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<br /> 6. Assignor hereby covenants and wer�an4� to tlw A�i�r�ao that (a) Asalpnor ha9 not executeti any p:�irr
<br /> � assiflnment of the Lease or of its righl,title and intarest therel�or th�r�tal�tn acc�ua tt+�rx�nd�r:(b?Aasi9nor has r�.�9
<br /> , performod�ny act or executec!any instrument whlch mlqht Hfaver►t th�Assigi�trom opK�tln�uncler any o4 the terms an� �.'_
<br /> co�diuons hereoi,ar whiGh would limit tha Asslynea in auch operedon:(c)A�astynor h.ws nat accopted rent ur.der the Lease far "::
<br /> � any peilod sub t ta the current pa►iod fo�which rent has�Ir�edy bsco+nY ciuv arui puyab�e;(d1 t�afe is no detault now � `
<br /> � existingunderth�se.and(o)Assignorhasnat6xecutadorQrantc�ds+ny��wditlr.aGoriorAr»�tu3mentwhetevaroftheLease r.-
<br /> i elther oraliy or in writinfl excepl a�sat taRh in Schadule Q 8��1 G"�t���������'�ex�L �
<br /> �;:.
<br /> but nOi prlor t8�CCru��
<br /> 1. AssigneeherebygrantspermiasiontoAssi�nc+tocol{eclupon, ,allrttx»b,issues,�s�l3 4�;
<br /> andprotitsiramthesatdPremisesandtoretain,andueeanyenjoytheseme�butr63erve9tl►��yihttorevokesuchpermis,siv�e t
<br /> atany tlme.w�tfi�rwithoutcause,by noticeinwritin�toAssl�norbyCertlfledmail�et�ttothueddr�hereinefterprescribed�o� �
<br /> �' ; � sending noUc�!r.any event such permisslon to llsalgnor shall be automaUcally revoked upon def�uft by Assiflnor in Stae i-
<br /> paymentofa�y.�Yt3�OQJigaUonasecuredherebyorinthepe�tormanceolanyobtigation,cov�nant,a9reema�thereln,insa�� ��
<br /> °;�.� moKflase or de�d�i trusL in the Lease o�in any of the Obliyatlons�ecured hereby,oc in Rny�ecurin�document give�in
<br /> connectio�t�erawltT�r,�ll�f which will be retar�ed to he�eln a�"Detaut0"►.In the svent that th�Astbnee should�evoke such g•
<br /> permi�si��n�A4tarMe�a.�:+nenceofaDetaulttheAssi��ee,maya:itaoP�on.aRernotificatlo�b/Usiynw�byceRitiedmail.to �
<br /> the address her�?ina;�'p�escribed far sending notices.direct any or ell o!the tenantr of the P�Mnlsee to pa►y to Assl9nee,its °
<br /> agents or its pi:ar�ays,auch �ants. issues,Pronb, revenuea,de�rOSlte,r�9ht� end benetila as may now be due or shall �+;
<br /> hereinafterb�amadue,andAssiy�eemaycollectthesame•Theaffldavliorwrittenstatembnlotanolticer,a�en�walWmey �
<br /> � ;� ot Assignee stat�r�ihatthere has baen a Detault shall cnr�s�tute concluafva evldenco thereoR�d�nyte�antto othar persons s
<br /> is autho��red�rect�irected to rely thereon.4he Assi�nor tuRher ayrees,that In the eveM the�ermiulon to use and retain the _
<br /> � renb,inccarn�,Nsves,deposlts and profits.should baterminated or upa�the occurenr,a otA Detaul�to immediatelytu�n over _
<br /> nc -
<br /> . . � to/4ssignee,at��fine and ln the manner requested by A:islpnee.sll sacurity deposlts orot�monles�eposited by Lessees _
<br /> ,� of the Pretr�ises in accordance with tha Provlslons of the Leasea _
<br />` ����' 2. tdotwithstandln� the provlsions of paragraph 1 hereinabove.upan or at sny dme aRer a Oefault,a�defined ;-
<br /> hAreinabove.the�ssignee,at its option,may dectare all Obllpatio�s aecured hereby immedlably dus andpayable.and may,at :�
<br /> ,.; its optlon,without natice,and if any such ObligaUons be aecured by deed o1 trust I��espective of whethsr a dscivation of =
<br /> + default under said de�d of trust has[�een delivered to Tnutee thereunde►,exerclss All ri�hts u�d romedlos t,onmtned in said
<br /> mort�y�e or deed�ttnsst and wlthout rayard tor the adeQuacy o�sscu►iry 1or tM Oblbsdo�hKeby s�cund elthsr(n psrso� -
<br /> � or by syent with or with��,+t bringlna any acUon or p�oceedin�,or by s recelver to bs appolnlad by a couA,sn4�upon.take _
<br />' � p�on oL rt►�na�1e ar�d�erata said Premises or any part tttiereot�maks,enforc�,modity,and acc�M!tw wrt�.�of _
<br /> �� obtain and eviottenanta,fix or modity rents,and do any acb wh�h the Asal�ns�des+r►i�opw to P►oacf th��scu�ily
<br />' - hereof,and o+ther wi�h cxwitlst►ultaAing possession of the Premises.In ib own nams.wufor aothetwls�cdfsctand nceive
<br />;._ ` all�enb.isscses s�n�pro�b.In�ivair►�those past due and unpaid,snY�PR�Y the same�bss coet end sxpen�a of opwaand Mher
<br /> - co1{ectioa.i�cY�dinQ,twt►�t limita-3 to.paYments for wayes and payrdl taxet,compor►seti0n of martaslnp
<br />- ma�ement a�s and expenses, real estate taxes and ass�samenb,water.aewK.and slmRu chsr�, and
<br /> � worker's�ompensation Pre+�:�crms,�round rents,custor*�ary real estate cominlssion,and reasonabl�aaarney's t�tnd court
<br />� cost,s,upo�an�O�fisationssscured hereby�and in such order as the Asstgnee may d�te►mina.Ths�n upon�nd tskinp
<br /> possession pf�Premises,the col tecUoR o}such rents,issues and profits and the appOcatiot►tf�r�of as ��yp�
<br />�".� GuTo t'i:::5:.o:a:�..r'�"�".....'•'':�••��}w n.►ne1;�,nr a}tar.t netir.a of defeult under 8aid m0(t��0�dlOd 01 tnJSt 0�i11vi11da0�ifljl!Id
<br /> c.• '!T! � � ��
<br /> ;�:��I odut ot�suc�ico,.a�tion,m.��g�ment opera8tion and main�tany ance.�Un�the IiabUity ot Aesl�nee to�aCCOUnt TOt amou b
<br /> � coAected and e�ded by it
<br /> !� 3, 1'he Assignee shall not be obligated to pe�form or discharpe,nor does it hereby uncleRake b or
<br /> a diSChelr�8�1y�tI011,dury or Uabiliry under the le.qse,or u�der or by reason of this Asei�nment Asslpnor 4f 1d�10N
<br /> ��.� hereby agree to in nifyr the Assignee aysinst and hodd it harmless from any and aIl 11aW liiy,bsf or damepa whlch it may ot
<br /> miyht incur under the Lease or under o�by reason ot this Assi�nment and of and trom any and�11 Clatnss ar�d�mand
<br />:��r'-�,, whaboe+�er whiclt may be asserted ayalnst it by reason o1 any allesed obliyaUon or unds�lclrp on ita�rito perbnn or In t�
<br />;���� discharse of any d the krm�covsnants,or agreerrwnts contained in the t�esse:should the Aesipnss ncur�ny wCh Il�bilily,
<br /> bss oo damaS�e a��der the Lease 0+r vnc3er or by reason ot thls nmen;or in the delenss apalr►s!any such clalrt�s or
<br />_:; demands,the sw�otx►t tl�ereof.itut�ding costs,expenses ar+d r attomey's�bDether wiTh inarMt tlwnon a!t1N
<br /> �. hi�hest ra�e seR foM in any oE the Obii�aU'ona secured hereby.shall be secured her and by tha�td m«+o.�.or dasd a
<br /> _� trust anci I�ynor shsEl reimboarse t�e Assignee therefor lmmediately upon de+nand,and upon tM faUure dAs�lpnor s0 b d0
<br />� the Assi�nee may deciare a3 Obtlsatio�s secu�ed he�eby Immediatefy due and payaWe.
<br /> 1. Unt�l tha Obig,�ti�►5 sec��ed t�erebY sha��have been paid in futl,Assi9nor covenanb and aqressb kNp Mas�d
<br /> at a 9ood and suiflcient rentat�he P�err,�ses ar�d upon demand to trartster and assifln to the At3i�nee any and al!wbNQu�►t
<br /> Les�9e9 upOr1 all or eny pa�t of SuCtt Pt�eis�es upon the Same or SubStantially the same tem�a end COndWotli it ur h�tNn
<br /> eontained,a�d to make.execute,and�certo the Assignee,upon demand any and all inatrumenta that may be rwc�fary ot
<br /> ctesirabte�o;,but the terms and prr�r�cns of this Ass�Qnment ahsll apply to any such subsequent LetN or LMSe�
<br /> �� ��} �or not�assiqned and traRS9erne�.
<br /> � �j 2 Assi9norshsll,upon requestofAssignee.furNSh it a complete list as of the date of ttte request ot�111.�at�s snd
<br /> �Y.� o���r�'.ies af the Premises In suc�`�raasonab�a d+etait as may be reqt�ested by Asslflnea.FuRher.it r�quasl�d�►su�n�
<br /> �# �, st�aiC ci�iver oca p�ssi�nee executed or oenifled copies of atl Leases and other written a�roemonte. eorres{x�ndbrjeb.�iG
<br /> � . m�,�ca�,Ra t�ee�een Assignor an�Lessees a�d other tenants settinp tortl�the contraetual arranye�n��b bMw�'+tl�rn.Such
<br /> � � �ectce�e�ay be made at arsy reasoc�at�e time.
<br /> � 3. The failure to list anyv specif c Leases�ader Schedecle S hereW,shaU not lnvalldate o�BHeCt In any tr�anner.th�
<br /> • pene�a!assignment of rents and leases provided fw herein.
<br /> + Q. Upon the payrnent in full of all Obligations secured hereby.aa evldenCedby ths recOrdinq or filtr►p o!1u�
<br /> ! insuument of satisfaction or full release of said mortgage or deed of trust,unless there sh�fl have been record�d anflther
<br /> ' moRyage or deed of trust in favor of the Assignee cover�np the whole or any pan of the leased Premises.thl�Astl��m�nt�hsU
<br /> � ' become null and void r�nd of no ef�ect
<br /> . } CC�70 5/�6 2f This AO�N^"�.�1 �tWM an oSLpsr�,^ „^•c��Jta+w•
<br /> ��tOt i�.C�rnA fa IM G�IL':"• ...I��p4lUpR �i�+�,'i
<br /> � on tM p� E�.i� �n wh���� tt:o
<br /> I�taost ��7�re�.
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> _
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