~ tARnt ~• L 23.875
<br />fQ~N1M Atd., 3lEN BY TH£SE PRESkT71s; That Decltl M. Statittsat, a single pez'sonr
<br />ttlat~ar, srhsther tree ar tease, Y wNWotlo~af 1ha ttaatd
<br />T ty-six_'t~vxisand ~~ow- i~tr=,r~rar Fifty azu: No/100-------
<br />bosd to sd mart;spr by 7'6e Fgoitabk 8salding and tin Asaocitbn of Clod tY¢ad. Nebarka, Mwlpee, upaa 264 a4gua d¢tatk of
<br />add. AS40L7ATTON, Cettffipts No. 1.23,875 . du ftesehy put. mmiay sad tt r~ the saiA ASBOC71171QN the
<br />drms'6ed tsY estate, sittrud is lial! Cot~y, Netataka:
<br />~H6RLY FIFTY SIX tS. 56) FEET ~' THE
<br />t;ASTFI2LY ONb tiAI,F (E~•) OF ffi30C3C TF2J (10) IN
<br />PI.EPStebFi iiOhfE SU~P~SIOti OF A PART OF ',"lt E
<br />E~ 5E--; OF ,S'r:X;iICII 21, '1'063dSHIP 11 NOFcTH,
<br />£U"}NGE :VINE t9) :"1Fw 1' OF' 3:t{E: 6TH P.hS., iiAt''y-
<br />i;~;N1NiY, Nf~Re'~.Slv~.
<br />togsl7tet vrah ill ttrc teruments, h{redriameou and appurterunus thereunto aebngsng, rncifding attached flour Wssriogs, all vvitdtsw screens,
<br />window altades, blinds, stwm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and pirrmbutg and water egruptrtrnt and acoesrtwks thereto, ptmQsa, atraeet,
<br />raft~entara, aril other fiztruea and equipment rtow or hereafter attached [u or used m wnrre<non with sad rcil caste"
<br />Ard wherw the sad mwtgagw has apaed amt doss hereby agree that the nxxtgagor shall and wiB pay all ux{s and a>sez~nu ksisd or
<br />aaestd upon acid prcatucs sad upon thu rtrxttiage and the boml sentrcd (hereby before the ssrne staali txcame delinquent: [o ftunish approved
<br />uwPnraa upon the brrridmga on mod prrmrsea sitruted m the sum rrf S 76 r +50.09 paysbk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to s¢id
<br />ASS{3CtATi{>N the Pau:A.: fw sad imurn>ze: sad not iv aarrmit or pnmit any mosaic vn or atwut sad premises;
<br />In cane at delaatt m the psrfwmaarx of anY ui the terms sad cumtrtiuos of [hu narrtgagc or ttu bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shill,
<br />sin d{mard, 6s cnsitki tv rPmPSC9tsf{ prraxeron of rhs t:xxtga}eri prerrtrsts std tt:s nwrtgagar txreby asstgets, traasfcr grad sets owes tv the
<br />marigagae all the rents. revenues Arad inwats to be derYrsd from the mrxtppd [sremissa drutrog susir rim{ p the tru>[lgage indebt{dms s6a4I tercevt
<br />unprsad ~, and fire axxtgtyt/x stYaii bars the prrwss to appanat any ag{nt rlr agents rt araY ds~a~srr far [h{ propose of ropairiag said prctsaises aYUi reetitsg
<br />the came and csxlksvng the Peata, esaxstun and nresarc, end it rmy pay out af' sazt inr case ail expenses of rcpairup{ said pterrrisae and necess¢ty
<br />rxrsanrisawlrss and axperwrs urcruxsd ua rrntmg amt rrracaygiag the cams and ort' r;uflsr-httg rentals rtterefrom, flee baltmrx rermmuag, if any, tv bt
<br />r.,,wx::d th{ dtx~szgc .~ sad r,~Ktga7yr mtedaet=; tEa:se rrirta of the ~;.rcgagee tnaY Wax{xcttad at any trine Suring tl~ sxistenm of such
<br />~. ur{apssfive of auy teaeporary wasver rlf the morns.
<br />t Hess Frrsrz.. - x.sevrr. ~s -y~~r tl`F i.- rn,-t.ra, fttat d u"ea yarn{ h4mEg¢grri rilti.~ ICINY ryW laa¢n ari nS betaP{ Iii; nrifarY[Y o[ sus anaras ny
<br />paYfaent; pay nvuathlY to acid lty5(',ICIATYQI+1 t the swn aprcPfkrt ua 2lse Btmd s{r:uead. hereby s utteras[ ¢nd pu.iacspat un surf bras, on or Ixforc
<br />k3ze : xarr:is.tlr day rrf {arh :dcd . rrY ^~cntl:, v~:~St; :as,d 9:.a:.:s f°.:::-i fstrd; pray ¢Sl fi:GAts aaad srwras.~n€nta Isvkd atpinrsi sand pscmuss artd wn Chu Mr.~rtp~ge
<br />arri the 3oad aes~tssd a7~ra6y, bstoze d{feagmtuy, ruraatr apprrved rnsuranc~ upon the buikttags ttsreon m the sum of S ~F 450.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to sspi ASSOCIATION upmr demand ill ntoncy by it pad fnr such texas, asaesfmanu srrr~inititaace wrth interest at
<br />the masaxmm kpd rats thePCUn from date of paytesat aU of which Mortgagor harcby apeen to pay: peraut rev waue va sad presstises:keep and mmPjY
<br />with afl ilia agtcaments and wndstwas of the Bortd for S 26 450.00 [his day gtrro by the sad Mortgagor eo said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the mQuiremmts of tiro Coapitutwa and By-Laws o~sad ASSOCIATIQN: then these presann shag become null and vod, othervriae [hey
<br />strati eemile is fuB force std rneY be twsc4racd at the uptnra u[ the said ASSOC{ATION after faitrua for three rrrsntha to make any of said
<br />paytnenis ar be three m3atka m arrests m makPteg sad rauathiy payments, or to leap sad comply vneh the agraemenes sad uradifions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortpgor apsse w have a reoerrar apprriatad forthwith m etach Coreciosure prtraa:{ditrgs.
<br />!f these u any rdaaage m arwnentsip of the real estate nxlrtgaged herein, by ale ur atherwm, titan the entarc rattauturg inttebtednea hereby
<br />sa-urad dtaB, at the option of TAe Equitable Bttddatg and i.oaa Am+cietion of grand Isfaad, lgebrasiu, bewme irsmxdwtsty drre and paytbk without
<br />lntUrar xwfita, std the tmrlunt rcttrurirg dne under sad bond, and any other bawd Car say addittwn! advamxa tmde thercaader, shag, from the
<br />date oi` trseesLse tai ail vptan, brar ratereA n the mixPmum igtitl rate, amt Jtia asvrtp~ge nay then be foredoaed to satisfy the atrsouM des on said
<br />'besad,aad say other r~.and fcs adtiitirytal advsrseas, sss~thet wdii aJ arms pad by sand The Equstab'€ Etddmg stsd :,van Asracaation of Grand islerrd,
<br />ItaMMaaka fm iataraeos, lass and armuaau, std abetracttag extensor charges, with interest thereon. Crom date of payment a[ the maxuntav
<br />fepi taus.
<br />As ytkd d She Bmsd secured hereby. wails thu martpgf a{rtuuu its efiest the rYtortg~ee rmy lxrea. rer advaate additiotal wtm to tht
<br />mdtsn trf ati51 load, ttrev aeaigssa or sw,tzserrx in interest. whscfr stain aWlf bs wrthm t}ta recurny of this nwrtgage ttre same as the funds urigjoallY
<br />lag4tsd. shesdpy. the total srf prstmpf ~j trot w crw{ed f ¢M' lass ttg w rgutst annwnt of the mungrigs-
<br />thia ~ daY of ~1~~~~^CjI"7 A. D.. 14 ~ J
<br />158ktTt M. Jt~[tsa'tii
<br />If
<br />STAT'i t~ 1~%tt. ~ e. oo t3ts ~t3'f daY of Dt?CHtiber i v80 .before me.
<br />(`0\iTCfY OF NALt
<br />ttre umkniptsd, a Notary thtbtk d sad for said Cormty, personalty pins
<br />!.'+OM: H. : L7j'C38C'%Ss 3laxgle' pErSfJR, motto 15 petaoruliy kmwn to
<br />w ras ha fir a graett wires aane 1S atfiaad t , ~ shave urtroeoant as mwtgyw end tz: -ssatlp-
<br />~i Nr erd insnaPUaat ~ ba 'rlis shy an ud der.>9. ~`y
<br />ear hand askd 3istariat 9ed +he data afwased. _~=.
<br />tyr C~smwmarra experts ~ ~ !' ~ l `.
<br />sataga ar z_,~d'r~, Y ~- r r'` _ _ __ _,
<br />s
<br />ice, -~ ~, "_ ~ -
<br />,: ,-",
<br />