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<br /> 95- �t�LO'�E�
<br /> ( d) TruslOr shal�hav�proCUred,permitted oi•suffered, voluntarily or invofuntarily,any creditor to ob2ain a lien not '
<br /> parmittecl h�ain upo� aU�r pArt o�such proRerty;Trustor or any guara�tor of the indebted�oss secure� he�oby stia�ll _
<br /> { bec�nie insolvenit ot oaimit in wr i4ing i t�I�zbility to pa}its d�hts as thay rr�tura.or mabcc an assignment to�the beneht ot -
<br /> � credilarsurapplyfororconsenttolhaappalntmantalanc�ivsrortruatftaforitorlora�uMtai�tialpanolsuChp►o�erty,o� _
<br /> • such�recelver a►trusi2e sriall t�a ap�al�ted and shall not be discharqad within thlry(30y days ehar eppointrtwr�t'or _
<br /> � (e►Awritotexecutlano�atlnchmantoranyslmi�arprocessshallbeissuacl�rlev►�ia�alnetallo�anypArtoforinterest _
<br /> '• in such prnnarty,a:an�jud�msr.i�nuolvinq monetary dama�e�shall b�entered eQain�t T�ustor which shadl became a lien
<br /> _ � on�uchpr�hyorpa�tlonthe�aolorinteresttherefnandsuchexecution,attachm�nlorsimilArpracesao►judpmenlf�nat -
<br /> . � ralaassd,bondsd.eatiafied.vacated or atayoal within sixty(60)ciays after its entry or t�vy;or _
<br /> � (f) 8ankruptcy,Ins,olvency,reorpa�i.ati�n,arraii�c�mant.or iiqui�ation p�oceE3din9s a:oSher prxee�ings to:relio! -
<br /> I �nder any bankruptcy taw or othar law tor the�elief ot d�ibto�s shall be Instltuted by or agafnst Trustor o�any Guarantor -
<br /> , hereof and if Instltuted Sflainst Such party shall b�corSent�d 4U or shall not be dismiSSed within sixty(60)cfay&aitf�r&uch -.
<br /> instituUon;ar -
<br /> (g) TruSMr or any succesaar in interest of Trustor,vofuntarily or involuntarity should sell,exacL convey,t�anatar,
<br /> ' contract to sell,lease wlth opti�c�to purChase,subleaso,diapose of,change the charactar or use of,or turther encumbsr �
<br /> such propeny.or any pahthereat,orany interest therein,or if any said paRles shall bedivested of title tosuch real property '
<br /> . .� of any part thereol,or any interest either volunt�riy�or involuntarily,or it title to such Qroperty be subjec►ed to any lien or =
<br /> charge voluntarif��or involunta�ily,contrs�ctunl ar statutury, withaut ttt�written consent o1 Rt�npfiCiary being fir,;l had
<br /> obtained,or -
<br />, � (h)IfTrustorisapurfne�shlpandtheinterestofagengral�artnerterminates,isassignedortranster►ed,a�iadiminished =
<br /> inanyrespect,orifTrustorisacarporationandamajorit��attl�avotin�corporatestockistransf@rrod,soldorassigned,orif -
<br /> the T�ustor is a T�u�t�^�ot a trust and there ia a change o!any of thR Senelicial interest of the t�usl;or � _
<br />,k ; ( i)Trustorshall,withautthacansentofBenaficiary.createorconsentiotheesiabllshmentotadlstrictwhichhastaxin9 _
<br /> v .• pOW2f9.
<br /> �`; ACC�I.ERATION tlRON DEFAULT.ADQIT[pNAL REMEDIES:In the event ot any defauti hereunder,Beneficlary may,at =
<br /> �' its option,:
<br />"�' (a)Te�minate additional advances,if any,to!�e made u�der or pursuant to the Promissory Notv or any buitdiny loan -
<br /> -�.
<br /> � agreemenk or
<br />�:. (b)Declare an�swm secured hereby immediate(y due and payable and the same shall thera upon becoma d��nd -
<br /> payabte withc::.an�Rrese�tment,demand pcoiest or notice of any kind;or
<br />.,� (c)Ai any time,with or wilhQUtooiice,either in person,by agen�or by recelver to be appointed by the Cau�t without
<br /> �egarcE to the adequacy of any s+�curity fo�tt�e indebtedrtess secured hereby,enter upon and take possessbr►of wch
<br /> — nrnr�arty er any oaet thereof,make,cancet.ert5orce or mocfifv leases:obtsin and electtanants.set o�modity re�ts:in its own
<br /> ;� nam2sueorothsriEsatolteattF:aronis,Uccrr�issuese.Rw�fo!ibthere�t,includingthosepas*_d�endunpaid;andapplY
<br /> � the same, less coss a�d expenses of operaticc�,includi�rg reasonable attorney's tees,upon ang 9ndebtedness secured -
<br /> hereb��d in such orcler as 8en8ficiary may determine•,�rrefi except for such apptica�ian.Beneficiary shall�ot E�e I+able t�
<br /> any ps:son for the collection or noncollection of any rents,irtcame,issues or profits farthefailure to assert or enfa ce any ot
<br /> � the foregoi�g rights,�or shall Be�c�e8ciary by charyed with any of the duUes and oblipaiions ol a mortgapee in posseasiosr.
<br /><�' The entering upon and!alcing possession of such praperty,the collection of such renb,income,is,wes or profita.thedoing.
<br /> � of other acb hereirt ac:thorized,and the apptic�tlon thereof as aforesaid,shall not cure or waive any detauti or�aUce oE
<br />`�, deiault hereunde�or invalidate any act done pvrsuant to such notice;or
<br />:�� (d)Causetobefiladon record,awrittennoUceofdetaultandelectiontosellsuchproperty.ARerthelaQaeofsuchtiine
<br />,� as then may be requtred by I�w tollowing reccrdation of such notice of dettcult,and no6ca of sa{e havinp bee��iven as
<br />!� requi�ed by law,Trustee without demand on Trustorshall sell such propeRy.either af e whde or ia separate parcels.and ics
<br /> such order as it o�Beneflciary nay determine at public auction to the highest bidc:sr.The Trust�e csesy postpone the sate og
<br /> =�a all or any poRion of such proRerty by public announcement at the timn ot sate. and from time to tlme thereafter,may
<br />;�� postpone ihe sate by public enRauncement at the time and place fixed by the preceedin�posiponement Trustee shatl
<br />'_� deliver to such purchaser its deed conveying the property so sold,without any covenant or warranty�expreas or implied.
<br /> — The recita!in such dead of any matlers of fact or otherwlse shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof.My pe�son.
<br /> - inctuding Trusto�,Tn�tee or Beneficiary,may purchase at sald sale.T�ustee may also sell at arty such sale and as a part
<br /> thereoi,any shares of�orporate stock securing the oblipation secured hereby,and Trustor watves demand and notice of
<br /> ' such sale. (Bene�ciary et it�option may also toreclose on such shares by independent pledge sale,and Trus4or waives
<br /> demand of notice ot such sale.)ARer deducUng all costs,tees and expenses of Trustee,and of ttds trust,including co5t of
<br /> evidence of title in connectlon wiih such sale,Trustee shall first apply the proceeds of sale to the payment of all sums
<br />° � expended under the terms hereof,not then reRaid,with accrued interest at the rate then payable under the note o�note�
<br /> : secured hereby,artdthen to payment ofa11 ottrErsums secured hereby.and if thereafterthere beart�prxeeds remaininQ,,
<br /> � disiribute them to the person or persons legaLly en6tTec3 tfiereW.
<br /> ;:�
<br /> : .�; , tf tRis Deed of Trust or any note secured hereby provides tor any charqe for prepaEment of any indebtedness secured�
<br />.r`:;;. hereby,Trustora�reestopaysaidcharge,iianyotsaidin�ebtednesssheNbepaidGrir+�tOthBmeturityGetethereofstated.
<br /> ; in said note or tRi�Qeed o1 Trust,even if and notwithstanding Trustor shall have defaulted in payment thereof,or ir�
<br /> },.,,- pertormanceofarsy�reemeMhereunder,andBeneficiarybyreasonthereof,shalthavedectaredallsumssecuredhereby
<br /> . ; immediately due and payabla
<br /> SCHEDULEOFI.EASES:Withinten(10)daysafterdemand,TrusWrshallfurnishtoTrusteeorBenefic'�aryaschedule,
<br /> certified by Trustor,settin�forth all leases ot such properry,including.in each case.the name of thetenants or occupants,a
<br /> descripGon of the space occupied by such tenant and occupant, the rental payable tor such s{►ace and such oiher
<br />� infarmation and documents with respect to such leases and tenancies as the Trustee or Bene�iciacy may request.
<br /> COVENANTS OF TRUSTOR WITH RESPECT TO LEASES:Without she prior swritten conssnt o}Trustee or Beneficiary,
<br /> Trustor shall not,direcUy or indirectly,with respect to any lease oi space in such property.whether sach lease is not or
<br /> hereafter in existence:(e)acceptor permitany prepayment,discount oradvance paymentof rentthe�eunder,(b )cancel
<br /> or terminate the same,or accept any cancellation,termination or surrender thereof,or permi4 any evenl to occur which
<br /> woutd entitte the lessee t�iereunderb terminate or cancel the same;(c)amend or modify the same so as to reduce the term
<br /> � _...,... ---r,.- _ ._-_..__------- ----..�_�---,.,.,_,,:: .._._.__
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