuy as wd daa3. ~ -s <br />t4Y'B'H6`&&4 say bwd sad t+katarW Ssd the Bus dixawd. ~ . <br />,, ~ ! <br />~LSRr_ - <br />F <br />ii tt 3_T 3 'sr4raas~ .r.. ~s _ -+if :....~ ~ R' <br />rlaasasa ai _ #' _ 9 ~ _iVC~~ . <br />.___._ -.p..._.._.._.___..._. ~_-...._.......,.1 <br />