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tdgcrcACt: `~ i~-'~ i} ~l '' G ~ U <br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO. L 23~,87A <br />YlVO1N Ail YEN BY TIipSE PRESFNIIYa; That Franixs Brarger and Utah C. Btiigers each 7St his aTYi hcs <br />sera rie3ht and as SpOUSe of each other, <br />Meetgytr, trhethv one or saoae, is ooaaNesatlas dffis ran d <br />_i~pt~{ Thtv,- anrt anrY NnJIOp <br />round to add matN~or by The Fgvitable Bnddig std L.oats Asaodatoa of Grand latand, Nubssrta, Matdalaa. ~ ~ 200 dsasesdtaort d <br />raid A3Y. OC,IATION, Certifltaae No. L 23,874 . do hereby gnat. coney ud tterertpge mm the add AHSOCIATtOt7 t8e faio~ig <br />e'>aesaibed reed estate, titwted at FLg Cotmry, Neittaka~ <br />Fractional Int Five (5} in Fractional Bitxk One f~ukdred Forty-four (144) ir, Union Pacific <br />Railway Cotnparty's Se~xtd Addition, and its Ccatpl~t to-wit: Fractional 7At Sisc (6) in <br />Fractional Block 'lteenty-nine (29} in Russel :v7teelez's Addition, bath being Additions to <br />the City of Grand is Land, ?Nebraska <br />togettm w€th adi [he tenemrrtts, hereduaments and appurtenances thereunto beluasuag, urehahng attacbcd floor cervtrtng,, aU window scttttts, <br />wm&rw sttadt3, htinda. storm windows, swnrtgs, heating, an wndnionmg, and p3umbing nerd wattt tyuipmenl wd acastorin [ltercto. pump,stovas, <br />refrigerators. and other fixtures and tgwpment now or hereafter a[WCfsed to or used m cunnetUOn with sasd real estate. <br />Amd whertas the acrd mortgagor has :geed aril dot: hereby agree tlut the ntortgagw shat! and will pay all taxes aril aswanents levied or <br />asseaed upon said premars and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thrrsby before the sarrse shall become delinquent; to fttrttislt approved <br />insurance upon the buddkrgs un sad prcmxs v[vated a the sum of S Z0, 000.00 payabk to said ASSOCIAT/t1N and to deliver to lead <br />A$SOCIATi(RV the policies for nail ir»ufantx; and ever to comnut or pernut any waste an or about sad prrtrtacs: <br />in ease of de6dt un the pttformaeew u{ any ut the terms and wttditkxes of t}us ttwrtgage or the bond rectued hereby, tht mortgagee shall. <br />on demusd, bt tnttikd W urtmediatt ptrsx~easn rat the t~ttg~d premises arw' the rrortgagvr htrrby asagru. transfer aril sets over to tfy <br />mangagte al! the €tnts, rcwnver and inwme tea be Rlarrvrd tiom tht eswrtgaasd premars during. such timt ar [he reutrtptge indehtedt€rrs shall retMS^ <br />unpaid: nand riu. msn tgague shall Itavr Cl:c power to appuuer Grey agtsn or agrntn it may dtsrrr tau t#rt purpux ut rapasistg sad premixes need rrnttttg <br />tka€ aarrae aetA wlkctmg tMe rcrHS, revtntses aril me+sstar, aed tt :nay Pxy tort o1' sad tncortte ail rxpasves +:d repnirirrg said premises and ntceaury <br />txtttuniaa~pcrses ated raprnses aitturred in rr.nsiag sad sstarsagng tin name a~ul wit a>kitestng. rrntats tht:efrom. rtes balsam rcrtninatsg, if any, to 6e <br />~' ttswsad the d€s~€~ rf €xis7 mot'tgagr ntdabttdsxta; that r~t:x:,F thx trwrtgagat may 'or rxarcixad of any trrtx durheg tht rxisunce of soh <br />suit. arwaaptetrvt of am trtrapt'rsary waiver of rtes asnta, <br />'6'hava p=r~nt,s, u:wewt:, sae pvn Rho f-ostdrttlvn, T#eai sf t7rt. sera fiAarrgague sha#1 rapre.'y wad h'rsn un r.~r txfurr the myturtty of rxid xhstas 6y <br />Paynsent pay ttrurRRhfy to said Ad~'sCft..iATt(3hi of tBu rim spnreil'itd to tdrwr 'Hinad rcrurcd trrariry as mtereat end paon4tpa# <rn end tsea!t. na o€ htfatr <br />€ise'wrntteln ds;-,.af tsch ath<d :vt;~y :€mrntR. ont}I slid mars as #-.afiy ps,d, pay mil taxes a.mi ar+sexwrxnts stviad agamsl seed ptrmsaea and on this Mortgage <br />aid the IA3nd snared fhrrctry, txfvte drieaqurrrc, .furnish reproved mwrance upon [he buildings thtt^.vn m t?u wm of i 20, 000. QO payabk: <br />to raid ASSUCIATIt1N: repay to sod ASStICtATtON upon demand all mtenty by n pxtd for sttch razes, aaseunsenu and insururrx with inttteest at <br />tht strxesavm ~ eau thereon from date of paymea4 ail n{ whech Mongagm hneby agree: to Tray, pertrnt nv waste ott said premise; keep xrd wmply <br />wok ad the agreements and condttwna ui tree Hand fix 3 2n _ O~p _ pp the day peen by [he read Mortgagor to rod ASSOCCATIOM, and wmpiy <br />with all tree regwrctaeats of tee Conatituttov and o sa IATIOIv: then Chet prcsnu shall brwme ntell and raid, otherwix [hry <br />tdnll rttstaan d tali Cotcc aril tasty 6e foredaaed at the uptsou of the sad ASSOCIATIOFi after failure for thrrx months to tmke any of ssd <br />ptymats vt be thtse isontha in arreus m rtra46sg tad mcmtlily payrueats, ur to kexp :rail wmply write the agameats and aondnions of said Hord; <br />sad Mortgagor sgreax to haws s xaivrr appviated fosthwuh N stech foredosute prucerdtngs. <br />!f than a say chaggG in avtrerabip o[ rise retl[ estate mrxtgagad herein, try sale ur othrwoe, item the entrct rrmaattierg tndebtedreea hereby <br />aaatasd sha;1, at the aptatrn of 7tse Egtdtabk Bw"tdurg std Lean Ataucsatsrxi of C,rpd Isiand.Ne6raaka. bero,mt rrremtdiately due and payabit w}thvut <br />imlhtr Mina, and tlse aanesxt *a€tsainiae dirt ettder said band, std arty oshet bvtsd for any addit&xral advanrxs made thereunder, shall, form the <br />tht~el' axassaw v[ said option.. boar interest at the txyatmum fapl rate, and than rtxxtpgc tmy then be farecivsed to sntsaty the aneount due on said <br />'b~~a~na!d~,~~aaed mrv atttarr bbad i~.:x a~zWirfvaa! advenats, tegestrtr wktlt aCl ~ paid by a~aid Tht Equitabit 6midae[g nerd i.aan Aseocuftvn of r~r~{ tsyad. <br />i>vaSPpiYCa Far tteauxaaox, taxaa aratt aaeaarnusta, and aburaeting axteresevn chosen. wnh mtreess thereon, from date of payment at rtes maximum <br />tLggf.Rit'.tt. <br />"t Aa prvx~irbtd m stet Harrod secured hsrtby, whNe thn rm€rtgxgr ronrau:a m clMter the rrtortgagtc rmy ~Iwttefter advance tdditmnal :suns to the <br />r ttf sejai I&md, 2lteip' maugmr us sttra~nn is iazerost. whuh sums sty,{! be wcriun the sacurny of this er€urtp[pe the sartte xs the funds vngrttally <br />aaa#~bid 'ttxeaaisy, the stxai antuaatl of prwctpd debt ever to rx+s+ed at any turn [kt uregtnal amount of rtes nrurtgage- <br />""~Dtewd f~ St}f nay of f)ecem6e-r A. b., 19 80 <br />f <br />~3. . t~ ~ r~ ~ -. <br />Utata C, ~-~ <br />S'tgrTE o~ N€~~RA~KA, ~ ~ on tfm ;tr: daY of <br />Ct70.7bFIl' ~ tins. LJeC6(ibeZ 14 80 , before eras, <br />~L r~. the tavkrti~ed, a horsey I'ubiie m sad for sad toasty, prrsoadly coma <br />-•~~ rata.=fir ~i~ va.8it C. c'iUZt3er, ciacd~t in nis and her cram ri*1~tt as sfxxt~n <br />+att~et, °i~Fb are w <br />ar w 6a the edeatrsal paanq~.- `;`..y~trhgjFirlMFns ctt~ affhed to k'.a above eerRrtunaat as manggv,tg and ..hey sevrraity <br />"'dte~'~d ~ add >51" thali r wAtuxvY ect std deed <br />RM1i~~ and Narlrial8srd the date afarr>sa3 <br />~~ ., <br />,..>>, ,. <br />_,. .. __ <br />teaa+r. as - - ~,ssarv-~+arLc <br />