t:..:. .!
<br />~~_ _-, (76is is a legally binding contract. If not ukderstood, seek }egal advise,}
<br />
<br />The ua>ders;gnsd, herelreaftar detcignafed ere the PURCHA5Qt. hereby aHrre a,v} arneas to purchase from the S£id,F~'r. tlw property rnenated is
<br />rho County d xalf, star. a ttshmka. krgdly dercrd€sa m- ~ t sVE yy, Stv /y // - .%- 9 /yl ~ Sc ~ ru c7-
<br />g~ ~'.,.,.,~ .zip na, ~
<br />}aaarea oa tM t~;;awbrg addrasa: _ ~ .~ f il ~ a d" ~ry~ f~
<br />cub}e'ct w erdsting reaalcfiaes at record, easements tar puhlte utflitias. do sand inning ordiam€ces. if angtogether with a!1 imp[osratpepts
<br />erred appurfensaa mad ;stc[udirtg all fimuaaa and egnipmxrrnt pacm~eat1y attaetead. err with the talent of being peranaraenefy attached b eafd
<br />premtsgs but ao personal propereq Wing irac}uded except: S''fo JP r~i S /av lQ s{..s r ~1L~~ 1_ ]~G ,..a s
<br />and to pay to: the property the sum of E ~ OQO-RQzarchaae price, upon the tofiowmg terms and conditions:
<br />I. DEP'CTSIl' MON The uradarsktvod broker is authonzed to present this offer to the Seiler. The deposit money hawby tendered fa in
<br />the nrawrat of b in the form of _~LLLZ.l~.yhich es to be held by Da~ Ly Raolry acrd Insurance, Irrc., broker, and esaditsd on
<br />ahe purchase gri if flier sale is consumatad.
<br />2 Pt1RCHASE MONEY: Payment of all purchase ma¢eeY shaft bs to Da-Ly flealty and Insurance. Inc., broker, as agent far flier Seller.
<br />3. /SPECU[f, A-G~RjEE7d£NfS: Spacial agreements between SELiEA and PURCIiASFA ¢re as ro!laws.
<br />^' M1,..'~~•-'1~£.•C'+u-7c,-,nt,,. G!'k-Z~V 1;.~,~L.~' '~:'~~:...~'~~',.~.~+t_-,y L~4,t:,,a..,. ~z~d"'tts.~~
<br />/7d / Cam' .'~ ~~ ,~+". ~. c,• / J~rf'r" %.~'c~ ,
<br />,c+1:.2" tom. ~.~r ~ r.~.''~..a--e---r--`c*~f._.r_.~.~,a~.~..f..rJ d'~~1..~.~ ~~'~.~ ~i".G ~~."a`
<br />'t~f /~ ~' Jf" ,t
<br />j.~_LrrJ, ..~~ sP-c-
<br />4. TERMS Of OFFER: [n cons€deranon of the broker s assrsranre to the r:,rn:a,«. m }tr ~ paarlmn ~.; ~~ `; titer and of lire pxesentatton thereof
<br />fox the Sellers acceptance. the Purchaser agrees char ti:rs otter s ::rev«nn:a ~.,:,!r ^~C'-~ +:, ,y, {~M, antl +f nae accepted by the Seller an
<br />or before this dais. this oRer shalt be deemed revoked and :he aepos:r sna.:._.e r _.,.rned tortnw:m a; aha Purchaser. It rs understood that any
<br />wrrttan Acknowiedgament of Acceptance rece;ved by rF.a br¢xe+ w; -.... na ..n« .....r .:mw herein sh¢+1 be brndrng on both parties to th+s
<br />agree-msi t.
<br />5, DATE RNC3 PLACE OF CLOStNG. t} rius ai}ex is acrnp cy the Se+'s ~ rc t~tie ~ t. -
<br />V ; i <d hereunder, the
<br />Putrhass€ agt4es to complete thasala.ON err REFORE ~[~ C ~ .ri a i .ire s:r.a s; x u t ~. ~icf i ~ >t La-t-y Rratty h.
<br />insw¢nc@ Inc, m Graced Island. Nebraska, or gar a Iw:otton ayreaa i,, by 5auet~ Yir _.use; _ra Lz+ck;:~ «
<br />E P:}.5 :fMSi s:€iR: }'osaa~ssian ai the -anrzsas sin°IE hs _ t,r...t -
<br />H .. ytven ro ~ur~ ,w_ rata:snt,a:e,v :.--;le:.w:r:g ,. :: ~y.r:.y..rn ra.ss e;aarwese agxe:s•d F4[e,n. Fn
<br />tfe4 4vent ¢t any ttxle d4ierr which Setter ,s makre:g ettarrs to remadY. d y he ~:'e.,,y .y 1.. _.rr ..:.-,...; e. ..s sl,s-..c•'..:r •r, rra.ke pusseesran kn
<br />advance al ciasaeeg by de}ave€Y of the balance al the purchase or:re :a },ra. Ly R?rul!y and !n_nranca in. g;r.::er,r,,:...::d pct.::;: s9 lho f.na: ol;;airoa
<br />h4€etn. .~ -
<br />7, TERl4}TE lMSPEC'TfON. Thr Pwahacer may at ixrs av~n expanse. wuhrn _.y-~(L. days a:rer ror,rcn::or, •..! rr: _ oller. roc e a fermne reparr
<br />an said property. I} the capon shows a condlticn of Irve term+te mtestat wrr and she Sailer +s chic cr un wriitng rc cr~rrac: and condnion. then
<br />rho Fut hosar, of life optwn. can cancel rhts otter have .,rs dapasa rerurn4d and r,e released .. ail .;abuay hereunder.
<br />8. T1TLE: The sale is to be r:onsumened by th4 delivery of the usuai Wmmnry i)eed co veyuty u ..a:xerab,e :ale,;n ;ne smple ar,d rind Sevier
<br />agrees to furnish nn Abstract ai Tetie rerouted ro dote ei sale. or a Tale }nsurance Policy. to date of rule and convey said premses to me or n:y
<br />nominees free and clear of aft :yens. encurnbrarr.:es a+ specs; tortes leveed or assessed
<br />t to - a~ _ - -. -, P,,:crrr.~.. ..« ...
<br />9. 1)FFAULT: Except as provedad ;n Far¢y:ayn Frftwan ,IS! e rs meat. ~. a .., snou;ri c.-ari~, th,s ag:e: -.
<br />liquodwed damagtes is the amount of TEN (t05k) PF3iCENT of the purJrase pace shalt be pouf Gy the datoulung party ra the nora-defaulting
<br />pariY- Seller and Purchaser shau au:hortse Rrokar :o wrung !o reiease any and a(i mantes ,t rs hoidmg w nar,-%eiu ~,;it+ny party :n the ev<,ne ;,: a
<br />6reoch.
<br />,;,t_ _..
<br />iD. REM04A4 OF E]:CIfM.RRANCES~ Any encumbrances and spec.o. ussessmers .e d a t
<br />salter rs required to remove under thta otter may be p¢td and ars.hcrgen w;rh :;. a -hcvx~ ,.. t . r,;e .nl+~ wtr `jw}$r
<br />~ ~sl'
<br />purthaaei elaets, a,~umed with a6¢temert of ;t „ rchasa p:.::a -
<br />ll. PRORATlG1p& R}i taxes arzd assesamanes w..rch have became u Iran open the land a: thc• date of c shall be pad by :he; Seiler.
<br />faearelCe Pr~tiume (if artearaace is neslgaed), rpterast (d mortgage is assumed), rents r+t now ranrad;. uhhty brhs, ; estate taxes. rntaras~ on
<br />mortgagee. }fans and aswssmenta, it any, shad M prorated and adjwted to !lee date of clas!ng. I(tha closrny :;t the t:ttie shalt «cur before :t:a
<br />tax cab to fixed, the appartfonment of rates shall be upon, the Iwsxe of the tax rasa for the nazt F-err=edmg year ¢ppixed to the latest assesses;
<br />a}tx-x-.:art.
<br />sr"s. MF+GFiAftiC^a L}n"ir'S Ata7i Ps-t.'ISONAL PROPERTY: At data of cbs+ny, Selzer shat; turrteh Pu:chaser writ: an uis:dour: o: other evidence !h,,;
<br />theca azc no mechanics Hans presently on the property and Char :hers is .o poss:6i1;!y of tutors ma,.hamcs hares on ilia prameses because of
<br />Se}!w`s actions. 7~ 5sUet shall dslirer as unaocumbsred &lf ni Safe ra al; perarnai property on ate pr~pe,ry whrcf: rs mcr,ded rn ;t.,_ .w,e.
<br />i3. RISR ~' LOS5: The risk of Iase or damage to the premises by lira err by nay allies cause um.; the dehvc'ry ct zho dead rs useu.nec, -y $eller-
<br />9a. Ofd: The daod 4iaa}} be tf}e usrrol bargain and sale deed with coverwnx ~amst grant;,:a sets rn pn:per !,:rn. ;:,r r~ ordana and sha;:~ sir;;-r
<br />exeCUNd. ackrrowfadgad-and havE fbranua Stamps irs the proper amount axhxed tharats: by :t.e S tier a± ^he .`xliex~:,cexpanse .. _
<br />to the purchaser the tae sunp}e lifts o! f}aa premraes, free sil nit encumbrances arse},; os he': cm s:ar4C Su<.i: dead shat: be i:e;d E:y~i4r ,Lr ~'rea::y
<br />atvf lneurataca. }nc., $xaker, ter drlivery to Purchaser of c;•~susg. Purchaser short Wy tr-es t::; re.. ,r.. _ .•c~d w.:n tiny;:;rrur ., ,xr ., tiv1:..:
<br />sdyxil pay arty other r,gcmding A€as pursuant rv clostrgk. -
<br />15, Uf,~'F.CYb ~ Tf1'd,E: }f otgsctws: ;c the tn& is mcds,. Fw»•id ~pou ,: ~ n op,o ., ...- 4_, .- .. .-,. ~ . - - ...,.
<br />sand+tiost requuari frsFaandsa. the Se41er slier}}twee TyffRTY.3Fii dmra is-.. .he dur.~ 'r ...-,. _. - - _ _ -
<br />ren,`M ; tf:s t:::e :Er ,ts, ::, ;e;r.>~ a#ra '~aws,r t er:r.,na..o, ..r.s . y ...... .. ,.
<br />Pur i?rL't~l 3F±y s_~:vac Se........ff. ..S=tY..
<br />