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i~ <br />+~IOATGAGEIAANlKy. ~. 23,873- <br />> ALL ~ ev TitES~ PR€setvls: T'nat ~,regcsry W. Baker and Date ta. Baker, each in h~ and <br />her own ricpht and afs sptyise of each other, fir, ~x ar or anoaa. is ¢enaYarailisn a6ffis neat <br />ztiamss ~..nstva 't4rry,aavrv3 lots Eautdtad a~ t+b1101T . <br />kawed to add unrtpyor by The EAttik~e BuIldirt6 and Iwpat Ataoeiation of Caad Islwsd, Alebscita, ltoaryyre, upon 295 aLasas of stock ~ <br />said ASSOC[A770N, CMifaaee No. L 23,873 . de hereby gsam, Gamey and ttaortgasa tmta the gild AffiOCIATtDN tha~toiowkls <br />daaer&yeA rail etaatr, dttra>tnd iA Ntlt C.aunty. Ms$rttda: <br />ZDT iU1F2li1 (2Q) IN LA[v1E r"'OI7fCISi <br />SUBDIVISZCN, eIAIS+ C17iA+fPY, I~AS•etA. <br />logrth¢r wrkh all th¢ tru¢meaxs. !pessetitamenta arM agputersaccs ,her`ttnec t+eMxngpmg, occluding attacl:W fTrxu vvxrtngs, sit w(rldMrr saeem, <br />window sharks, binds, storm wpadaera, awnaga, ivrotutg, au .ututstwnuaa, and ptumbugt aM water cyrnpsnert and acaaorres therrto, ptrrttpt,stbvp, <br />refrtp:rstara, aad u[her fixtures and rgwpmmt now ur hereadter at[sclwd to ur uxd sn ~unrsectam wrth aatd roil rsn[¢. <br />Attd wh¢r¢sa the asd ttxrrtgagx irsa aartrd and ,foss Mtrsbp grrer that ttm a,uatgsgvr ;coil artd wdl pay a{f taxes std as~eats kved or <br />mooed upon acid paemuea aspd upm ihu mortpge atW the Mnvi secured thi eby before tM satoc dull become d¢Unquent; to fttrmish approsed <br />insurance upon the 6wWmp on sad prcrosaes pttsatrd rip the sum of S 29 e:y00. DD payabk to seal 1SSOCfATlOtd and to deliver to stsid <br />AS50CYAT361v t1u polkrta fw sad upwrance: and nut ;a armrmt .x perrtut anY ware un or about sad pr¢mtsra. <br />In :ape u3 d¢fwlt m the peflorrtaunrs of anY of the tsrrm and cvmdttraru o+. this :rx,r[aagc .:r tMe bond stewed hercbY, the rrror[gaae¢ shall, <br />oa ,~.vsu-.l, i~ zrnfisied to itrair p~c.~rrrar .~S the mortpRed pa{ernrasa nn,i the rrn e,gagcm rrrrahY uao~ets, txana(¢ts and arts ovsr [o the <br />ttaazl:[$ya.C ak! thu rents, tevensws azpd reur;me to be der,ved fwm zhr rnrrptgagsd prs[rrr3r~s dxtrtstg such rater as the rmJrpp~gr mdsbtrdn¢aa ztta:! t¢ttmtn <br />wnpauf . arpsi tnr xznr+ty^alpct 5lsaid hxx¢ the lxswrs to appvrusr any atla:nt ra ag¢nta rr nnay ,yra~uc £w rtt< purprrw ul repatrrrgg coal pr¢mppss and ren[tst~ <br />tdre same and coNkw'rspi~ five r¢nta, tek¢nuee and incp;m¢, aad rC may pay [vtat ,f sad iiCrpnr al3 rxpemes of erpuueng said premiiaaa and nec¢srry <br />u;mr».ssmaaoam arW rxyaprta¢s racutr¢d np rrntiag and naupayrtaE thr sarrpa atw9 I <udlra:ttnyp aenta3s ihercFrUm, tna haknce rrrtaptirs4nd, if any, to be <br />ap~ lam. an airs .uscR's gr ad sad nx»s~¢ mdarkpe¢das¢sa,,h¢ar r~lsrs r me .r~..x~tgap¢ erzeq n¢ ~rxuctaad at unY tempt dureag the ¢xiatnxicc of ~st:cM <br />~t auY?, k ~~.atve of aFy t¢tryrvtanY wasvrer of eM¢ assns. <br />i tllrear rreaprrta. Pww,pvws, arc upwr the t'ssod#tVJU, Chat tf tMs auppd !»k prtz;aeTtrt shad rcpu,q card 4s r ,r trofors the natut ty wz"•.f aid ahatrPS by <br />tta9'ptwn I. paY' mmupshlY ao urged A5S704';lATEt:1?ti s:rN' the sum spee;ifiaad rn nApe ltrrin,9 tncFi ul M rehy :s .. sss4 and psp~^upa! oa :axi k nn.., un tr; , <br />fR~ "i'rc¢tatkti~t da'Y +a eaa:M and Irr¢xy nroteth, urgtil aaad Eusn .e i ally twsd: ppiy' ail raxaa and opaaxvaa7irnes i¢a-end ailarnst sauf pmmiaoa and cnn thss Uortgar¢ <br />and ttte Hand ~rxad *_heseL+Y. -tkixc ,i¢ttny ncy. !urrusn apprv:vsd ~ auratu-s u{w:, the Curiuv:gs :hzrsv, ::.the ,wr, ..t S <j, rJQC. GG paYabk <br />t0 said ASSfSCiAT}Oh; rrpay tv, sad A::SOClA7k6'y upon drrrasnd ail nwrrry by rt paid tw such taxatr, aafeaYnenla and answance wt/h mteten a[ <br />the tiaxtmuae kgil rate alpereua t ium date of paytacra[ afi ui wlrr.:t, Mor[gatpu Metrby agrrta iv pay, peumt w waste un sofa prentesea, keep std «pmpiy' <br />with ail the stpupiaa[x std rrudrtrons w Ust 33oaW fur S ~y )p ttus ,lay gtssn My rhs soul hlartaypur to aid ASSOClATlCTN, aad comply <br />with ill raga raquuesipea,[s of the Coosy[wxtn sod By-Laws oT4asd ~,'1ATiOti: then these presents .iu7i bev:unm nail and vwd, u[hetw,ae they <br />ahaRd rcspain =.a £u!S faros atxl tnay os surrciared u tiro optiarv ui the sand A55CX:IATIiy!J aftrt £adur¢ for ehre¢ rtpuntfss to mace any of sod <br />paYNtanta ca 4pe these rruantlw up roars m tmdtmd pfd musthsy payitapnts, ur to rrp and wnppiY wvtM the a rt,teemsnts and cund,twns of said Nvnd: <br />mxl Atorttjgoa asters to Move a recsiasr aptmwt¢d faatiswrtip vn au:h £carcksause gsss:eedtrgts. <br />[f tb¢s¢ ra spy rdugays m os„apwiaup d tiro road ¢uas maxtsasai7 Metern, by oak nrr vthetwm, teen t!K rntur rernauraus udeb[ednea hereby <br />al~lead shah. at tAe opfign ui'1'f4e tepaaa~Dir ®sridki{ and S.oaai Atavciatian of C;rand islaau'!. tiebrarka, berprne smnteda[ei d[x and <br />Y payabk without <br />fte;ilrsa tpatloa, and tYts aarwsaisf aetaewiws dppe ~uuQn anal nssnd, and asy utlur Mend fqi any additional sdvaacea moat tMtrewWer, shall. from the <br />dau upf rxsxq~fa pYf sand n)pttOq, 4¢srr unarm u tale marmpuatp aspi tau, and abut nrur[sase '.may thwn br £rmv;lnseJ to ntiafy the arroutst due on said <br />bread, an9 soy ::Rte; 5cngd €nt adl~Rdsanai awl- a, uyatier rrt3r a:i wass pond 'ey sad 'Ttte Fquitabk 8utidtng and Luaa Assortatton ui Grand Istusd. <br />Ttiel rasia far d'nalftamk, taxes itnd aseavNnsttis. anr1. shaua„trp~ ex:rnarvu .;twrg¢s, wdb emtarrp tl~rrop. lrnm Sou 3t paynsent at the ttuximwn <br />kph raga. <br />-"'~ Ala ut the 6cwsd aga'u:ed I:fri.9y wtgds ttus naaisasa rrraauns m sffec[ the rmrsgapae may hereafter adras,s add,iratal wrns to the <br />rasa of a~~lnstd, ehai'r asssprrw rx sucirsscun ,a niC:rst, :::ur;3t rur~ aMaif! l+s wttMtn the srcwszy of thin nrunHaYe tRu sure a [lu lands at~itullY <br />aRaaptleai tl;twe~ty, rite tiytail aapaaplpa of prarsrapal d¢fal sa x tv rs.,..a at any tame the arisirpaC aaupudt oC [bu raottsass. <br />'~ iJrMrd dkis }~."„ d+Y of L)BC:gekatsZ A. U., I Y $G <br />+f _,~ <br />1 i ~ ~` <br />a.K- rr ~l . <br />S?±AFFi GF NI~gIRA3ICA. ~ Qn ties 3xr1 day of f)ececrtUer 19$p , beEars ur, <br />Y tap HAti„ <br />%r~rrrv PS_ i~.xrro-r .~rxi riai h 3a _ u,<,zazr _ - ., t„~ .a a~~x-.~-in a4wtp~ f~ aawf C'wvupt~. ~ptaity kans¢ <br />Cat1Dt3Z,~ __ _.__T ~ _..___ -__ _.... -..._.. ~„.„v ...,,,...~. .,,~. .may,:., ~.ho 3~ Ixrautu.'hyAadwnto <br />ra to Rte lass i4antadai parua8 wbwit ruos 8 ~a3'~: sfftxm! to the abavvsd>fsnt a rsa;rtgasur5 amd they savually <br />sba road pni!sAHptt to he tli•c1Z.' vu4tpayuy aG and eked. <br />i~t'?'lF3s ~' c__..` atad ~aa:aakl i tA¢ dar¢ afapead, . <br />~. f~ ~` '~_ : ~ '~ ter""". ~ 1 <br />rnredaeu ? ~~kh'£~k tai tXt ~vk~ [iebray,a~ .. <br />f ~.. ohs ~ -+t~~t>aa i <br />~ ~s taepa E=s ter. iE.:~ <br />~LL_.__-i <br />