<br />Thit MortgagE is ende[ed into 6etrta!en tlr~ril le 4 (~,1 near ~Rd 4lara K Q~Ise[t ~ -
<br />_._. N[ uthf [rid ._am~..e.Wi£e
<br />ihentn "11lea~tya~td'}yrd-::. -: "~
<br />FIiTE PQIttTS BA14R ( „~
<br />blaxtgagor is indebted to Mottp@e is the pthtdpat sam of S t 44 OffO, f]4 ~ artiateuaed by ra ~ ~ ~~ - .- "
<br />dated. December 5 , 148Q (herein °Note") proriiiag for paymtatta of pt~ripal a~ ~Oeteat, wHh ffie a ot:Ate:... ~. _.
<br />iattebfedn~a,.tf!rotaoaaer paid, due and payable ¢e .In7 y ~ 19$t - - - -
<br />- `' 1b seeuta the payment of the !Vote, witlt iateeaYt as prtsrided thetefu, the paymeat asl a8 otltet st®s. uhlh 4ntawt, .
<br />.:~ adwutcedhar. lLottga~ee td p*ot>•et the rarpnity asf this , attd tlx pedtsritautee of the corernnta and a~ae>refa of
<br />rbe% i~r~ j~el~°tont.i~,ed ceren[. Mate a¢K f[rrHy morigase ,~ o¢,.ar ~e ~aa~ t¢~IIt. ae,dieag
<br />;," -t .
<br />-~P~i+ y lonfxd in- Hall _ ~nt5'. NebrasRa:
<br />The East Half (E'~) of Lots Sixteen (16) and Eighteen (18}, Block
<br />Pive (5), College Rdditian co West Lasm in the Citp of Grsnd Island, Aebraska,
<br />and
<br />The West Flalf (S~t) of Lats Sixteen (t6) and. Eighteen (I8}, Black Five (5}r
<br />College Addition to West Lawn in the City of Grand. Island, Aebraska
<br />Together wish sli buildings, imprvtemenU, fixtures, streets, alleys, pmwgeways, easements, rights, pnnleges and
<br />apfatttenaatex loca[ed thercrett or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents issues and pmt'rts, reaersit~ and remalntters
<br />thereof; inrtt[dttrg. but not limited to, heating and roofing equipmertt end such persottai property that is attuhod to the
<br />impraxrusnents so as tp roastltute a fixture: art ¢f which, including replaeemants and aaldiUoas [hereto, is lrereby ttedated
<br />t'a foe a put of the real estane sertinNY by the Tien of this bfortgagr and all of the foregoing being rrtcrred to heteiti as hht
<br />..~~,,.
<br />Mtwtgag<x [archer eanaeaanuc and agn!es, with Mortgagee, a^s fdfows:
<br />t.. Paemaat. 't'o pay ihr ittrttbindnrsa and the interest thrra~sn as prusidrd in tries `w;origsge and the Note.
<br />g, Tekir. htorl:gatttr as the a>witrr of the Propeny, has Cha! right and authvx^it}~ 4i mortgage Nre~. Praeterty,and
<br />wrurrauts that[ the beer r~[eattd~ herWYy is a first and priow cten on the Property, exaept as may otherwise hr set forth herein.
<br />L3 The P[oper[y w suhtec[ [o a Mortgpge whereto .-.- . - - - - - _ -. -.-._-__,--.__._ ..__ _...---._-.~.
<br />ix fire tAaxrtgagee, r+rrorded at Book --_-_.._ .Page . ...... _ of the Mortgage Recrords of . --- ._._-- _-- Country.
<br />Nabtashn, w$ich M[irigage is a lien prior to the tarn created beech} .
<br />C,Ochet prior Betas or encamirratmes:_ .-. _ ---..-_ __..__----.---_---.---.-__---_-
<br />d. Taxes, .Assessmsntx. To pay when due all taxes, special assessments and all other charges against the Property
<br />and, uppn wnttea demwd by Mortgagee. to add to the paytnrnta requimd under the Noce secured hereby, such amount as
<br />- _tnay ba sutfltiamt to ewbte the Mongrgee to pay such taxes, assrsstrtents ur outer charges as they become due.
<br />- - 4- taassraaae. T'o berg Use ittrpmtierrterets opw or herraftrt located on the eeu estate described herein insured
<br />- _ a~i[tai dgutayr by Ere at[d such ouer hawtd. ac ataxigager may esquire, an arnounts and wuh rompaniix attrptable to the
<br />- _ _---d~rfli!'t/Na, and with Ions payaAM b tM lit. In rasa of loss uadar such pdieica the Dtortgogee is authorised to
<br />- - - adjwt, ruUect and comproaaise, in its disrsa[ivta. art claims thereunder ax lts wle optaoo, aulhanaed to eatber apply the
<br />- - _-:pueueeA- W the f>zsi®ttKias of the itepartg nt apau floe ~ secured here@Y, ~ ptgtmtwta 6eoeuader twn-
<br />- --- - -tstitte uteitf-the solos secured hereby arts paid m tuiE.
<br />~. ti FJCrow Few I`aux and tasuraara. f3otwithsfan~ng ancthing rontaiterd in paragraphs 3 and 'i hevtwt t¢ the
<br />. - Y9. ~ sRtli Pay to fhe ~ at the Urtre trf paying the monthly instaBnteni5 of priracipul atad interest,
<br />- - - oae•twttStb of the Yeasty faanea, aasrraa[aents, ftaaatd inautwre ptrmiunts, sold gnwnd rea[s (if any/ wttkh may attain a
<br />_prtaHty xwet tttiE , aA >d nasooabty espuaafed. fran time so time by the Mtxt~ea. Tray amounts so paid siWt be
<br />htVA ttg.ifaa. trNhtast tataerRi utd a~ied to the pauysrtertt of the lama in respect to whidt such amaents were
<br />- 'T't)e-Stt9# [nid to ~SfRtarx hareiradec are--•. •_ _ - 9a :.....,:i.• &,..~. ;.,:t~i,.a,i~. "-,,...ma ~.,
<br />~,T`sttaN pay ~lteatgay!C the amamt tr# ' " ... --~ ~•, ar :.~
<br />- , ~.attd gnw[ttd twW-aa@ the ~' ~~~ ttrtweera ttta acuud taxaa, assrasaaettts, tnatatance
<br />depaaaitt betcuerrkx wi[irs t0 days a; dratutd ~ mach upon 8or re9w'-~gt
<br />- - - -yxtY'tnret ttgnreot.
<br />- - ~ tEapatt, std tfaR T`a pry repair, trnttore ar rebuild-say iwilderaga ssr ioernoauta crow ¢r
<br />- trks4tdtrr tea ills y~ ie [trap. iha 4g;n•yratd tnand'etion sad ritptar. wiiltaui waat€, and tree feast ma!CiYnic'a ax
<br />°' ~+ is " fswtLaytitf; riot #r aeaaiaiti;
<br />t sdse ~ ~ suffer cr ftarta[t any rutisaace w exist. nose xo dtrmn-
<br />ny `~k' an5 art ta- Gaon, to set: and [u soanpiy with aN tequueaarats to law wash
<br />ill t4a fso8arty.
<br />