r-; n
<br />MOR'rt;AGe ~~ l) ~ ~ : ~ b :j
<br />MORTGAGE LDAN N0. L 23 , 8 7 7
<br />gdOMia Alt MEN IfY T}iPSE pRE4[+Nt3: Tlh~ ~rY L, Rleisl acid MaZ'yr?. cZlein, each in h:.s scrod her oWrt
<br />rit~it and as S'potL9e of each Ot212Y', Maapbthr, vvYeataer tat: tr rawe, in cvra~ttasadsn d Ar fanr d
<br />SszttFittePSt Rtaossaarvr3 Eitsht 4htnrir,x] ~] NOJ100 -
<br />_ _ ._~
<br />lowed to said tnortgapvr by The F.gttittble fad Lase Atast6atios d Cnhd lalohd, Nebtdta, Yorteaete, lapse 178 tf6wt dasrt d
<br />de~subed aa! e~ata~Ee, p't~ihaW in t ~ ~ 23 877 , do herttby gttmt, txvarey std thttattpee tmto the affil A9SOr7ATtOfi the tobwfar
<br />County, rNsbraica:
<br />LdI' Q~ HfkVffi2~ Ti7f3SF'Y SZX (126) IN
<br />TO TiiE CITY flF BNB ISIaA{vD, It7ae7S.
<br />tagcthcr with all the tenetoems, hereditarants std appurtemvices thereunto belonging, uhdudihhg aftached floor cem~, sU window :[seen:,
<br />window rtudts, blinds, storm windows, awurrtga, hsatutg, air conditioning, and plumbing and water alhtiprartt and acceaoriea thereto, phrmpt, norea,
<br />refrigcrattors, and other fixtures and eq»iparrnt raw or heredter attached to or used in canaction with sad reil estate.
<br />And whereas the said matgegoc has agreed and dos hereby agroe that the mortgagor shall and will pay ail tarn and aaaeansaats levied or
<br />mewed upon said gemiaea a~ hhpon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the sera shall berme delihtgtrnk to fiamialh apgoved
<br />inmhrarttx upon the btheddiny on said gemizs situated in the sum of S 17, 800.00 payable to said AS.SOC[ATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies fur slid inmuartce: and tat to commit or perrmi any waste un or about said premises;
<br />in case of defaadt an the pertonttwtt of any of the terns and conditions oC this mortgage or the band seeared hereby, [hs rtartgagee shall,
<br />on dermal, be eutitkd to immediate poaaeseiran of the atvxtgaged premiss and i.M_ mor[gagor hereby asdgns, transfers grad sets over eo fife
<br />ttrartgagee aH the rcnrs, revsnhaes and inarrra to be derived from the rnurigaged premises during aucu time xx the mortgage udsMedaeas shall rmmaia
<br />vapaid: artFr the rtxsrag,e shah have tar power m appoint any aSertt ar agents it may deans fur tltt purpose ui repsirirtg acid prest»asa and resting
<br />the nary and etdleUiay[ Or lisle, ravernra.asd itttaoms, std it tmY pay out of said ithmar all expemer of reptiring said pasmitaa and aoesnsY
<br />aq®sm®:oers ardl exppeesrlscs tnewred is tenting and mana{itq Che same aptl of arilecting rmztwh thercfmm: the bahnat raasr®vg, if any, to be
<br />aapfKd a^swud the elitsdhargt of saiq tatxtgtas radsbtsftaess: theca rig#ts at the rnex[Raf7rR may be eauutaaed at any liar daring ilia eaiatwt~ of mach
<br />dafawat ~ ie~sa~ttoactira asf avY tamp ratY waiver of ihn came.
<br />":Ili ! sf~ts, ,aw~cy=e. ate upma the Coedji,xpn.7lsai if thx ;api IAwigagrxr sbaki repay awed amen on wr betose the anstuxity of sou! shasas by
<br />payrsena; pay rvrrtfily to said ASSOC;:. -7ON of Ihf: sum spesaf'rd m tNr ~Ilurati ae~cmad hsaehY as inteetat and girrape0 os said ttoan,.an or hours
<br />[Noe Twonthsth coy +zf e_ ^:. and every month, uati sward Wan is f u3 r' paid: pay sit tsaaa and aaaesrtrnts kvx+d against said pmmaws and on the MsrrtBage
<br />sad '; ~ I'~.~=d ~.u=cd-th.reby, bcfare daiuagaeac;-: fturhidt approved ithmhnrha ugan the but7dings tthsteon m t~ mom of $ 17 , 800.00 psyabk
<br />to sad ASSfICiATION: repay to said ASSOCUTION upon demand ati trtoney by it paid fm welt texas, asremaenta sod irtmhraace with m4vep at
<br />the tt>a<xusum legal rate therms from dais d pymettt all d whirl Mortgagor hsmby agasa to pay; perntvt m waste on said gsmues: keep std comply
<br />with all the agreements and fanditiona of the tinrd far S 17 H 0 p~ tihb day green by the said Mortgsthr to said ASSOCtAT1pN, std taarhtply
<br />with all the rettuuznrnts of the Cuttpitutitm arm BY-Laws ui ~AySOCIATION: than these geswb shall bscome nutl and void. otherwise they
<br />shag remain w full fortt and may 6s foreoWaed at flit option d the said ASSpC1ATiON after faihus fur three sahsths to ttrke any of wail
<br />peytards or be three tnontln w anus in trtttkutg sad rtmtbiy ptyahwts, m to kftep and comply vrilh ttr ageemests and aamiitimta of said bond:
<br />smi Marigtgor agrees to here a eaceiva appoiaNd forthwith in wch faxd9awre gotsrodittq.
<br />If there is any d pe'at~P of the real spats hhhartgaged heseva, by sale a otherwise, eases the setae remamirtt irdsbtedsesa hereby
<br />aectnsd shall, at ttu: opiioat d The F.gnitabis Bpidisg and Laos Aaocatic„ of Grated taipd, lYebraks,berunaa rwssdattyy des and ptyabk without
<br />ftntbar ttoliou, amt the artttataht renartiuaag don miler said hood. and say oUxr btxd for ally additional advteets scads thereunder. shall, from She
<br />flits of exsr4lae uE rid option. bass mtenat at fhe.rtr-xaauah Iegel rats, std thin tartga~ge rtry flies bs forecaaed to utidy the arsouet des os acid
<br />hoed,atd tnr),~ ours bahnd fa additional tsgatbu with sY xttn psid by ssd Tkr EgaaiWsia sad Low AsaociNion of Greed Islmd,
<br />NftMaaka for aaathranoe, iota asA aorwrnrnt, sad sbeahactehg extandtn chpges, with istmep tbertaahn, from dhtrs of payment at the rtrximnm
<br />lagtJ nu.
<br />as gcwVwlmi k [i+e Road aesaraed trertiy, vrbiie the htxarfgage tetnthim in ctktA the mostgagx erY hereakar advance additional sth®a to the
<br />ttrkers of and iltaad, dre aatpgaa of auorssttun in ietersu, whirl[ aloes shalt bs withut ehs homily o! thin saariga fe t9r same ss the fords origirnllY
<br />fled ttmoppy, ztr total amours[ of gate.~tti ddw sot to eacead at say Frahe the urigutal aeaunt of tlhu mortgage.
<br />$tjl ~Y d DBC9ldaer A. D., I9 80
<br />le
<br />ft"tP NIh~RASKA, ~ Oe Ibis 4th dry of
<br />Cot3ltl~' iyp ttA1L ~ Dec~nUer tv 80 . btdaaras.
<br />. Psraoaai$'aams
<br />f;ar+,r t. _ t{Ir?3n :,,sal eawrv st zF sQan ~~~tt :,-_ eta,. ~ • a N'htat~ptatdie at wed for said Cothat
<br />..,. _ _ .~~...~j .-,. =~s~.-.,.., ~,... .aa .sea wrara .acs ~+wsa r•>_yan aiw.t ai"s s`t+ixas`sc ~ ~,c'it ~ai--,
<br />wbp arm PxsrhatllY known io
<br />sea to bt aba adaxtaatt ptrs>e g whose rrarae g aZ'e aiflawi to tM shoes anpruwrat a tnortgKor s sad they aererally
<br />the said inprtrmsnt to 6e thtlt~r rtaittrr4tY sec and 4aaad. - _'~
<br />'riF'tliL'S4 mY and Npltnr~l pwi tbt ~ ~ f -"""~t.~1 ~ ,
<br />MarC~sappta ,/~ ~~ ~f _~~-
<br />.r7 r-------'~------,.~~..,...,.. ~ Nwary pa6lia - - -
<br />~~ 'rt Gv_a^ wr~..,...ssc aea_ '<. ^~atti+ i
<br />