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<br /> ' FIRE,CASUALTY pND Q���N�A INSURANCE:Ta keep such properry insured ayainst loss or damage by fire and athar • �
<br /> risk or risks whlcR,�n`the icw bpinion ot Beneficiary should be insureol agalnst,under policlas ot insurance with�ass �_
<br /> payeble tc��enet+ciery in larm,amount and companle9 EtCCepWble to Beneticiary.Said policies sha11 be deliveracS to and F
<br /> � r�in in possasaioR at k3aneficiary as turiher secu�ity for lh�iaithtul periormance of these obll9ations,which cipl+ve�y siiaU =
<br /> constitufa an asslgnment by Trustor to Bendficiary ot all ri9hts thereunder, inCtudin�all return premiums: to dellvcr Co __
<br /> � �eneficlary a policy or pollcles renowing or extendin9 any expirinq insurance with a receipt sh�win�p�emium9 pald at _
<br /> ; loast thlrty(30)days betore expiration. If Trustor talls to so deliver any renewal pulicies,Beneficiary may procure such _
<br /> ; insurance as il may elect and may make payment o1 premlums thoreon,which payment Is repayable o�demand.Neither =
<br /> j ;�ustee n�r Be��aticiary•�hal!��s��pc�aible f�r obtai���n�cN��atnsalning auch insurance.Bei�eficiary./rom tima to tima, _
<br /> '- mayEurni„htoanyinaur3ncQapencyorcompany,aranyothe�pe�san.anyintormationcontalnedinorextractedfromany �
<br /> ' insurance policy theretotpre delivered to Bc�neticiary pursuant Rereto,and any inlormation concerning the loan secured
<br /> E..
<br /> ` f hereby. I� no avent ansl whether ar �ot default hereunder has occurred shall Beneficiary,by the fact ot approviny, _.
<br /> acceptingorobtainingsuchi�surance,incurenyliabilltytortheam�untoisuchinsurarce.t�e!oFmovlagalsufticicnc}�af �
<br /> ' insurance contracts,solvency ot insu�ers,or payme�t ot losses by insurers,and Yrustor heraby expressly assumes tull —
<br /> responsibiliry theretore and liability.if any,thoreursdec lo the event of loss.Trustor shall pive immsdiate written notice to -
<br /> Beneficiary,and Beneticlary may,but is not oblipated to,make proof of loss if not made pramptly by Trustor.tn case of any
<br /> tosstheamountcollactedunderanypolicyofinsu�anceonsuchpropettymay,attheoptionoltheBeneficiary,beapplied ��
<br />' � by Beneliciary upon any indebtedness and/or obllgation secureri hereby and in such order and amount es Beneficiary may i
<br />' . determine; o�said amount or any portion thereof may,at the option of the Beneficiary,either be used in replacing or �-
<br /> restoring the improvements pa�tlally or totally desiroyed to a condition satisiactory to said Beneticiary,or said amount or .
<br />`� any portion the►eof may be released to the Trustar. In any such event neither the Trustee nor the Beneficlary shatl be �_
<br /> obligated to see to the proper appllcation thereol;nor shall the amount so released or used be deemed a payment o�any �:=
<br /> indeCfadness secured hereby.Such application,use and ior release shall not cure cr waive any default or notice o1 default
<br /> horeunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such noUce. Any unexpired insurance and all returnabte insurance �__
<br />' + ' premiums shali irtsu�e to tha benefit of,ao�d pass to,the purchaser of the property coverad thereby 3t any Trustee's sale held _.
<br /> ` 4� herevnder.If sair�Rroperiy is sold pursuarrttv fhe power ot satecontained herein or pursua�tte�y ctecree of foreclos�re, �:
<br /> , E: � all iighL title and interest of Trustvr in and te the p�oceeds of fire and other insurance policie5 tw damage priarto the sale, -
<br /> whic��rxee�s are not receivect priQr to the date ot said sale,shall belong to Becr.eticiary.Trustor wili ca��with such
<br />: � obherreGuir�cnentsandprovidesuchotherrypeofinsuranceasBensticiarymayre�wireiromtimetotim�toit?�eprotection `
<br />; :; by insurane�QE the inis�est o1 the respective parties t�ereto. __
<br />: I -
<br /> � TAXES AND 04HER SUMS DUE:To pa j.�aYisfy and discharge,at teast to ten(f 0�days Q�e4�ne delinquency all general
<br /> ancd s�ecisl tsxes and assessments and oti►er public charges,and in no event late�than ti►e d�ia such amounts become -
<br /> . � due anol ta fu�tl�e►pay when due or requested:(1)atl encumbrances,charges and siens,with inierest,on s�cAr praperty,or
<br /> any pa►tthere�F.which a�e,or appear to ber►eficiary,in its sole discretion,to be prior to or supericr hereto,(2 f a�l costs,tees
<br /> and expenses of this t�ust,whether or not described harein,(3)fees o�charges tor any statem�ert regarding the o�ligation
<br /> sec�arzd t�rzby in any amount demanded by BeneBciary,not to exceed the maximum amcure alt.cwed by law theretore at
<br /> ttkatime rrhen such request is made,(4)such othe�charges asthe Bene�ciary may�reascrz.�Js�e for se�-6ces�endered
<br /> by Bene(ic�ary and furn ished at t�e request of Trustor or any successor in interest ta T'rc;stor,�'S►i�such pro�ty inctudes a
<br /> leasehold estate,all paymeRts and obligations required of the Trustor or his successor in iRterest under the terms of the
<br /> instrument or instr.emente creating such Isasehotd,(6)all payments and monetery obliyations�equlred ot the owner ot
<br /> -�'?�:� such properry u.nder any dectaration of covenents, conditions artd rest�ictions pertainiRg t�o such property or a�sE
<br /> � modification t;�er�t(7)all mortgage insura�ce or guaranty tees,preml�ms,or charyes of ar��ature pertalning to sucR
<br /> � ��K.�,�'.�.�r,�.�iwa�n�,.,r��vRcw,wficiaryimmediatelyunenreceiplbvTrusto�ofnotiCeofanyincreaseintheassessed
<br /> vaiue of suCh properly and agrees that Banafi�iary,in the n�me oi Tiusior.may contest by approp►iate proceedi�gs sucn
<br />= increase in assessrnent
<br />`� In the event oi the passage of any law deductinq from the value of real property tor the purposas of taxation any lien
<br />_� thereo�orche�yin�inaeywaythslawsfortheta�tationofdeedsoltrusiordebbsecuredbydeedSOftrusttorstateorlocal
<br /> _� purposes.orthemanne�olthecollectionofanysuchtaxes,soastoafiectfhisDeedolTcust,thehdderofthi�sOeedofTrust
<br />_� and of the obligations which it secu�es shall have tRe right to declare all sums s+ecured he�eby due as oi`�date to be
<br /> specified by not los5 than 30 days'written notice to be 9iven to Trustor by Beneficiary;provlded,howe�r,that such
<br /> i� election shall be inefiective if Trustor is permitted by law to pay the whole o1 such tax in addition to all other payment�
<br /> � required hereundar and if,prior to such specified date,dces pay such tax and a�rees to pay any such tax when hereaf�ec
<br /> — levied or assessed aqainst such properry,and such apreement shall constitute a modi�catlon of this Deed of T�ust
<br />_,.,.
<br />�� FUNDS FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE:If Be�eficiary shall so request,Trustw agrees thatthere shall l�e added to the
<br /> --° periodical payment required to be made hereunder an amount esUmated by Trusted to be sufficlent to enable Trustor to
<br />.�,� pay,at least tRi.ry(30)days beiore delinquency,all general and special taxes,assessments.or other public char�es
<br />,-�,,
<br /> :;,� against such Fro�eAy►,the Pron:issory Nate,or upon oron account of the debt orthe lien of thisDced af Trus�toQether vwi:
<br /> � p�emiums for insurance required to be provided under this Deed of Trust and al!moRgage insurance a�uaranty�ee�s,
<br /> �� premiums or similar charges and no interest shall be payable to Trusto�in respect theraot Upon demand by Trustee.
<br />�;� Trustor shatl deliverto Trusiee such additional sums of money as are necessary W�riake upany deficiency in the amouMs
<br /> necessary to enable Trustee to pay any of the foresoia�items.
<br /> ,�� S!!�►AS AQVRlYCED TO BEAR lNTEREST:To pay immediatelY upon demand any sums advances or paid by Beneficiary
<br /> _�,- ortrusteeunderanyclauseorprovisionofthisDeedofTrustAnysuchsums,unti{sorepaid,shallbeseca►edAerebyand
<br />��;,�„ bear irtterestfrom the date advanced or paid at the same rate as settorth in such Promissory Note and shal!be secured by
<br />'�i::: this Dec�uf TrusL
<br />:.��,�.a;
<br /> _��: .
<br /> ASSIGNMERIT OF DEPOSlTS:That as additional security if this be a construction Ioan,Trustor hereby trarssters and
<br />'�. assigns to Beneficiary during continuance of these Trusts,all righ�tiUe snd lnte�est to any and all monic�d�osited by -
<br />:;; Trustoror deposited on behalf of Trustar with any city,counry,public body or agency,sanitary districY,gas a�d/or elecvic -
<br /> ;� �• company.telephonecompanyandanyother bodyoragency.tortheinstallationortosecuretheinstallationofanyuGlityby _.
<br /> Trustor.pertai�ing to this property.
<br /> J FAIlUFlE OF TRUSTOR TO COMPLY WITH DEED OF TRUST:tn the event Trustor sinould fail to make any payment,orto
<br /> do any act as provided in this Deed of Trus�or fail to perf�rm any obligation secured by thiS Deed of T�ust,or do any act
<br /> Tnistor ayreed not to do,Beneficiary,but without obligation su to do and without notice to or demand upon Tru�or and
<br /> without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereof and without contesting the validity w artwunt oithe same,may(a)pay.
<br /> make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as it may deem necessary to protect the secu�ity hereot,
<br /> , Beneficiary being authorized to enter upon such property tor such purposes, and (b) pay, purchase, contest or
<br /> compromise any encumbrance,charge or tien,which i n its jud9ement is or appeacs to be prior or supe�iot hereto,and(c)
<br /> in�xercising any such power,pay necessary costs,fees,and expenses.empioy Counsel and pay counsel's reasonable
<br />' tees.Trustor ayrees to repay a�y amount so expended on demand of Beneticiary.
<br />