<br />. 3. The martgagar envenanis and agred that it he rhai# GN to pay acid indebtexlaa~ or any peter thereof vvbsrr
<br />dtyey or shall fail to perform any covenant ar attreernettt of thi. iastrataeat or tax promiasery rtetc eeeered hereby, the
<br />agile iadebteainaa hereby ercured shall ietmedistely becotee due. parable, aQd aolketibie~withoat notire, at the
<br />of the mortgagee or assigns- regardkes of metority, and-the ~ at}tia asdgns msy.before or after estlry
<br />wl~ ~ property without appnisemetu s the morgagor having waived alsd scripted to tht nrortRattee aq rittlris er(
<br />aernetttl. ~%` ~ .i. ±. ,r
<br />l f at judicial ale vneemaat b the proriaietns of 2g U.ti.C. 2tp1 rat ; ur
<br />n l at the optiaa of the merrtgag«, tither 6y auction or bf ssVeiNfioa of sealed bids, fax the highest ad
<br />bat bid rnmplyirtg with the terau of ask and mmnex of paytamt apedGed in.the~published nmioe of ale, itR
<br />givinK four weeks notice of the time. trans, and plan of such ask- by adwrtisrnrent not lens than Deere
<br />during cash of esid foar weeks in a newspaper pablisbed or rfiscrihated in tlw teatoty is-which said Prepeely
<br />is situatsd, ail other notice being bercby waived by the mostgagor t sad aid tortgagee, or say petsea at.
<br />behaH of said raortgsgee, may lAd with the unpaid iadebtedaeas eridenoed by said note}. Said salt shs)i be
<br />held at or oo the property to be sold or at the Federal, tarmty, or city courthotue for the rouser is which the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is bercby authorised to a:«uu for sad oa behalf of the mortgagor and w
<br />deliver to the purchaser at arteh ale a soll6cient twnveyaaoe of said property, whisk conrgaa« shall aeataio
<br />etcitais a is the bappesaing of the drdttuk trpoa which the c:eeotion of the power of ale herein granted
<br />depends; sod tlee said atertgagor hexehy caastitata end appoiah the meetgsg« or say agKat mr atttrraer trf the
<br />mortgag«. the agext sad attomty in faM of aid tmrtgttgor to. make sash realt'ahi':ated'to execute stud.
<br />tosrtyanet sad heutbp careaaats anti agraa that the recitals so made ahsil be eEeetual !o bar all e:gaity or
<br />right of rodemptiun, Itumextcad, dower, anef afl other rtxemptians.nf the moztasttor, all of which err, herreh~
<br />ezprealy waived'artd 'ronreye+d to the mortgagee; or
<br />tat! take any other appropriate aelirat punaaut to state ur F'cderrk atstWe rillter in etaty ur t'evkral
<br />rourt ar ttidtwrwise_ior the disposition of the property.
<br />In the crease ad a ale a hereiaheiorc provided, the tortgagor or any pezsono in possasioa order iht mort-
<br />gagor shalt then became and be tenants holdiapt over and .hall forthwith deliver osseeeion to the purchaser m
<br />such ale or be summarily diapoaesaed, in accordaect with the provisiotaa of la over,
<br />The power sad agettc) hereby granted are esupled with an interest and are it v -~pfotMitvwt, and
<br />are y{ra~trtxl as enreulaeive to the remedies for collection of .aid iadebtsdauaa pro -. =~--- .. -,,.
<br />4. The proteeda of say ask of acid property in accordance wteh the preeedinR paregraplts shall be applied first
<br />to pay the tea3s sad aatpgasea ~ said uk; the azpwsrta inorurra~d lrr the rrttFe9~gaget for the purpetee of protecting oz main,
<br />taisxi€tg said prop~ag;-sad,-reasaaabk attosuaye' terb; aeereadlq. €o pay tree iudebtrdracaaaenoetrerl perch) ; steel thir.li).
<br />W pay a:tv snrplna ur etteewut-the puraort.or persons legtalfy rati4~led thc,rctet,
<br />5. f-n too event said property a sold-st a judieiaY foroslossere ask or parsaaat to the power of ale hereinabove
<br />granted, and the protxcds are not sufSeitnl to pay the total indebtedae~s scented by this instrument and evidetrced by
<br />reed premiaory note, the mortgag« will be entitled to a deftciettsy judgment for the amount of the deficiency urithoett
<br />rersard to oppraisemeatt.
<br />6. fn the event the mortgagor faits to pay an) Federal, .rate, or local tan asneasmeut, ius:onee taz ur ~tleer i.ri
<br />lien c{targre, fee, or other eapenae charged against the property the mortgagee is ketch) autfturized at hie optiuu to
<br />pay the aatne. Any rtunta ss paid by the mo~rt f{agte shall be added to and hecwme a part a(tha pritttipal amotrut of the
<br />iudedrtedrtar ovidenrxd by said torte;. subject to the same terms and caadiriotu. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the iodelxedness evideneerl by aid ptomiwory torte, and shall pay curb soma and shall rlittsharge all
<br />usse and. Ikea sad the ctts4, fen„ and esp~aases of making, eaforsiog, and esexuting thu atr~rtgagq thew this mortgage
<br />,heel be aaReeeYud sad aare>rndered.
<br />?• 9"he txweaanu herein tontaiaed shdi bind and the be~ufiV and advautagu shall inure to the rretx•etive suc-
<br />tmeaws atad asQgas of tLe patties hereto. Rbraeru used, the singufsr number shall inetude the plural, the plural the
<br />. asd dx aye ai say gentler shall iaelade all g~ara.
<br />It No watxax evi. any eoreataat hsreia ar of lira ohiigat~tt secured hereby shall at ant tints tlterrafter br hciJ
<br />b be a welter of the terars hereof or of the note settued hereby.
<br />4. A judicial doarw, order. or }ittiaarant holdurg any prorieion or purtiart of this irsstruuroat invalid ur uucn-
<br />taromisic shall trot iw say way imttalr Or arexhrde the enforteraeat of the remaitvin.. u a are;ahs of .F...
<br />~ tlay +<rksan to be ieta¢_' to th. mortgagor purauaW w the peovisicna of thin instrmetept shell be ad•
<br />irawt~textAt~ssanigttRarat ~Il@ 1+lciTth Aaward, Suite 102, Grand. island, NE 68801
<br />atsd say wrftten natter m be iswsd to the mortgages shall
<br />ltesedtgtheatartgsgasat P.t7, r3gx 1`s0?_ .rand .:.tar.3. ,,.. 6~8C1
<br />vo+, 9oxrw rte •~-..r
<br />