<br />~ Rf} - ~y~)'"O~tU
<br />RNOW ALL MEN at' TNF3E PR1:SE}V7S~ 71rt Goan M. JOhi)sOti, a single Person,
<br />Moraga~tr, altauar o.e es mae, io svaYiwMiasi otAte aav d
<br />F_~EtY_anci PIo11O0•----
<br />loused to akl teorsgegnr by The Equitable Bw7d+ts6 sad Lcua AaaotiMioe of Grand fdarsd, Nebuain, Matas'ae. upon 285 t6eaa at aW dt d
<br />ntM A89(dCiMTON, Cettdiaate No. L 23 875 , da hntabY peat, mavey and mortgage [into the send A98OL7ATNXd the t
<br />tlnestbed and eslue, cixwted is Nap County. Nebndn- °Sd~
<br />SOLRHFRLY FZt'TY SZX iS. 56} FE;a,R' OF Zlic >:ast'~cT.y
<br />C81E ciAL.k' (E`~) OF E3IiCX~C 'TEN (10} IN PLEASANT f$JM.E SUB-
<br />11 IdfA~'IH, i2AA3GE NIAL i9) WESS OF TEiE 6TH P.NI., HALM.
<br />tSiNl'Y, Lei*.ASKte.
<br />tether wifh ap the trtteenants, hetedifamenta atsd appurts»ances thsrtvnw btk>ttging, tncitdutg attadetd Door wminga, all wittdow soma,
<br />snndow shatba, binds, storm wndosn, awnartgs, heating, air undrtiunrng, acrd plunebing and water egttiprtunt and accessories thtrtm,pwnpa, strives,
<br />refrilgerators, and other fixtures sad equtputent now .x hernfter attached to or used bt cunrurtwn wrth card real estate.
<br />And wfareaa the cud ettartgagar has agreed and .foes hertby apse thae the martgsgor shill and will pas all taxes sad apm®ents levied or
<br />assessed apes sod pretaisaa and upon thn murtgtga and the bond secured iheteby before the same shall become delinquent: to Cornish approred
<br />itvtuaatt upaa the truildirtAt on sari premmses atwted m the sum of S Z$ 550.00 f>:Yabk to seal ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for caul anwrartca; and ew6ta w:mm~ of pcrnut any vests on ar ahasut caul premrses:
<br />in case of dsfault m fhs per(orrewna aC any ul the terms and candrtwns ut Ihrs murrpage ur efu iwnd secured hereby, the mortgages shall,
<br />as demand, hs srstethd w imraedmte puaesuars of tiu marteagrd fs+em+sss and Ihs :, .rtgagur hsssby assigns, tntufers xnd sets u.,v:r m the
<br />nanptgne sit the renrt, rarsnuas and encunse to M droved Crum the nwrtgagad prsnusex durugt such tutu its the murtgags ecda~btsdnast dtall remain
<br />unpaa'i= asai the Arta draU fines ttx paWCS to spp:.arnt anY agent yr aganis n . sy drsue C<>r the purpozs ui tapanireg said prttssi®sa and ranting
<br />tlta tame and cnikctsng okra [sets. [avenues and ista>rae, and it nay paq out of said rravnu all expemss of repassitsg said prtmiscs acrd necessary
<br />aamnsissnuro and capeassas iauuoed in ranting and =ttartagtng +ns sates and ,.,? caUeraartg :entaks therefrom: tM traWtce retmvring, if any, to be
<br />appfiad [award the diaabs.tga of sad ttturtgage imiabmdness: theca ruts ui the rntntgtrgae anay !u axsswixrd at any rims dmiatg the exiaASttt of such
<br />dafauh, ursap¢t'tire of say tsmposaty waiver of tya: lama.
<br />l7svaie Frastents bs ~svsr, era t:l„3n ttx C:xed t an 'f?si r the .sa:u'I Ncy'[,~ygue ti rrpsr sa,d €wsn un ur hsturs the maturity u'd +~atd sharss by
<br />paYreunt, pay attanihty i said A34(7K.'IATIfkN ui rPU xum vpes,tikd tra tas ekrs sd ssti. ned I <rehY as entrees[ and poncnisat on stud Soan, on ur bafort
<br />±4ta Tweattath •~, of nark: ant: svsry t.a;o:h, vuatd s:iai i%aa rs fuuy i~nd, ay all aax.~s and assssscricnes Irvud ags,,ust acid prtmtsna and nn rho Mortgage
<br />asd ehx Bond secursd tah~isLsy,:?afa:a s~~ .•tcy. !v,-~h a~~ ;ttss;,ao~ =ryen the brridiregs t:tereun m the sum of 3 ~~ -~ 00.00 t''aYabk
<br />to said ASSL7f'iA;lO'i, repay m said ASSOCIATION upon dsautnl ap nwmcy by r[ pasd fur such [aces, assessments aml insttiatece with m[mea a[
<br />tiro tesasitswm bgal rate tlroreos itwn date ui PaYrnctet all of wtuch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay. pectin[ nu waste an sad premises: keep scot comply
<br />wath all the apsetnenks and coadntau u(ehe Bond far S 28 ~`0.OQ thn day }ysron by the card Mmtgagar w said ASSOCIATION, acrd ctrmpiy
<br />wish all ttu aequicemanu af'the Canatitution and 8y~taws of sa~ ASSOC)AfilON: then these pramats shoji becut»< null acrd void, otherwise thty
<br />slurp tasnaitt m felt twin and may M fwectosed ar the up(wn uE the said ASSOCIATION xtier faders for three trwnttes to make any of said
<br />paYtmaits ur bs th:as tnexttta in ursars m rnakutg sail rtxmthly paymenu, ur w keep smi wmply with t!ro agr~ments and conditions of said Bund;
<br />atui Motipgor agras to trout a rccemr appointed Carihwah m such Corerhastue prucvxdirtgs.
<br />k( [hare is any ciutoye m ownetihtp of tht teal estate rtwrtgagesi hassm, by sill at atherwue, tiun [hc cnore rcautning trtrtebtedrtess hereby
<br />saaumd shidi, at the apticm of The Egnitsbk BuUdmg and loan Auaciation of Grand Islaad, Nebraska, become enmedkatety due and payable without
<br />feuhe: natise, uuf the amattnt tetrutitwtg due utuler sad bond. and any ether bond t'or any addinavai advances made thereunder, shall. from the
<br />data of axercrae w(sad opsaon, bast mts,~;x at rtes nucvintartt {egd nts, and ehis raxtgage enay then be forecioaed to satisfy the attaunt due on said
<br />6aed„a~ ~y up~hn blind Ca additaond advaoces, together with >U sums paid tr} sad The Equitable Butldutg and Loan Asaor;istian of Cntsd island,
<br />fsehoYts ;or iorstraam, [sass and aaaesamm~, std aburacting extartsion charges, with inures[ thereon, from date u( payment at the ntaxirnstrn
<br />4pl rata.
<br />As prMidad m the Bortd sscwed hereby, while this mur[gsge rstnattta m effeca the mortgagre may turesftes advance additions{ sums to [he
<br />mskrna of srid. Bond, rhea assspta us suuxssurs m mteten, which starts shall tx wathtn rhs sccutvty u( than rrwr[gags the sane u the funds uregutally
<br />ssaausd ilrosahy, the tu~ta/i aymyount u( prtettupd d~bt~^wt to eacead,Ft any taus I F,. w~rgeraal amount of [lus rtwrtgsge.
<br />' Deled ties 7 `R' daY of "tycsc-.s'st.'l~.,C;,! A. D.. 19 ~L~
<br />s~s:Sit i~Z. .vikiaft7fi ; ~ f'
<br />Cf)[TirTfY t]p N>,t t e tla tplt 4th lay of p~ljyex l9 80 . txiore me,
<br />the uradrrstgsal, a Nanty lstrblic m axuf for said Covaly, pets•.sstaUy earns
<br />l%~sus =t. fi3iYaeut, a sirk~lt::x:rscxa, who IS :`srwnaUY kasawn to
<br />~~ ba the a~uusai vtasss tans .~ affszsd to tlu abovs ennruosent ss usottpgur and t w: .'u+~Y
<br />asinuwlmd)µd iM sad ulrsnansni cu: tx ?'ii..ti vu:untarY act and deaxl. _ ~.
<br />1YtTNFSS toy hartd and Notauiil Sesi tAe due a(aesod.
<br />MY Cntuts erpxes
<br />ntnuaas ' ft~taws) ti.rtuy FLbUe
<br />!Aar€s w r_,tg~a
<br />VY l !aa a :;183
<br />