rtes ~ pcmrHSx cav~twta~rs wxt> wcRB~s: [~
<br />That ate Ittoettfytrr xr;a Pry• the csdsbtedwer as tMreiaYefare Prev+aaa. 8U"a" ~J ~~ r? fl ~ ~ _
<br />That tlNe ]t1°rtgigpp--jt,>~ ppy~r °[ y~ PrnPrdY is fee 9mp1e asst has gpnd right and la.rfut authority to sell aM
<br />comay the sYnr, that thrtaaMe is`f[ae irtd-etesr of say !kn ar crtetO~a+taaa: and tba!- Mnrtgnzor will warrard alai deferaf Hte-
<br />t'tt}e to said ptzlwiees atlaietaC ~ Ylsliaat .~: ~- . ~~ -
<br />Ta ~~ ~~ ~ a~td ~~ ts~tetaf taaes, trpeEiN lases, Bestial aaleraunenfs, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice citargata, and ~411er Hsea araf charges against said. propedy,-and atF-loess levied on the «M}tt aerured hereby. and W /urniah the
<br />Modgytee. upon .request, w¢yt l}te original or duplicate receipts therefor, '!'De Mortgagor agrees that there siisT/'he arided la"~: -
<br />each rtwnthll Payment required hereunder nr under the evidence o[ debt secured her -
<br />to be au& ~ki~btl>L tj~t- ~6q - to +'trY an amount estintatect bq the Mortggee
<br />pay, as they become aAae: af! cartes. atrsessmeata, and similar arhargea aeon lbrr ptaua:..
<br />lass xtDjeF,t atereto, any deficiency fiiiryuse o/ the insufficiency of such -arl6iiional Payments .shall tee toTttewkh ifeposited by the
<br />Mortgagor wtth t!w Mortgagee uprrn demand by the Mortgagee Any default under this paragraph anal! tee deemed a default in
<br />-paynfe,ot of tales. aesesrrrenb., err similar charges required hereunder. - -
<br />Ttre Mortgagor agrees that Were shall e1ar. }x added. [n each monthly paymen[of principal and tolerant raqui red-her;t~
<br />under an amount astimatrd M~ ttre Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee tc pay, as it lrecnmes due. the insuxanoe
<br />premium «m any ±nsurarrcr pulley dehvcrad in the Mortgagee. AnY deficiency Ix~cause n( the insufficien«.y of such addi.L~rxtal pay-
<br />,rnerAs s}mft by f rthtrith deP«wited hr the Mortgagor wifh the Mortgagee upon deanand by the Mortgagee. Any default utedet this
<br />paragraph etiali tr rleemrd a rletauit in the payment c[ in.-trrance premiums ff the potitti~ or Policies deposited are such as hoace-
<br />nsrners or aff risk pdicrivs_ and the depo..iN are insulficrent to pay the en4rr premium, t},e Mortgagee may apply the deposit to
<br />WY Premiums nn risks required to-be insutw} by this mortgage. -
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the atrovo tea ragraPhe may. at the option of We M1lortgagee, tee held by it and
<br />commingled vvtth :xher wch funds ~sr ,ts own f.,rr,ie for ttrr f;o •mrnt sr° ^u.-:h isms, and uotii sn apptiPri, such payments are herebk-
<br />plydg«vt as swvnty fnr thm unpaid Fralance of tlcr mortgage ;ndeh[e.•drn.va '
<br />Tn pmru.n i.I~v«rr br. and mamtam fire fhr b h 1 I ~ht tt sg •~ rl n' clue iris of this merit gage uriq;inal prnc~ies and
<br />rensrwala thr.rtaf, .del r,:+t at trras4 ten ,lays treforr Ihr. , ratan '.f a ew: t: ;rulrs~ie~=, rnsmrnn>; aaa:net fire anrf <.ther insurable
<br />ftasards, casuatdes, and rntmgenries as the nfortgager "+turr 'a aru rrrxarnt :syttat W thm rndefxedness secured try thin
<br />MrartgaKe and en r~amt a ~ ae f t bt . E iG. RI rrtga,g tl p t 1 ,:Pau rr4. 4a ,r ~ t a d in H. z a xFrtahle to the Mortga-
<br />qer, In tt vaut anv t .lip '^ t - «i -n r f*n[ f ~ f r I. xt ht~ ~t tgm,t,r'v a aY 1 :ra.aar:~ rnsurancr .:n the
<br />i m~Proveun nt Ptry the f r mi 1.h~ I an I a cP r i sit a -r! a I t n f paY.aErle ash t ~r«.st. at t}te .isle seE
<br />fndh i:o sad n 'u. u t 11'.~'.I a f shall Fu.. t d l.v r!.} ,nr r, gull) f d' . e th, I,.rrt n.l tl'r klr:,rt.gagwor t, farnrsh Bauch remewals
<br />as urr Vuerein regwirwf .ar lathe r« ro pay anv .u s edranrrr? hr u u •ha!I^ at rhr ..phun of the ilortgagx, cunstltute a rlefautt
<br />under the [erns rd this rnnrtgage-'Phi drhvrrr~r,f wrh P„!,n,+r~halfefn rhr ~renr ,.[ ,
<br />earned premium. - :efault- .=~n.ntate an aYSegnment ,.t the un-
<br />A sumo ~ i ~ th« Lt,,rtga~rr t,v era . f . r , _
<br />:r -tan:age ~r - r, -sqa r. v tre r.-a peel hr +he tfortgagee
<br />and appl f trward th I,a,'nent „[ rhr drbf :,. rrhv ~ ! at the + a
<br />,-VtronGOf th« W tKager sorb sums other wholly r
<br />part mny hr f: aid ,.vrr t+r th, M• ngag.:r +., 4• -,=,^d t. re Parr .u-h }a,td;ngs •u .., hwid'new !vddmq+ :hr+r plac« , `r in
<br />other purtK~ or a,hfect wts[urt<,r} to ;hr 0.f.,rtg~agrr ..rthout~aBertmg the hec on the mortgagr fnr the ! ~H am+ unt _,. urr,Y7 rhrrrr~
<br />hY Melnrr such payment rvrr conk place. '
<br />T f r ~ t! 1 a rest ,r rrt it 1 _ u, i _.. .,. ... • ft i I. .-. [a,.
<br />crane da paged r do In>Wed~ t keep said pr n d i d.~i. 1 ur anciFfrr•r f , fie _ f µ [h i
<br />oiaitty of !a r e t rsA ~~ ulerrdrnatud to th[ 1 n he rw rt n,» vo +aiicr , r r>erm,t a a arlawtnrt a ,I , ~ueucr is exist u
<br />a+tuvi prrrPrcrLY tune to pararit w-;tste .' rd i•rema~ -u~ + r - E ~ I- . t ~ ri -.7 - rr 1 akrati 7~~unrr
<br />teair vaioatai rvrr to dr etntxt r m;sa is ~aiar by ,tn. a . -.r r mi,. rn .,r x,-, t r:;,,, w,.l, a.! .~qu.r,-mrm, .,: ,arw '
<br />exn the mot err ~ won ., sttvc,t
<br />gaged tet€ t:•e. ?row „sn thrn~.f
<br />_ - - .• -n. „ul.u« . rl. r,,.~,-:sent _- .#.. ..patron
<br />pnR~rading x under fhe r ghf c.t omrnent d ra t+ y nehs:r ram tee M1f -xga;z r -hall rk. rn4:44€~4 t<, a.4 otrfser,€attorts,
<br />awanis, antl anv other payment ..r rettet the r fir :and'shall t* eatilt«ai. ec eta pptrun, to eummertre. ap{sa•ar rn and prosecttie to its
<br />uvm name any action ur proc°eedinq, ur w make any compnrmtse ,.r seitirnrrnt u: ormrctr<:n with such tak,ng u:~ damage. Afl such
<br />eatttpetttntian. awards. rtamagrs. right of +~tion and pnrerada are herehy assignrdc to the Mortgagee, who may. after deducting
<br />ttrerafraat a{{ ifs eztxnaea, rcieaaa any rttorteys so reeeivad trv tt ox aPRtY the. same un any tndebtedrreas secured hereby. 't'Me Mort-
<br />gpgar-a{seas-to. ezecatte such further assigamenu« of say corntrenaa4un. awarrts. dsmages, and rights of scoop and Pnx-e«v:ia as the
<br />Modgegea may rWUire.
<br />That in case of fadur+e to freeform any nt the nsvetrents herein, the Mortgagee may du on the Mortgagor"s behalf evrrr~thing
<br />an covenanted: that tho Mortgagee may also du any act ii may deem nee wary to Protect the lien thermt: that the Mortgagor wilt
<br />repyy tipWt tternapit ally ttamepe paid or dishutxed by the Martgttgre far any of the above purposes, and such moneys tnget}ier with
<br />'9tarpat LRatsun at it'te race providc~[t in said rwte shalt bernme so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may he in
<br />dtrdatt in any decree [MSSrt~irg thy. morgage and tee paid uul. of the rents or proceeds M sale of card premua•s if n.rt eehomrs"
<br />Patel; that it slreli net tar obiiga[ary upon the Mortgagee to enquire into the validity o[ say hen, r rcutnhrancra. ur rlarm in ad~
<br />vaaciag.»oreeYa ~ tdrova auWoriaed, but nothing herein cunlarned shah tee caxtstrtted as requiring the Mortgagee to advance anv
<br />sawteyaf«x aaA~ such tnanlaoatt raor to do say a¢t treraurxier; and that Mortgagee shall nu, incur any [rrrsurral hahrlity t+ecarrae nt anv~~
<br />tttipg_i4 racy-der-ut' eumi#:G> [to her~unr{art.
<br />- In the event of Wa defaul# by tviurtgaaor in tlrr payment of any inatalirrtent, as required by the Nnte secured herehy. ar
<br />fa t~t perfotvtant~ of the aWypttson in thta tttortgage ar in fire note secured thereby, [ire Mortgagee shall be entitled w declare the
<br />debt aK++nd-ttat+lbp due-and Payable vvithaut raatice. and the Mortgagee shalt fse entitled at its option, without notux, either by else}(
<br />altt?ni by the smart thereof. aced without regard to the u>~}~ -. t a ,
<br />or. by a ratfriifaF la fie atoll add rY -u~-nrxly t<;r ;hr i~e~dnas;a ar-
<br />Ctifed hereby,-Ro-enter tilKerr a;nd take pasheaiieti of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and trceire the ran[,. i:surs and profits
<br />t6tireaf, sad ap~v SAo aelrle, legs clyta• of aperatir, : and cc4fectu;n. ut*un the irrdebtedne v secutcct by this mortgage: uid rents,
<br />lasses lilrt preROy lhsing foeretty asrngned to Elva Mmtgagea ai tureirer :rxurity far the payment of aA itairbtedrwss securert beech>.
<br />Tiw Alttrittasae sftaH hove the iwwer to appoint any agnat ur agent it may desire for the purpose of repairing sand Prem.
<br />lass'.. rr+dsM the alcove. cotkcting the rests, revrnun and iercwau;, and it may pay nut trf Basel rruxranr sit eats-nxa-s tncurrrd rn rent-
<br />iag std ntalthliag. the sass sad pf exilactiag the rantab thereamm. The lralartca rematnmg. if any. shalt k« applied inward th~~, -
<br />s# #ir raalig;{a. iadebtadtaesa. This arerigtunrnt is ter terminate and !>rcome null sad 4.,;.t ..
<br />_ - __ - -_ ~-_ ._.-.-~. ... ....: :.:.. image,,: ~_
<br />`` J
<br />
<br />