<br /> -�i�+i ...__L-== ---_--_—
<br /> ' "'.I , _�:°r�'.." .
<br /> . ,�------'
<br /> ...�----–—
<br /> �.-Y��'M ..��-���0�� , ' CQ:i�iRU:IIUN S[:.�ZIIY IhT[RiSf --
<br /> I ��� v .� Tti� ��,r..��i�� �..�ru� v, obG;saa� M1:A il�a in t�.r —•
<br /> � (d )Trustor shall have procured, permltted or suHered, voluntarily or�'WIti�D M�f I'�'d�''+C�., ��SF `b tt��,t3'`t�'YiS,q'not !
<br />. , permitted harein upon eil or part of such property:Trustor or any guara�{�q;�_`��Pfle�ridetlte�►1�ss 3e�ur`�'�iitre�iy s11i1) -
<br /> � becpme insolvant ai odniit In wrlting its inabitity to ps.y its dcbta as they melur�,or meke an aaal{�nmflnt M�fht�bKnetil of '
<br /> � credilor�or apply for or ca�sent fo the appoinlme�t of a rec0iver or trustea(or it orlor a wb�twnttul part of�uct��oropart��,or ;
<br /> ; such a receiver or trustee shall ba apDo�nted a�d shall nat be dlscharQed within tt��rty�30)days aftar appointmenl;o� �
<br />- � te�Awritofexecutionorettachmenturanyslmlta�processshallbeissuedorlevledagainstalloranyportofor(ntarest F
<br /> � irt such propert}r,orany�udflment intiolvinQ monet�ry damages shall be entered agein�t T�ustor which shall S�acctmae lion �_
<br /> on such property or portion thereof or interest thereln and such axscutlpn,attachment or slmllAr p�ocags orjudumant Is not �-
<br /> reteasad,bonded,salisfierl,vacatad or stayed wit�in sfxty(601 days after it9 entry or fevy;or f
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> , � (f)Bankruptcy,insolvarcy,reoryanization, arrangeme+�t,or liquidation pracasdin�s cr othsr proce�ctinQs far reliat €�•
<br /> unde�any bankruptcy law or other law tar the reNef of dabtors shatl be Instituted by or agalnat Trustor or an�r Gu�rnntor
<br />: � hereof and i1 instituteri against such party shal!be consented to or shall not be dismissed within sixty(60)day�aftar such �
<br /> � institutian:or E;
<br /> i =
<br /> (g ) Trustor or a�y successor in interest of Trustor, votuntarily ar invotuntariy�shauld sell, exact, cnnve��,transfer, -
<br /> contrACt to sell,lease with aptinn to purchase,subleaso,dispose ot,change the chAracte�or uucs of,or furtlter Qncumber
<br /> such property,orony part thereof,or eny interest therein,or if any sald panles sha11 be divostod of title ta such real pro�erty �1
<br /> � of any paR therc�ot,or any interest either voluntarily or lnvoluntarily,ar if title to such property bc�sub{acted to any tien or :-_-
<br /> ' charge voluntarlly or involunta�ily, contractual or statutory,withaut the writtan consent of Benaiiaiary being first had �_
<br /> - ' obt�ined,or ��
<br /> ,
<br /> _ .� . �:
<br /> � :,f: (h)tfTrustvrlsapartne�shipartdtheinterastofagene�alpartnerterminatea,isassignedortrAnsferred,orlsdiminished =:
<br />;�,;:� in any�respeci.�r ifTrustor is acorparation nnd a majoriry of thevotinfl corporate atack is tronntarrad,soldor assigned,or i� "
<br /> "`i" the Tcustur es a tcu�e of a trust and thsrr�is a change of any of the Be�eficia!l�terest oi tha Uunt;or �
<br /> � ; (I►'fcustorsh�;[.v`ithoutthQCnnsentofBenefioiury,cr�ateorconsenttathqe9t�bti&hmentotadistrictwhichhasta�cinq =-
<br /> � powers. �
<br /> � , `
<br /> i�: y
<br />�. ACCELERATtUI�UPON DEFAULT,ADDIT�QNAI.R�f�lcDlES:In the evenl ot an��default he�eunder,Benefiaiary may,at e.
<br /> iis option,: � _-
<br /> :.. . -
<br />�� ' (a)Terminat�aciclitiona!ud�rances,if any,to be mad�vnder ar pursuant to the Promissory Note or any�DLildiny loar. �
<br /> ayreemen�or --
<br />:b. (b?�'sclare any sum secured hereby immediatety due and payable and the same shaU there upQR become due and -_
<br /> payabt�withoui any presentmes�f.demand.ptotest or notice of any klnd:or
<br />�� c)At en time,with or without notice,either in persan,by ag�nt,or by receiver to be appointed by the Coun without `
<br /> � regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness sacured hereby.enter upon a�d take possession o1 such
<br /> nrooerty or any oart thareof,make,cancel,enforce or motlify leases;obtain and ejecttenants,set or modify rents;in its own
<br />.`� narisesuaa:o�rieruelsoco!lecltherents,income,issuesend�oHtsthereof,includinythofepastdueandun¢aid;anclappty � _
<br /> � ttse same,less casts and oxpenses of operatlon,includie►g reasonabb attomey's tees,upon any indebtec�eas secured
<br /> � hereby and in such order as Beneticlary may determirte;ae+d except for such application,Beneticiary shal!nat be lisble t�
<br /> any person tor the collectian or noncollection of any retsts,income,issues or profltsia thetallureto assertor entorce any of -
<br />�_�. theforegoingrighis.no�shallBeneficiarybycharpedwithanyofthedutieaandobliyationsofamortgayeeinpossess�on_
<br />:-�G�-: The entering upon and taking possession otsuch property,tt�e collection of�uch rer►ts,i�come,issues orprotits,the ddng
<br /> ���� of other acts herein authorized,artd the apptication thsr�e�w a6o�esaid.shall not cure or waive a�y defa�stt or notice of --
<br /> �� defautt horeunder or invalidr�aay act done pursuant t¢suctf natice;or a��
<br />�. _.
<br />>� (d)Cause to be filed on reco�d,a written notice of detault and eiecti�on to setl such property.Aite�the tapse of such tlme
<br /> i,� as then may be requi�ed by law tollowinp recordation ot s�,ach notice of default,and noUce of salo having been given as
<br /> � requiredbylaw,TrusteewithoutdemandonTrustarshstEseilsuchproperty,eitherasawhdsorinseparataparcets.andin
<br /> such order as it or Beneticiary may determine at publ tc auction to the hlghest bidder.The Trustee may postpcane the sate of
<br /> all or any pertion of such property by pubtic announcement at the time of sale,and t�om tlme to time thereatte�,may _
<br /> tz p�stpone the sale by public announcemc�rtt at the time and place fixed by the preceedin�poatponement Trustee shatl
<br /> �� deNver to such purchaser its deed conva�irtg the property so sold,without any covenant or warra�ty,express or implied.
<br />:z�; The recitat in such deed oi any matte►s of fact orotherwise shal l be conclusive proof of tfie truthiuu�aas thereof.My perso+t,
<br /> inc�ucGng 1'rostor.Trustee or Be�eficiary,mAy purchase at said sale.Trustee msy also sell at any such sale and as a part
<br />;.�• the�r��any shares of corpvr�siock securing the oWiQation secured hereby,and Trustor waives demand and notice of -
<br /> suckr sate.(Beneficiary at fts cQtion may also fo�ectose on such shares by independent pled�e sale,8nd Trustor waives -
<br /> demand of notice ai such sale.)After deducting all costs,fees and exFenses of Trustee,and of this trust,including cost o�tf
<br /> evidence ot titf�irt�rtrtection with such sale,Trustee shall first apply the prxeeds of sale to the payment of all su� -
<br />°�� expended under tite te�ms hereoi,not then repaid,with accrued interest at the rate then payabte undert�e note or notes :
<br /> � secured hereby,and then ta�payment of all other sums secured hereby.and if thereafterthere be any proceeds cemaininq, _
<br /> 9,•. distribute thern ta the persarr ar persons le�alty entitled thereto. -
<br />,V��a. -
<br />>�r+�� If this Deed ot Trust or any note secureci tzereby providesfo�any cha�ge tor prepayment of any indebtedness secured
<br /> •�: hereby,Trustor sy�e�es to pay said charge,if any ot said indebtedness shall t�e paid priorto the maturity date thereof stated
<br /> � in said note or this Deed of Trust,even if and notwithstanding Trustor shall have detaulted in payment thereof,or in =
<br /> +F'; pertarmance vfany agreement hereunder,and Beneficiary by reason the�eof.shall have declared all sumssecured hereby
<br />' immediately due and payable. . _
<br /> SCHEDULEOFLEASES:Withinten(10)daysafterdemand,TruswrshallturnishtoTrusteeo�Beneficiaryaschedute, _
<br /> � certified by T�ustor,settiny forth allleases of such property,including,in each case,the name ofthetenanta or occupants,a
<br /> descriptlon of the space occupied by such tenant and occupant,the ren4al payabse for such space and such other =
<br /> informabon and documents with respect to such leases and tenancies as the Trustee or Beneficiary may requesi
<br /> COVENANTS OF TRUSTOR WITH RESPECTTO LEASES:Without the prit�r written consent of Trustee or Beneficiary, "
<br /> Trustor shall no�direct(y or indirectty,with respect to any tease o1 space in such property,whether such lease is not or
<br /> � hereafter in existence:(a)accept or permitany prepayme�t,discount or advance payment of rent thereunder;(b)cancel
<br /> � or tarminate the same,or accept any cancellation,termination or surrender thereot,or permit any event to occur which
<br /> woulden6tleihelesseethereundertoterminateorcancelthesame;(c)amendormaditythe.samesoasWreducett�eterm
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />